
Discussion in 'The Temple of Elemental Evil' started by Scorched_Earth, Jun 22, 2005.

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  1. 0rion79

    0rion79 Established Member

    Apr 9, 2005
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    Sorry, a what? I don't remember this monster's stats. Where is it described?
  2. Lord_Spike

    Lord_Spike Senior Member Veteran

    Mar 25, 2005
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    The Alu-demon is the offspring of the union between a succubus and a human male. The child is always female. A cambion is similar, but is the offspring of a demonic union with a human female. The child in this case is always male. I'm fairly sure that the Alu-demon first appeared in a module somewhere (perhaps T1-4...?) but their first general entry in a catalogue of creatures is in the Monster Manual II of the first edition. The Manual was published in 1983 - the module in 1985...but Gygax & company ran it in their campaign back in the late 70's. For fun, search the web for Alu-demon & discover the basis of this creature from folklore.
  3. Scorched_Earth

    Scorched_Earth Established Member

    May 21, 2005
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    Would that be equivalent to the 2nd edition Alu-fiend?
  4. Lord_Spike

    Lord_Spike Senior Member Veteran

    Mar 25, 2005
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    They are most likely quite similar, but I never got into 2Ed, so...I dunno. Post the stats, and I'll reply with Darley's 1Ed stats later...right now I'm headed to the creek for a little real life adventuring.

  5. Scorched_Earth

    Scorched_Earth Established Member

    May 21, 2005
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    Alright, I'll post'em up when I get home
  6. 0rion79

    0rion79 Established Member

    Apr 9, 2005
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    yes, it should be the same :) phreaps another one to fix......
  7. Shiningted

    Shiningted The Thunder of Justice Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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  8. 0rion79

    0rion79 Established Member

    Apr 9, 2005
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    For me the 3.5 half demon archetipe will work fine for that and I think I'll fix Darley accordingly with that archetipe.... or maybe I'll just make her a full erinni... who knows? ;)
  9. Scorched_Earth

    Scorched_Earth Established Member

    May 21, 2005
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    2nd ed Tanar'ri Alu-Fiend

    The horrid female offspring of succubus and human, look like comely human females with attractive, powerful features. Only their sharp, upsloping eyebrows and wings indicate the truth.

    Innate intuition warns them of impending danger 75% of the time. Restore own hitpoints at expense of their opponents(1d8 dammage, alu-fiend gets half round up). Natural AC 5,HD 2, ThacO 19, AL: CE. Carry both magical armor and weapons. All innate tanar'ri abilities (half dammage from cold/gas/magical fire, no dammage from electricity/nonmagical fire/poison;at will: darkness 15' radius, infravision, teleport without error) plus: at will charm person, ESP, shapechange(to humanoid), suggestion; 1/day dimension door. Infravision 240', and affected only by cold-wrought iron or magical weapons(+1 or better). 10% are 1st to 12th level mages

    I've got the planescape compendium with a very nice pic of one but can't find it online. Here's a nice pic of one I found: http://nwvault.ign.com/fms/Image.php?id=28303
  10. Lord_Spike

    Lord_Spike Senior Member Veteran

    Mar 25, 2005
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    From the Monster Manual II, by Gary Gygax

    AC - 5
    HD - 6+2 to 6+6
    # Attacks - 1
    Damage by weapon type, plus bonus if applicable
    Special Attacks see below
    Special Defenses +1 or better weapon to hit
    Magic Resistance 30%
    Intelligence very to genius
    Alignment Chaotic Evil
    Psionic ability Individuals only

    The alu-demons are the offspring of succubi and humans. They are always female. Their base AC is high because of their demonic heritage, and this can be increased by magical protections, including magic armor. Wearing only mundane protection interferes with the intrinsic protection of alu-demons, so this is never done. If the protection is basically inferior to the normal armor class of the wearer, then only the magical bonus is added, but otherwise full benefit is gained. Thus, +1 leather adds only +1, but +1 plate would increase AC to 2.

    {Note...this will confuse many, as the old system was based on an AC scale of 20 steps from +10 to -10...basic plate mail is AC 3, basic leather is AC 8...so plate is 5 better than leather. Alu demons having an AC of 5 means their natural protection is 5 better than normal humans with AC 10...and you've got to have a special weapon to hit them...read on.}

    Furthermore, alu-demons with a high dexterity gain bonuses as would a normal human. Twenty-five percent of alu-demons are of a genius level. While most of these creatures are able to perform the spell like magic user powers below, those of genius intelligence are actual magic users. Magic use level ranges from 1st through 12th, with equal probabilities for each. Magic use is in addition to intrinsic powers.

    The intrinsic powers of alu-demons, performable 1 at a time, 1 per round*, are: charm person, ESP, shape change (to humanoid form of approximately their own height & weight only), and suggestion. Each can be performed 3 times per day at the 12th level of ability. Dimension door can be used once per day. All alu-demons have superior infravision for 240 feet.

    {*the old minute long rounds...}

    In addition to the ability to employ any sort of weapon regardless of normal class restrictions, alu-demons can at will drain life energy from a person and use half of it to restore their own lost hit points. Such attacks must be from firm touch, indicated by successful to-hit score in melee. From 1-8 points of energy are drained. Energy gained is from 1-4 hit points, with fractions rounded up.

    Alu-demons can be harmed only by cold wrought iron or magic weapons. They have a natural resistance to magic. Some 20% are not totally devoted to evil

    Alu-demons appear quite human, having only vestigal horns. Only their rather small bat wings betray them for what they actually are.

    {Final thought: does this mean someone can mod an alu-demon PC for the community...?}
  11. Cujo

    Cujo Mad Hatter Veteran

    Apr 4, 2005
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    Its not very likely to get one that looks right unless someone can edit the models, thats something I'd love to be able to do but don't have the programs to do it on.
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