Citations Needed!

Discussion in 'The Temple of Elemental Evil' started by Shiningted, Aug 22, 2019.

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  1. Shiningted

    Shiningted The Thunder of Justice Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    Hello folks,

    I would like to roll together the various bug-fixes doing the rounds and make them into an actual Add-on. There's not many, but since more than one is sub-optimal, I'll do it. So, please post below anything that needs adding and I will update this first post to reflect it.

    Currently intended to be added:

    A fix for Endarire's Save-Scumming Shop-Map Cheat found HERE

    Rudy's Mod / Daryk Fixes / Domains Spells found HERE DONE

    Sitra Achara's Vigor spell fixes (further down the same page) DONE

    Domain spells tinkering (even further on on pg 7)

    And where is Spell 797 - Greater Shout? Is it in there anywhere? SEEMS TO BE

    Winston's Weapon Glows (see below)

    Flaming Sphere found HERE DONE (yes I'll do the wands and scrolls too)

    Herk's Logbook Fix found HERE and DarkStorm's subsequent bug-finds too

    Sitra Achara's various fixes HERE

    Small-sized Reach Weapons Etc as discussed HERE

    Bardic Music Workaround HERE

    Planar Ally Fix HERE DONE and Fiendish Minotaur .py fix on next page HERE DONE

    Anatoliy's Lightning Bolt fix HERE

    Gaear's Optional Movies (see next page)

    That Dominate Person issue (THIS page) DONE (just changed one scroll to Suggestion)

    I'll fix the Missing Poison: Striped Toadstool description (THIS page) DONE (untested)

    ExtraPlanar Chest / Throne of Gems
    issue further down SAME PAGE (and over), while making Extraplanar Chest be more proactive - see problem HERE. (Use san_insert_items on wands etc?)

    Gecko's Colorblind Mod HERE (if not already in)

    Playful NPCs 1.5! Add chatter for the environmental locations. DONE (in Temple+)

    Maybe a throwback to DH? Maybe two...?

    Fix typo in line 160 of 00550gnarley_witch DONE

    Add Floatline 12200 for NPC followers when resting (Playful NPCs ftw!)

    Allrem discussion HERE (#19 and 20): add Zuggy encounter moment.

    Paladin's Detect Evil still not working (not in ToEE anyways).

    Check if Elmo dying in the party can trigger Butcher of Hommlet (now rep 92)

    Arena of Heroes Master issue HERE ?

    Thrown Bottle issue HERE

    Charm Person should be DC-5 when used in combat as per HERE

    Sitra's Warp Wood fix HERE DONE (and in KotB I suspect).

    Cold Iron Weapons :eek:

    LongDescription.mes entry 4262, error in // comment (not a bug but just fix it) DONE

    Line 17 of Roland's dlg goes to line 50, should be line 80. DONE Plus death bonus :)

    Problems with the Lareth mod preventing the Burne-scroll-seller mod - see HERE.

    Hammyh's suggestion re the Verbobonc Assassin HERE

    Isewein's suggestions below it.

    Factions for Moathouse Respawn undead as per HERE (and see Sitra's warning about the heartbeat HERE), and fix everything with Int of -1 (20 entries, mostly oozes - DONE).

    Prince Thrommel's Dispel Magic and True Seeing activators keep on going. DONE.

    Isewein's fix for Capt Absalom dlg file DONE and suggestions for run-off script HERE

    Kovat's bug in the Courier file HERE

    Make the rapier a stabby weapon HERE

    Gremag / Raimol / Armario problem HERE DONE.

    Problems with Summon Familiar HERE.

    So, what I need is

    - obscure mods like Herk's that get posted occasionally
    - fixes for previous things that get posted occasionally
    - bug fixes that can be easily implemented, for instance, if I royally stuffed up anything to do with the Domain spells then by all means say so (or, more likely, say so again: if you pointed something out at the time and nothing happened, now is most definitely the moment to bring it up again).
    - generally missing things like Help tab entries

    What I don't need

    - any sort of request for new content: "can you make a Wish spell that does whatever I am thinking? And add multiplayer?" Don't. Seriously, just don't.
    - people treating this like some sort of competition or challenge. There is no prize for finding the most issues - if you can find all 718 missing things in, you can FIX all 718 missing things in I am talking about players pointing out individual problems they have encountered, not going looking for things. If you can hunt for them, you can fix them.


    And before anybody asks (not looking at anyone in particular - bah, of course I am) this is only for Co8 NC, it is not for KotB, it is not for Temple+ (but isn't designed to make life difficult for Temple+ but isn't specifically designed for it).


    EDIT: Timeframe - I'll leave this for a few days for people to see and maybe contribute to, then get it done as I can. No promises re a particular release date.
    Last edited: Nov 18, 2024
    FDR4PREZ, sigofmugmort and florian1 like this.
  2. Endarire

    Endarire Ronald Rynnwrathi

    Jan 7, 2004
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  3. Shiningted

    Shiningted The Thunder of Justice Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    Well, I hope this doesn't sound arbitrary, but I have to say no at this stage. One of the guiding principles of the community (such as they have been articulated in the past) is to maintain the basic ethos of the original game - add to it, fix it, but not change it.

    Example - when modders added masterwork weapons to ToEE, they didn't just hack Invensource so they could be sold immediately. First there was the 'giant's head quest' from Brother Smythe, which is meant to be him telling you to sod off, then if you actually fulfill it he feels shamed into holding up his end and making you masterwork gear. Later it was added to other vendors - "what if the wood guy makes masterwork bows when you clear the Deklo Grove?" "What if the leather guy makes masterwork gear when you heal Bing?" - so the logic of the game was respected and worked around and added to. Not changed.

    By your own admission your mod changes this 'realism' element of the game and adds stuff that shouldn't be in a little hamlet where the occasional low-level adventurer comes by. So I'd have to say no - the game already suffers in this regard quite badly, and we should be modding to fix that, not make it worse. (As Allyx pointed out on that thread you made, there is already a big city incorporated into the game where you can buy just about anything. but it's not immediately accessable).

    Your options:

    • create support in here for your idea so that enough of the remaining players demand it, I will of course bow to pressure if it's something everyone wants (there is no point maintaining a principled stand if the community wants to go in another direction)
    • work around the existing stuff in the game, such as maybe adding a scroll vendor at the Welcome Wench who wanders in when the party hit level 3. Or just have Pishella do it - "hey, I've been hearing how well you guys have been doing, so I've scribed a bunch of new level 2 and 3 scrolls if you want to buy them..." (Burne wouldn't be bothered. Level 1 scrolls should be available in the starting area). You'll have to learn a bit of modding to do this, but if you can mod the Invensource.mes file (a very finiky doc that will crash the game with a single error) you can do that.
    • mod the FrontEnd to make your mod optional (best thing to do but also certainly the hardest).
    EDIT: Can I also add that I will make sure this new add-on is compatible with your mod, so people can still pop it on top if they like.
  4. Endarire

    Endarire Ronald Rynnwrathi

    Jan 7, 2004
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  5. Shiningted

    Shiningted The Thunder of Justice Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    Thank's Endarire. I'll check Marc's submissions and update everything accordingly.
  6. Endarire

    Endarire Ronald Rynnwrathi

    Jan 7, 2004
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    I don't recall off-hand if you included it already, but, if not, dump in your Bucket o' Spells!
  7. Shiningted

    Shiningted The Thunder of Justice Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    Well, that's another no because those spells are meant to be optional (they stand out quite jarringly in the spellbook once implemented, I find).

    That being said, I will try to incorporate some more 'options' with this: an Optional folder in the install so people can easily incorporate things like this.
  8. WinstonShnozwick

    WinstonShnozwick Established Member

    Mar 2, 2011
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    What would your opinion be on a mod that changes some of the weapon glows? I looked at them all very closely and determined better colors for them because there were many colors too similar looking and repeated among the glows. It still follows what vanilla looks like for the most part but everything is more distinguishable.
  9. Shiningted

    Shiningted The Thunder of Justice Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    Yeah that sounds fine, are there really that many? White for holy, red for unholy and blue for generally magical are all I have noticed.
  10. WinstonShnozwick

    WinstonShnozwick Established Member

    Mar 2, 2011
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    Here is my analysis. There are 10 colors and as you can see, the vanilla game ones use a lot of blue and red shades that are so close you can hardly tell them apart, as well as the two pinks for chaos and law. I made them more distinguishable.
    weapon glows.png
    sigofmugmort likes this.
  11. Endarire

    Endarire Ronald Rynnwrathi

    Jan 7, 2004
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    I like the more distinct weapon glows.

    @Shiningted Why are your bucket spells so glaringly different?
  12. Shiningted

    Shiningted The Thunder of Justice Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    Does Bane work? Never mind... those look great Winston, post the files by all means.

    @Endarire - the new spells stand out because we are familiar with the standard spell list from, not just a thousand play throughs of ToEE, but PnP, Baldurs Gate, IWD etc etc. When spells like 'Baleful Transposition' and 'Avasculate' suddenly appear, they stick out quite noticeably. Hence, this should remain optional, for people who don't mind that.
  13. WinstonShnozwick

    WinstonShnozwick Established Member

    Mar 2, 2011
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    I just realized I spend all the time testing by changing one file and all I saved was my image with the color palletes. I'll have to sample each one and make the txt for each file, I'll upload it tonight.

    On Acid/Bane; Acid appears to be supported by vanilla ToEE but there are no acid weapons or ways to create acid weapons AFAIK. I haven't checked crafting in a bit so I don't know if Sitra exposed the BANE? ability to crafting like the SRD, but other than crafting I don't know of any method to get BANE? weapons in the game currently. So those two are basically unused, sadly. If I can crack how the hell this weapon glow callback works so I can apply it to a single weapon only, then I would be able to extend glow types with temple+ to add more glows to the game beyond these 10, such as something for thundering, etc..
    Last edited: Sep 1, 2019
  14. WinstonShnozwick

    WinstonShnozwick Established Member

    Mar 2, 2011
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    Here are the files. Installation instructions: unzip the folder. Copy the contents of the "data" folder (not the data folder itself!) into the "data" folder of your ToEE installation.

    If you have Temple+ (not sure if overrides work otherwise), copy instead into the "overrides" folder in your ToEE installation, create an "overrides" folder if it is not there already. I prefer overrides because it won't overwrite the game files in data. In this case though I didn't see any wg_ files in data, so they would be safe from being overwritten regardless.

    Attached Files:

  15. Shiningted

    Shiningted The Thunder of Justice Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    Got 'em, thanks Winston.

    Re acid - well, when I added bottles of acid they just used the damage type D20DT_ACID. Can you temporarily change the damage type of your blade?

    Thundering should provide feedback through your Gamepad with rumblepack.
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