hehe definitely, regarding Phish! Though I'd say they lack the political activism the original, non-drug diluted cultural movement. All the same, it's definitely a close emulation, particularly to the latter stages of the movement. Whatsername, don't let us be downers! I think Spike and I just meant that a person, or even group, can ever really, truly, recreate a cultural movement or its atmosphere, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't experiment: and I don't mean drugs, I just mean a mindset, music, dress, etc. This leads to an interesting question, for everyone... If you could go back, and truly experience a moment in time, whether it be a cultural movement, political movement, revolution, or anything, when what where and why would you go? Edit: I just realized I've got like, three smilies in my post -- I'm putting this down to NyQuil and fever induced oddities.
Definitely the Roaring Twenties. Or the sixties. Or the early nineties, and I mean being age 16 in 1990 ish.
That was a pretty big discussion you caused by wearing a bright shirt and saying you and your friends were getting into the hippie thing. I wonder what would happen if you wore a large sheet and said that you and your friends were realling interested in the whole Taliban thing.
You needn't wonder. It would start a whole 'nother conversation. :chainsaw: This is the General Discussion Forum, and that's why it's here; so people can converse about issues outside of ToEE & DnD. Wtfitstm? Idgi. :shrug: :yeaaa: Could be; but then I took you at your word when you said I think we agree that culture is more than simply style of dress, and that obsession is always bad. Have fun playing dress-up; just be careful with how far you go with your cultural experimentation. That's all I wuz sayin'. :crazy:
May i just reiterate you looked adorable. :beer: Errr, I mean WHN, not Lord Spike... I mean he's cute too and all, but, well, you know... :nervous:
Relax miLord, it was a poor attempt at humour rahter than criticism. I am famous for my bad humour. oop: I really should stop writing at the end of night shift. It always seems to land me in trouble.
No sweat, Sach. I'm very relaxed. Can't wait to see what the lass is going to wear for Halloween; I hopeful that she won't choose one of the Manson Family & obsess about the culture of serial killers...she may decide to come looking for me! :nervous:
I actually did get the rainbow bright costume but it was so indecent that I'm not even going to wear it. I'm going to be a flapper instead. http://www.comparestoreprices.co.uk/images/as/asos-sequin-flapper-dress.JPG And congrats on the milestone, Cujo.
Its quite nice, but I'm voting for the indecent look. Thats a style that should always be in fashion. :biggergri
Here is a recent pic of me. And I must ask, for those of you posting a pic here and there, put up a couple that I can turn into character portraits...not so much smiling, or rolling around on a couch...just some good headshots! Try and make em clear and not blurry, that would be great! Then we'll make ya famous.
Daadamo, seeing your pics in your site i thought that you where older (i guess it's the impression that gives the suit ) Whn, what's a gourd? That little orange calabaza? hope that you're not smoking trough it...
Thanks Knight, you are being kind, I turn 41 in December, I am an old fart compared to you guys...and a gourd is of the squash family!