If you need help dolio let me know Edit: Energy resistance mass is actually already availible in my github, when I find time to redo the Nimbus of Light, I will update the .zip in the first post.
So, I got temporarily stymied on tripping hand, and worked on vertigo and some other stuff a bit. (Should be unblocked on tripping hand now, though.) Does ToEE keep track of which creatures are flying? Vertigo says it has less effect on such creatures, although to be honest I'm not sure why, since flying with vertigo seems like it'd be just as bad as standing with vertigo.
@dolio At present, to my knowledge, there's no 'flying' flag. There should be so fly spells can be implemented to ignore the effects of ground hazards like grease and entangle!
I also don't think so. There is a 'flyover' flag for tiles, but this simply means you can see and shoot over them: flying critters like stirges won't cross them (I tried).
Here's another Vertigo question. It seems like the game is auto-failing balance checks (0 on all checks) in ToEE, since it's not considered a valid skill. I think only KOTB actually has the balance skill, right? So, what sort of proxy do people prefer? Or do people actually mod their game to make balance a known skill in ToEE?
Makes sense. I guess what I mean is: do people mod the ToEE module somehow to add Balance as a valid skill (is that even possible)? Or would it only be a spell that is fair in other modules? I suspect most creatures don't actually have ranks in balance, so it wouldn't wouldn't necessitate fixing all creature stats. The problem is that if it's not known to the game at all, creatures don't even get the dexterity modifier they should, and always roll 0. So instead of like a 60+% untrained success rate, it's 0%.
Here is the original protos.tab, featuring Balance (and others): But Kalshane removed all the superfluous entries, so you'd have to put them back in. (Give or take a few like the Giant Tick still having Jump). Up to you if you want to do the work, because you could then force Balance checks for, say, Grease which has the added benefit of already being something the game will use aginst the players. Players can add skills using The Activator, but since there is no use for these skills unless specifically written for by, say KotB or SGoS (and no, KotB did not feature Balance) I don't believe any player has ever done this. But they would if there was a reason. Easy enough to check for ranks in Balance and, if not present, do a Reflex save instead.
I support everything @Shiningted said. For ToEE I would suggest calculating Balance by using reflex check. It is not fair, as Armor Check Penalty applies. But it will do. As for ZMOD I will modify your implementation to use true Balance skill value instead. Another option is to create toee.game.skill_is_visible(toee.skill_balance) function and use it as universal approach. This is up to @Sitra Achara to decide. One additional good thing aside of Grease spell is this:
I thought about something like that but ultimately decided it's not worth the trouble. But if someone wants to add it be my guest.
Well, the issue with checking for ranks in balance is that you can't really tell if they don't have ranks because they didn't train it, or because it isn't available in the module. You can use balance untrained, and using reflex if it's not trained is probably better beyond low levels. Anyhow, I guess I'll probably just make the relevant scripts so that you can easily switch to a real balance check if it makes sense in a given module. Being able to query the game would be more seamless, but the answer isn't going to change frequently, so I agree the value seems pretty low.