Weapon Artistry

Discussion in 'The Temple of Elemental Evil' started by blackfly, Dec 26, 2004.

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  1. blackfly

    blackfly Established Member

    Dec 14, 2004
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    Somewhat linked to my last thread, I am wondering, if all of you magical modders out there, would be kind enough to make a patch that allows for some variation on the looks of weapons and armor.

    It is true that a longsword and a masterwork one are different, but there is no difference in bastard swords. You can't tell between a masterwork glaive or a normal one, and this is true for most all weapons. The only difference is the warhammer owned by Alreem or the warhammer available from the party of 5 as a wandering encounter (Aiken's party). The masterwork greataxe is beautiful, and in the tutorial we see new sword types, but why not in the game, where the exposure is much longer and would be more appreciated.

    I feel it would add a little more spice than a simple blue outline to tell the difference.
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