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Discussion in 'The Temple of Elemental Evil' started by Endarire, Jan 30, 2016.

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  1. zugschef

    zugschef Established Member

    Nov 4, 2012
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    Well, in pnp the spell is primarily used to trap efreeti and slap them until they agree to grant you free wishes.
  2. Endarire

    Endarire Ronald Rynnwrathi

    Jan 7, 2004
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    Planar binding in ToEE would act as a longer-term (hour/CL?) summoning spell for Outsiders and Elementals. Icewind Dale II handles it that way.
  3. Endarire

    Endarire Ronald Rynnwrathi

    Jan 7, 2004
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    Will-o'-Wisp 3.5 entry.

    Wisps are immune to all spells that allow SR (save maze and magic missile). Cloudkill and most conjurations don't allow SR. Whether they should be affected (due to being an Air Aberration) is another matter.
    Last edited: Feb 8, 2016
  4. Endarire

    Endarire Ronald Rynnwrathi

    Jan 7, 2004
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    -Orange ioun stones!

    -Easy Metamagic feat for Empower, Maximize, Quicken, and Widen.

    -Moment of prescience

    -Mind blank.

    -Plane shift as a Will-based save-or-die.

    -True seeing for characters besides Clerics.

    -Mass invisibility

    -Contingency! Baldur's Gate did it via another window. I'd still like to have this implemented. (One of my favorite Wizard spells!)

    -Wizard spells of level 6+, especially 8+

    -Mass fire shield

    -Mass shield of faith

    -Greater mage armor

    -Nightshield (also counting as resistance when crafting items)

    -Mass mage armor (also counting as mage armor for crafting).

    -All spells from this list not yet implemented.

    -Orb and lesser orb spells (like orb of acid)

    -Mass buff spells found here

    -Allowing chain lightning to be used in making shocking (burst) weapons.

    -Allowing cone of cold to be used in making icy (burst) weapons.

    -Allowing delayed blast fireball to be used in making flaming (burst) weapons.
    Last edited: Feb 8, 2016
  5. Endarire

    Endarire Ronald Rynnwrathi

    Jan 7, 2004
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    -Alter self and polymorph would be handy were they limited to specific forms. The polymorph handbook and alter self handbook are good starts for forms to include, should things work.
  6. Shiningted

    Shiningted The Thunder of Justice Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    That list says Detect Poison isn't in the game, but I have a paladin cast it in KotB...

    I guess that could be done, but I couldn't give you the radial choice - it'd be determined by alignment or something.
    Yeah, that'd work... would smarter critters cast Dimensional Anchor on themselves for protection? Could the party use it to travel to the nodes? Hmmm...
    Not sure I can do it anything like the spell is meant to be.
    I don't see the point in ToEE other than individual plot-relative moments - when do folks use Divinations on you? What do you have in mind?
    Mass spells (besides Mass Enlarge) should be doable if the single spell is doable.
    That one's easy, but is it a house rule? Also, getting it to stand in for regular mage armour when crafting is probably easy but I don't know how to do it (I used to ask Allyx to do all my crafting).
    Again, could be done (possibly messy but could be done, Shield with no armour bonus and then Spell Resistance) but as above re crafting and being a house rule.
    Familiar with those, but as above.

    Lemme think about all this Endarire... I am happy to add lots of easy spells
    Is that RAW?
    Last edited: Feb 8, 2016
  7. Endarire

    Endarire Ronald Rynnwrathi

    Jan 7, 2004
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    -Moment of Prescience: Guidance was my inspiration for this. MOP is a higher level, more powerful version.

    -Plane Shift: Dimensional anchor/dimensional lock would prevent planar travel and the 'die' effect. Traversing the nodes is a possibility.

    -Planar Binding: This spell in RAW seems to exist to trap genies and force them to give you Wishes. This is NOT the same as Planar Ally which is alignment-dependent.

    -Mass Enlarge Person: I'd still like this. Very handy for a melee party!

    -Permanency: I'd like this spell added as well. Spending EXP to make Enlarge Person (and other buffs which don't otherwise exist in item form) permanent (or just suppressed if dispelled or in an Antimagic Field) seems worth it.

    -Crafting and prereq spells: I add these as alternatives because of Sorcerers and Wizard scroll access. As a Sorcerer, I'd prefer not to have to choose between learning Ice Storm so I can craft Icy Burst weapons and a spell I'd like to actually use. (My view on crafting items in 3.5 is more of a vending machine than an epic quest to gather reagents. One fiery spell known of level X or higher should suffice, even if it isn't RAW.)

    -Greater Mage Armor: Spell Compendium has this spell. It's official 3.5 and officially setting-neutral.
  8. Endarire

    Endarire Ronald Rynnwrathi

    Jan 7, 2004
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    -Spell Suggestions: In general, I'm asking for stuff that seems easily implemented. Here are some other suggestions!

    -Baleful Polymorph (turn target into an effective toad, squirrel, or other radial menu-selected creature until dispelled or killed)

    -Enervation: d4 negative levels to its target. Each negative level is -5 HP, -1 to all skills and saves, -1 accuracy, and -1 caster level.

    -Fire Trap

    -Kelgore's Grave Mist (Player's Handbook II): Seems easy. To all in the area, it's 2d6 cold damage and the Fatigued condition per round. Spell resistance negates only Fatigued.

    -Mordenkainen's Private Sanctum (prevent random encounters while resting on this map for the spell's duration)

    -Rainbow Pattern: Fascinates creatures in an area (max 24 HD). Should be simple.

    -Scrying: In ToEE, opens the current map and lets the caster pick a certain area (a screen's worth?) to reveal.

    -Shadow Conjuration: Radial menu, choose which spell to mimic from SumMon I-III; Mage Armor, Greater Mage Armor, Grease, Web; and Glitterdust. Creatures deal 20% damage and Grease/Web/Glitterdust have a separate Will save with a 20% failure rate. Alternatively, just give an extra Will save for half or to negate against all effects.

    -Shadow Evocation: As Shadow Conjuration, but the options are Burning Hands, Fireball, Fire Shield Chill, Fire Shield Warm, Flaming Sphere (that's in the game, right?), Ice Storm, Lightning Bolt, Magic Missile, Otiluke's Resilient Sphere.

    -Symbol spells (Symbol of Persuasion, Symbol of Death, etc.)

    -Wall of Fire: Places a flaming wall in an area to deal fire damage over time (extra vs. Undead). 'Rotate' the wall using a radial menu for 45 degree increments. (Samples: |, \, -, / )

    -Wall of Force: As Wall of Ice, but invincible (but still attackable - just use invincible chests as a base) and orientable via radial.

    -Wall of Ice: Blocks passage with a destructible wall. Destroying the wall deals cold damage in a 5' (10'?) radius. Radial menu to orient.

    -Waves of Fatigue: A cone of no-save-just-Fatigue.

    -=WIZARD LEVEL 6=-
    -Acid Fog: Seems easy. It's Solid Fog with an AC penalty and acid damage over time to those in the area.

    -Bigby's Forceful Hand: For ToEE, it's a summoned creature that can bull rush, but otherwise not deal damage/trip/grapple. (Just make its non-bull rush attributes so low as to auto-fail or thereabouts.)

    -Control Water: No-save Dominate against [Water] type creatures like water elementals and water gargoyles

    -Create Undead: More like 'summon Undead' - unless the minions stay between maps. If summoned, remove the material cost.

    -Eyebite: Seems easy. Use Holy Word as a model for HD-dependent effects.

    -Flesh to Stone ('paralyzes' a target, ignores Freedom of Movement, turns them into a gray rock model of themselves)

    -Freezing Fog (Spell Compendium): My favorite Conjuration crowd control I haven't tried yet! It's Solid Fog + Grease + cold damage over time while in the fog!

    -Globe of Invulnerability: Just a better version of the Lesser.

    -Otiluke's Freezing Sphere: Just have it deal circular cold damage, like a cold fireball (max 15d6, or 15d8 against [Water] creatures).

    -Repulsion: I'd like to include this. Just not sure how the 'can't draw nearer' mechanic would work in this engine.

    -Shadow Walk: Increases party movement speed by 50. Stacks with Longstrider, Expeditious Retreat, and Haste, but not with itself.

    -Stone to Flesh: Undoes Flesh to Stone. In ToEE, have it deal d6 damage/CL to [Earth] creatures like Gargoyles and Earth Elementals. (And Stone Golems if we ever get them!)

    -Wall of Iron: As Wall of Ice except a Reflex save vs 10d6 when the wall falls.

    -=WIZARD LEVEL 7=-
    -Bigby's Grasping Hand: As Bigby's Forceful Hand, but can also grapple.

    -Ethereal Jaunt: As Blink but without the 50% miss chance and no downsides to being ethereal. Also grants spell resistance equal to 20 + the caster's CL to mimic true etherealness.

    -Forcecage: Radial menu to choose a barred cage or a total confinement cage. May need radial options to orient the cage a la Wall of Force.

    -Greater Scrying: In ToEE, reveal the entire current map.

    -Greater Shadow Conjuration: As normal Shadow Conjuration, but add these options with a 60% (instead of 20%) damage coefficient and chance of success: SumMon IV-VI, Acid Fog, Cloudkill, Extraplanar Chest, Freezing Fog, (Lesser) Planar Binding, Mordenkainen's F Hound, Teleport, Wall of Iron.

    -Mass Invisibility: Mass greater invisibility so the spell's useful.

    -Project Image: Summons a duplicate of you (as an NPC?) with all of your currently-equipped gear and stats at cast time. This gear cannot be removed. This image is immune to damage and status effects (except dispelling and antimagic), can't pick up any items, nor can it physically attack (or it just does 0 damage), nor does it drop its items when the spell duration expires. This image can cast spells. Either it casts spells from a shared pool with you (as seems the intent) or gets a copy of all spells to cast you had prepared/able to spontaneously cast from all your combined class lists (a la Baldur's Gate II).

    -Prismatic Spray: Roll a d8 (ignoring consecutive rerolls of '8') and deal damage, deal poison (with a Fort save to negate), petrify (as per Stone to Flesh), make insane (as per Insanity), or 'kill' foe via Plane Shift.

    -Reverse Gravity: Any non-flying creature (thus, any non-winged, non-[Air] subtype creature) is Dazed for 1 round/CL, possibly with a Reflex save to negate.

    -Simulacrum: As Project Image, but instantaneous/undispellable duration, can deal physical damage, and has half your levels.

    -Spell Turning: Have it reflect a certain number of spells or spell levels, even if Spell Turning doesn't have enough power to reflect the full amount of spell levels.

    -Statue: The target gains hardness or DR 8/-.

    -Teleport Object: In ToEE, this teleports the selected object(s) to a vendor specializing in that item (max sell value instead of 1/2) and teleports the money back to you. No refunds.

    -Waves of Exhaustion: A cone of no-save-just-Exhaustion.

    -=WIZARD LEVEL 8=-
    -Bigby's Clenched Fist: As the level 7 Bigby spell, but it can single attack (and seemingly full attack with Haste).

    -Clone: Cast this spell while alive. Its effects are instantaneous or permanent. If you die while Clone is affecting you, you immediately revive where you stand at full HP and no status ailments. (No ability damage/drain/penalty, no blindness, etc.)

    -Create Greater Undead: As Create Undead (to make permanent minions with a GP cost or summon temp help with no GP cost), but with different options available.

    -Dimensional Lock: Area of Dimensional Anchor.

    -Greater Shadow Evocation: As Shadow Evocation, but also 70% real/damaging and with these extra options: Bigby's Hands (Level 5, 6, and 7), Chain Lightning, Cone of Cold, Contingency (?), Delayed Blast Fireball (with the standard DBF delay), Forcecage (?), Mordenkainen's Sword, Otiluke's Freezing Sphere, Prismatic Spray, Wall of Force (?).

    -Iron Body: You gain damage reduction 15/adamantine. You are immune to blindness, critical hits, ability score damage, deafness, disease, drowning, electricity, poison, stunning, and all spells or attacks that affect your physiology or respiration, because you have no physiology or respiration while this spell is in effect. You take only half damage from acid and fire of all kinds. However, you also become vulnerable to all special attacks that affect iron golems. You gain a +6 enhancement bonus to your Strength score. You DON'T gain the penalties this spell normally grants, because that makes the level -8- spell not worth casting!

    -Incendiary Cloud: AoE fire damage and Fog Cloud rider effect.

    -Maze: Any non-minotaur creature not affected by Dimensional Anchor or/and Dimensional Lock is made invincible and invisible and immaterial (and perhaps teleported away) until it passes its INT check or the spell expires. If Mazed, a creature can use Plane Shift or Gate to escape to its previous location.

    -Mind Blank: Immunity to mind control (as per Protection from Evil), including charms and compulsions for 24 hours.

    -Otiluke's Telekinetic Sphere: Move the Otiluke's Resilient Sphere and its contents as a move action.

    -Otto's Irresistible Dance: The subject gains the Dancing status (as Dazed, but -4 AC, -10 Reflex, loses its Shield bonus to AC, can't move, and provokes AoO at the start of each turn).

    -Polymorph Any Object: Turn the target into a CR 13-18ish creature for 1 hour/CL. Permit casting in this new form. Alternatively, turn an item into its sell value in gold (not 50%). Use the radial menu to select 'morph creature' or 'sell object' when casting.

    -Prismatic Wall: Prismatic Spray effect in a Wall. Radially-oriented like other Wall spells.

    -Protection from Spells: +8 resistance bonus to all saves. No material component, because that's just insulting.

    -Scintillating Pattern: Color Spray is a helpful base with a modified area. Duration-wise, make it 3 rounds (the minimum for the spell) or 1 round/CL (since that seems fair for a level 8 effect).

    -=WIZARD LEVEL 9=-
    -Bigby's Crushing Hand: As the level 8 Hand, but let it attack 4 times on a full attack. Also, increase its stats to match its level 9 description. (Otherwise, the spell seems ick.)

    -Energy Drain: Give the target d4 negative levels + 1 additional negative level/CL. Yes, the spell officially says 2d4, but a Maximized Empowered Enervation does better than this, and I'm able to kill foes with Wail of the Banshe en masse! Alternatively, just make it a ranged touch "no save just die' for anything without SR (spell resistance) and that isn't immune to negative energy.

    -Etherealness: A mass version of Ethereal Jaunt. Let it affect 1 target/CL.

    -Freedom: For 1 hour/CL, the subject is immune to anything Freedom of Movement would prevent, as well as the statuses Imprisoned (from the Imprisonment spell) and Mazed.

    -Foresight: The subject gains +50 initiative (to ensure it's never surprised nor flat-footed, and to account for the 'danger sense' aspect of this spell), +2 AC, and +2 Reflex.

    -Gate: Radial menu functionality: Escape Maze/Call Creature. Creatures callable are CR17ish+, like Balors, Elemental Monoliths (Complete Arcane 156), Solars, and Titans and last for 1 round/CL. Enforce the 1000EXP cost per casting.

    -Imprisonment: Radial menu selection: Crushing Prison (Will save vs death), Stasis Prison (Will save vs an undispellable, permanent Mazed condition that Dimensional Anchor/Lock won't ward against)

    -Mordenkainen's Disjunction: Mass Greater Dispel Magic with a caster limit of 25. Anyone affected must make a Will save or have their magic items be treated as nonfunctional (or be given the 'Antimagic' status, depending on implementation).

    -Prismatic Sphere: Any foe entering double your melee threat range is subjected to this personal, mobile Prismatic Wall. (In ToEE, friends are explicitly immune to this spell.)

    -Shades: As Greater Shadow Conjuration, but 80% real/damaging and also including Conjuration spells of level 7 and 8. You know the drill.

    -Shapechange: Transforms you (nearly) into any creature you could Gate in - Elemental Monoliths perhaps excluded. Use the radial menu to change forms while Shapechange is active.

    -Time Stop: Give the subject d4+1 extra turns. Implementation-wise, consider making all actions free actions (as if casting a Quickened spell, but without the action tax for spontaneous casters) for a certain period of time to mimic this.

    See? These things can be adapted for ToEE.
    Last edited: Feb 9, 2016
  9. Shiningted

    Shiningted The Thunder of Justice Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    Ahhh, this brings back memories...
    I get that, but are you asking for a genie to be trapped and grant wishes (not really applicable in ToEE) or for some sort of summoned outsider meat-shield, which is what your description of Icewind Dale II sounds like? Because I can do the latter, but as I said, without the radial menu so summoning based on alignment for sensibility.

    Your list bcontains an interesting mixture of

    - spells that are already in (eg Eyebite)

    - spells that are being added with the Domain spell mod (eg Create Undead)

    - spells that are impractical.

    I won't spoil the surprise of saying which is which, but I will deal with a few of them:

    - anything involving the radial menu: not practical at this time. The radial menu spells that were added (eg Summon Nature's Monster VIII) were done, afaict, by the quirk of just following the existing sequence, and even then had some very tricky scripting. Other spells not practical.

    - Wall of this and that: not practical

    - Bigby's this and that: also not practical

    - anything involving fatigue / exhaustion: attempted recently using barbarian's fatigue effect, not practical

    - acid fog: looks easy, dunnit? And I got a passable version working. but because the spells are alphabetical, that took up location 0, and the game hates that. It broke the game, according to Gaear, and he was the poor fella who had to unbreak it.

    There's some good ideas here, like Dimensional Lock, which I can certainly have a go at, but I have to remind you otherwise that many folks (including some really good spell guys like Darmagon and jesse heinig) have gone over these lists before.

    Anyways, none of this is a dogmatic statement on my behalf. If anyone else can get these going, have at it! I'm just answering from my own knowledge of my limitations. Keep in mind a lot of spells were done simply because someone wanted to get this or that spell in, thought "maybe I can adapt such-&-such' (like you've suggested with Prismatic Spray - but that's an 'already in') and gone for it.
  10. Endarire

    Endarire Ronald Rynnwrathi

    Jan 7, 2004
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    Thanks for the update!

    If Acid Fog is a problem due to the name, call it Endarire's Acid Fog. Gygax's crew (Melf, Otto, etc.) named spells after themselves. We can too - for technical reasons!

    I added the spells to the above lists as I did to help ensure all Wizards got access to at least 1 spell of each school from level 5+.

    Others to consider:

    Energy Immunity (Spell Compendium): Target becomes immune to a chosen energy type.

    Protection from All Elements (D&D Online): Protection from Energy but level 5 (Cleric/Druid/Wizard) and wards against all 5 energy types (Acid/Cold/Elec/Fire/Sonic). There's also a level 7 Mass version.

    Mass <X>: Mass Resist Energy, Mass Protection from Energy, Mass Shield of Faith, see previous link about Mass buffs.

    Greater Resistance & Superior Resistance (Spell Compendium): +4 and +6 to all saves, respectively, for 24 hours.

    Lightning Web (Adapted from 1E or 2E's 'Darklight's Lightning Web' spell): This level 6 Evocation [Electricity] Wizard spell functions as Web, except the web is made of glowing, damaging electricity, dealing d6/2CL damage per round (max 10d6) to all those within, and a Lightning Web is immune to fire damage.
    Last edited: Feb 9, 2016
  11. Endarire

    Endarire Ronald Rynnwrathi

    Jan 7, 2004
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    Instead of doing things via the radial menu, what about bringing up a menu like the one that appears when you choose the feat Weapon Focus?
  12. Shiningted

    Shiningted The Thunder of Justice Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    Ummm? Well if you can think of a spell that does that so I can copy the script... anything that just works off the game engine can't really be modded, except with a .dll hack.
  13. Endarire

    Endarire Ronald Rynnwrathi

    Jan 7, 2004
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    I know of no current spell that uses such a menu. How could a radial menu spell (like SumMon) be modified for other purposes, like wall of fire placement?
  14. Endarire

    Endarire Ronald Rynnwrathi

    Jan 7, 2004
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    Other suggestions:

    -Allow +4 and +5 craftable weapons, armor, and shields.

    -Allow Spell Storing weapons. In-game, these could cast a targeted level 0-3 spell centered on whoever it hit. A radial menu option (like with guidance or Power Attack) would toggle whether to expend the stored spell.
  15. Endarire

    Endarire Ronald Rynnwrathi

    Jan 7, 2004
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    -Add Bane weapons. Whatever foes are on the Ranger's favored enemy list should be available as Bane weapons.

    -Any vendor that sells Wizard scrolls should sell all of them 100% of the time after restocking. This prevents hassle coming from checking spreadsheets and new players wondering what's going on.

    -Wish and limited wish could work like in Baldur's Gate II. Summon a genie who, through dialog, grants a specific wish. (Cast a certain spell from a certain class, impose a -7 penalty on someone, etc.) This dialog window could theoretically work with wall spells, too!
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