Will there be additional portraits in 4.0.0?

Discussion in 'The Temple of Elemental Evil' started by sweet_irony, Mar 30, 2005.

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  1. sweet_irony

    sweet_irony Member

    Aug 4, 2004
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    If not, how can I add additional, or replace, photos in ToEE?
  2. sweet_irony

    sweet_irony Member

    Aug 4, 2004
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    Also, I am one of those that gets pretty confused with the patching order. I hope someone will give thorough instructions as to how to use 4.0.0 with a fresh install AND/OR with 3.0.4
  3. lord_graywolfe

    lord_graywolfe Wolfman

    Apr 30, 2004
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    well as for adding custom pics there is a thread that i will bump up to the top here for you to read. i had some problems and we worked them out in that thread. if your answer isnt there let us know and we will try to figure it out
  4. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    Interesting you should mention this . . .

    Morpheus, I suppose this is best directed at you:

    I've created a portrait pack for ToEE that adds 5 portraits (up to the current max of 42). The emphasis of this endeavor was to retain the ToEE artistic aesthetic while expanding on the portrait base. In this endeavor I made several of the pointy-eared portraits into human-eared ones, as a lot of people complain that there are too many elf-type portraits and not enough human ones. I haven't eliminated the elf portraits, just added their human cousins. I believe the additions were 1 wizard type female, 1 druid type female, 1 rogue type female, 1 ranger type male, and 1 could-be-anything type male. Lastly, I eliminated the idiot smiling halfling with his arms crossed and replaced him with the Romag Commander guy from the tutorial that everyone loves so much. There is no hoaky "original" material or IWD2 add-ons.

    The portrait pack ends up having 7 rounded ear females, 7 rounded ear males, 7 pointy ear females, 7 pointy ear males, the 6 original dwarves, the 6 original half-orcs, and the 2 heavy armor type guys. Oh yeah, there were actually 7 half-orcs, but one looked more like an elf so I grouped her with the pointy-eared folk.

    I tried to upload this some time ago, but encountered the same file size limitations as dulcaoin has. If you feel that it would be appropriate for "official" release with 4.0.0, in response to the desires of people like sweet_irony, then you're welcome to it. If not, my feelings won't be hurt. ;)

    I suppose, in retrospect, that Co8's probably not interested in endorsing any particular portrait pack, since portraits are easily moddable and widely modded, but I thought I'd offer it anyhow.

  5. Rook Hudson

    Rook Hudson Member

    Jan 22, 2005
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    The lack of portraits offered by Troika when they put the game on sale really annoys me, as I understand it annoys others. If nothing else it shows that the people down at Troika really did a rush job on this game and couldn't wait to get it on the shelves back in 2003. If they had just spent a few more months developing this game, ironing out the obvious bugs, and putting a good portfolio of portraits together to choose from then TOEE would have a much better game than it actually was when first released. I mean the current official number of portraits on offer is abysmal, and screams for improvement. I hope that one day, when all the modifications, patches and the like are all put together for the big final 'this-is-it' patch, that it includes about two or three times the number of portraits currently in the game. What's there now really sucks. Whoever at Troika was responsible for portraits in TOEE was obviously not paying attention. TOEE needs more portraits !
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