Granted, you eat the watermelon for S_D. However, since it's as small as an apple you still feel hungry... though slightly less. I wish I was smarter. (Come on, kick me! )
Granted,your intelligence and property of mind encompasses many related mental abilities, such as the capacities to reason, plan, solve problems, think abstractly, comprehend ideas and language, your opinion is sought after by all great thinkers near and wide, but of course this attracts other smart ones with other things in mind.
Recap: Thread re-opened; it is sirchet's turn to wish. He forgot to make a wish last time, and Shadow_Dragoon called him a thread killer. Actually, he wasn't; although this was the 2nd time he forgot to wish, hence the labeling. You have to corrupt the wish of the previous poster, then make a new wish; that's how it works. I closed this because it was getting silly rather than creative, so if it gets that way again, the 3rd time will be the charm. Or, if it goes more than 3 days without a new post. Enjoy it while it lasts!:drunk:
Earning the title "Thread Killer" wasn't my intention at all, just got caught up in being generally silly and forgot to make a wish. :doh: I wish: I were more humble .
Granted. You can now talk to clouds. (Which, by DC's standards, can technically be a 'super' power.) However, you soon grow bored of your power, because clouds don't really have a lot to say. I wish it wasn't so cold in Pennsylvania this time of year.
granted, masive earthquakes rock the world as the east coast of north america moves south east rapidly with in weeks coliding with the westen sahara. what is currently Pennsylvania now has a balmy desert climate. the side effects of the earthquakes and subsiquent tsunamies) bring on a new dark age as world ecomamies colapse, local infrastructure is damaged beyond repair and nuclear power plants melt down. so thanks alot ShadowDragoon, you just ruined the world, you shouild be more careful what you wish for. I wish I had art supplies
Granted, Art hits a large bump in the road while driving by your house and all of the supplies in the back of his truck bounce out and land in your drive way. Unfotunatly, Art was on his way to fix the hole in your mother's roof. Now she has to wait until Art can afford more supplies. I wish I would get a raise.
granted, you find yourself at 30,000 feet above sea level, but only for a second as gravity takes its hold... I wish my car was road legal.
Granted. Your car is road legal...but you find you have been transported with it to a strange foreign land with odd customs & even odder people inhabiting it...and a whole shitload of junk cars on the road. Welcome to South Carolina! mg: I wish someone else would steal this wish...
granted, but I'll use it for the most evil of purposes... I wish that this thread would come back to life.
Granted. But now you have to deal with me posting utterly uncreative and un thought about posts just to get my post count going again. I wish that I wasnt allergic to cats.