Dare to contradict us will you!?!? :rant: Thats kewl Sirchet, as long as you figured it out. :wave: Edit: Since I am going a-hacking, does things like taking War proficiency with this or that diety actually work?
there are 5 gods with the war domain, Heironeous (Longsword), Hextor (Flails), Eyrthnul (Morningstar), Corellon Larethian (Longsword) and Grumesh (Spear and posibley longspear). I know the first 3 work (ie free weapon focus and MWP if required), I can't remember if the last 2 work but I'm pretty sure they do.
RE: the Soul Hammer/Greathammer issue. I've been trying to figure out why this isn't working, and this is What I've come up with. The protos.tab deffinately states that Moradin's Soul Hammer is a warhammer, as is the greathammer, regular warhammer and masterwork warhammer... The only differences I can find that could affect the way the feats work with these weapons is the capitalization of the first letter in the weapon type. EG. The warhammer and masterwork warhammer are listed as "Warhammer" and are reported to work, but the others are listed as "warhammer" and are reported to be broken.
Yeah I got MWP Heavy Flail and Weapon Focus (Heavy Flail) as well, with Hextor. Unfortunately hacking in the light flail does NOT give either of them - losing 2 feats really sux. Anyways, I have activated the following feats: {44}{Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Hand Crossbow)} {92}{Greater Weapon Focus (Light Flail)} {98}{Greater Weapon Focus (Trident)} {107}{Greater Weapon Focus (Halberd)} {112}{Greater Weapon Focus (Composite Shortbow)} {114}{Greater Weapon Focus (Composite Longbow)} {168}{Improved Critical (Light Flail)} {174}{Improved Critical (Trident)} {183}{Improved Critical (Halberd)} {188}{Improved Critical (Composite Shortbow)} {190}{Improved Critical (Composite Longbow)} {216}{Improved Shield Bash} {236}{Martial Weapon Proficiency (Light Flail)} {242}{Martial Weapon Proficiency (Trident)} {251}{Martial Weapon Proficiency (Halberd)} {256}{Martial Weapon Proficiency (Composite Shortbow)} {258}{Martial Weapon Proficiency (Composite Longbow)} {444}{Weapon Focus (Light Flail)} {450}{Weapon Focus (Trident)} {459}{Weapon Focus (Halberd)} {464}{Weapon Focus (Composite Shortbow)} {466}{Weapon Focus (Composite Longbow)} {516}{Weapon Specialization (Light Flail)} {522}{Weapon Specialization (Trident)} {531}{Weapon Specialization (Halberd)} {536}{Weapon Specialization (Composite Shortbow)} {538}{Weapon Specialization (Composite Longbow)} {70}{Greater Weapon Focus (Spiked Gauntlet)} {146}{Improved Critical (Spiked Gauntlet)} {422}{Weapon Focus (Spiked Gauntlet)} {494}{Weapon Specialization (Spiked Gauntlet)} {482}{Weapon Focus (Hand Crossbow)} {554}{Weapon Specialization (Hand Crossbow)} {206}{Improved Critical (Hand Crossbow)} {130}{Greater Weapon Focus (Hand Crossbow)} And done the necessaries in the protos.tab, it is all going well (though I haven't tested our current hand crossbow, and Improved Shield Bash is of course for later expansion). Even found a pleasant bonus, Elves automatically get MWP Composite bows (as they should). Spiked Gauntlet just seems to be proficient to anyone, which is broken (should be MWP as ShadowDragon said) but its a minor detail. I have scripted a simple workaround for missing feats (wherein u get them the moment Jade Empress speaks to u at the very start of the game) based on Darmagon's 'adding proto bonuses by script' idea, though I am having troubles making it work as it should. We'll get there Couple quick questions: 1) Wtf is a 'dire flail', and why? And do we need it? And can we make it? 2) What are all the halfling weapon proficiencies about? Unlike Dwarves and Gnomes, the SRD says nothing about these: does it just mean they are for tiny sized weapons? 3) I am enjoying doing this but have no desire to make the actual weapons themselves, if I activate these feats (dire flail, halfling saingham etc) does someone want to put their hand up to make the actual weapons in the protos.tab?
i have the same thing happening! lol! my female halfling can equip the unholy orc double axe even though it says i am not profecient and it is too large... she sort of punches or thrusts with it when she attacks and it lists the damage as slashing... i have tried to become profecient with it but cannot find it listed anywhere.
Cujo, I'll have to double-check my PHB when I get home, but I don't recall priests of Hextor getting a special bonus where they get two free proficiencies and focuses with the War domain instead of one. Ted, In 3.5 Composite Bows and regular bows all use the same proficiencies and feats. If you have WF: Long bow, it applies to both normal and composite versions. In 3.0 they had separate proficiencies, but in 3.5 they are considered one in the same, so the composite bow feats should remain deactivated. The dire flail is stupidest of the already stupid double weapons. It's a pole with a flail head on each end. How one actually manages to exert killing force with it without hitting oneself in the back with the other end is a mystery. The halfling weapons in ToEE are smaller-sized versions of other weapons. They should require the same proficiency as the normal-sized versions. In 3.0, in order for a halfling or gnome monk to use flurry of blows with a monk weapon, it had to be sized for the character. ToEE uses the 3.0 rules for weapon sizes. In 3.0, excepting monk weapons, both small and medium characters used the same weapons, but how they used them depended on their size relative to the weapon. So a halfling holding a longsword treated it as a two-handed weapon, but it still used the longsword proficiency. A halfing with a short sword used it in one hand, but it wasn't considered light because it was the equivalent of a short sword, etc. In 3.5, it was assumed that all races made all weapons for their own size (so halflings made halfling-sized greatswords instead of picking up human longswords) and that trying to use a weapon that was not sized for you incurred a -2 penalty and forced you to use it in a size-appropriate way. (So a halfling picking up a human longsword would have to use it with two hands, would not be considered proficient if not proficient in longsword, even if he was a proficient in greatsword, and incur a -2 penalty because the grip and balance was designed for humans, not halflings. Same thing if a human picked up a halfling shortsword. It would be the size of a dagger to him, but he'd incur a -2 penalty for the size and couldn't throw it like a dagger because it wasn't balanced like one.)
Okay, checked my PHB. Hextor's favored weapon is the flail. It doesn't say anything about "any flail" or "heavy flail and flail", just "flail", which says to me Clerics of Hextor with the War domain just get proficiency and focus in the flail, not both flail and heavy flail.
There are only a couple of double weapons which I think are ok - I mean these weapons didn't exist in RL for a reason and I pretty sure it wasn't just that no-one thought of them.
I've heard it said that the light-staff Darth Maul used would be ridiculous in RL for similar reasons: the main mode of 'defence' against it would be to whack one end so the other end took of your assailants leg. Anyways, if thats the case, then for multiple reasons the dire flail can sod off (not least because we have no model for it). Likewise the halfling weapons can be added as tiny weapons (or whatever) if someone feels like it, and we don't have to worry about specific feats for them, it seems to me (unless someone wants to re-write the engine to make it completely 3.5 compatible. Anyone want to? I didn't think so ) And I don't feel so stressed about the flail issue in this case, especially since 'granting' weapon-related feats was a pain in the ass. The good news I forgot to mention was that adding all these new MWPs like halberd, trident and (light) flail are covered under the MWP-all proficiency that fighters get, so that works. I will restore the composite bows to their original state, hack up the PC_Start.py file so u get these weapons if u start with them, and release this. Then I can get back to KotB. Thanks for the input guys! :thumbsup:
the only double weapon I think is ok is the Dwarven Urgrosh, the spike on the bottom of the axe doesn't interfere with the mecanics of the axe. It is infact similar to a native weapon the Tewhatewha... The tewhatewha is generally 4 to 5 feet long, and is not unlike an axe in shape. One of the names for this weapon is paiaka (a root), as it is made mostly of the root of the maire tree, a very hard wood. The small end was used in delivering a stab to the ribs of an opponent, but the common thing to do was to strike a blow, not with the edge of the blade, but with the thick back of it, athough the blade edge could be used. Altho Maori weapons aren't in any of the dnd books I'd love to see some in the game, they would all be exotic weapons that were finessable and some useable with a monks flurry of blows.
that is a maori weapon, they had other double weapons as well, like double ended spears, and spear "clubs".
I noticed one thing about Excaliber, with my character that has prof, focus, greater focus feats for the bastard sword the game interprets it as a greatsword? Kinda weird huh.
I was referring to THIS having the Maori influence. Looks much the same without the spike on the base. I realize that what you posted was a Maori weapon.