I think it's quiet good! But, it's hard to always color-coordinate your tats and your clothing. C almost always wears black, too.
Went to the Texas Rennaissance Festival with little A and the girls. It's rainy, muddy and freezing cold. So the girls wanted ice cream of course. I got the camera for my birthday and I don't have a memory stick, or I would have pictures of the costumed types who were out in force that day.
Ted: Why don't they simply put a bigger chip in the camera? OTOH, I could get far better pictures on a warm day. Example: Fairy costume = nothing much + wings. Ranth: You look like your avatar. Scyler: We have GOT to get your portraits into the game! :clap: I knew posting would stir up this thread a bit. Come on guys, this is the place to come out of the closet.
This pic is of me a few years ago. I don't have a webcam anymore and haven't been in any checkout lines that sell them for $1.99 anymore. That being said, the brightness in the backround is god's light shining down on me from above, filling me with serenity and peace, which can be amply seen in my countenance. The second pic is a more current pic of me.
Hey! Nice to SEE you again! The two on the right in the top two pictures look a lot drunker than then ones of the left. I also like your dress. Leave a message! What have you been up too, lately?
Heh, you look more hammered than the rest put together I'm betting it was back on your birthday, and you tried to drink your age. Damn good to see u though! :love:
Thanks the Gods digital cameras and camera-phones were very prevalent during my partying days! Welcome back kid! :hug:
It was actually a halloween party, and it was a fun night I tried to install ToEE like last week and I was having a cyclic redundancy problem... then mypower supply went. I hope santa brings me a new pc so I can get back in the game