Whatever Happened To ...

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by maalri, Feb 1, 2009.

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  1. maalri

    maalri Immortal

    Nov 22, 2005
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    Oh Shoot, Endarire-Don't let GA82, or resident Guardian Angel, hear you donw-talking his DDO! :p

    I am glad you returned to try it again, wait until you reach the new stuff, AFTER Zuggy!

    I usually GM, but decided to let a friend from work welcome me into the world of D&D Next (5th edition). We've been at it for about 7 months now, playing about once every 3 weeks on average.

    I like it some, but then some parts are extremely stupid, such as getting every single hit point back after an 8 hr rest an Beastmaster Rangers having to sacrifice their every turn to control one follower in a fight.

    So, I am currently making up my own "House Rules" for D&D Next, which I call D&D Ed 5.2 :)

    I understand that time crunch on gaming! If you lived near me I'd invite you when I kick off MY game, which will be soon!!
  2. GuardianAngel82

    GuardianAngel82 Senior Member

    Oct 3, 2007
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    Go ahead and dump on DDO all you like. It's just the closest MMO version of 3.5 there is out there. Since it's an MMO, you have to do everything real-time, so it's not that close of a simulations of table-top.

    Neverwinter has a faint approximation of of the 4.0 rules, but it's exactly the same as Guild Wars 2, etc. Grouping sucks there, and there are some minor griefing issues. Its art work and atmosphere are outstanding, though.

    I don't know of any online, non-browser imitations of D&D other than those 2.
  3. Endarire

    Endarire Ronald Rynnwrathi

    Jan 7, 2004
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    I grew tired of DDO after about 2 years of subscribing but not feeling like I was valued. DDO was initially interesting and appealing to me and I wanted it to be much more than it was. I offered feedback on the official boards. I played with friends. I had weekly raids. Ultimately, though, the combination of wasted potential (in lore and mechanics) and the grind, grind, grind just turned me off.
  4. Dhoom

    Dhoom BIG Troll Berserker

    Sep 25, 2003
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    I can't believe I remembered the password to this account.

    15 year Anniversary check in!

    Heard about Temple+ recently, going to do a Temple+C08 game when I get bored with my current Roguetech/Battletech game.

    Anyway, just thought I'd say "Heeeeeey".

    Illustair likes this.
  5. maalri

    maalri Immortal

    Nov 22, 2005
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    Checking in- Probably going to start this back up again. It IS such a fun game. Bought it on GoG this time, as I do not have a disk reader. After about 3 years of playing WoW since the release of Classic again, I finally got burned out. At least for a while :) Was also thinking of looking into The Crown of the Magister. I hear it is pretty good.
    Illustair likes this.
  6. Buffed Rabbit

    Buffed Rabbit Established Member

    Jun 11, 2021
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    What is the 'The Crown of the Magister'? A mod?
  7. Dhoom

    Dhoom BIG Troll Berserker

    Sep 25, 2003
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    I, too, am still lurking around!

    Solasta: Crown of the Magister, would be my guess.
    Illustair likes this.
  8. dolio

    dolio Established Member Supporter

    May 30, 2005
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    I've been playing Solasta recently, and I'd definitely recommend checking it out. The dialogue isn't stellar (should probably be no problem for ToEE enthusiasts). But it has a lot of charming aspects, and some of the combat engine details are superior to even ToEE, like lighting actually mattering, and 3D positioning with flying.

    I think my main gripe with that aspect is that the actual visuals of the game don't necessarily correlate with the game mechanical lighting, so it's easy to trick yourself. There's a later area that is actually pitch black unless you have light sources, and I think most of the game should be closer to that. But instead, most of the "darkness" areas in the game just look dimly lit, and are sometimes indistinguishable from actually dimly lit areas. That's a minor complaint, though.

    Edit: I started playing multiplayer mode with some friends, and one chose a bard. I highly recommend trying one. The bardic spell casting animation is phenomenal (especially with bongos).
    Last edited: May 19, 2023
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