Volunteers needed - beta testing next Temple+ release

Discussion in 'General Modification' started by Sitra Achara, Oct 1, 2020.

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  1. Nightcanon

    Nightcanon Garrulous Halfling

    May 7, 2012
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    Not that I can recall, why?
  2. Pygmy

    Pygmy Established Member Supporter

    Oct 8, 2010
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    Once you have satisfied yourself that it contains nothing suspicious (apart from the mod_specs.json thing which I understand is required to get the overrides folder to work) extract the attached into your Temple of Elemental Evil directory.

    I have found no way other than by empirical experiment of determining whether the turn undead stacking is working at the right level so would appreciate feedback please

    Attached Files:

  3. Nightcanon

    Nightcanon Garrulous Halfling

    May 7, 2012
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    Oh, great. Have apparently successfully downloaded and installed, and Sacred Outlaw is waiting on the feat list for me to pick up. I'm a bit limited for time in the next few days but will have a good look as soon as I can. Thanks very much!
  4. Windscion

    Windscion Member Supporter

    Oct 13, 2020
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    Okay, started a new party. Hit Deklo grove, Elf Paladin w/ a glaive, enemy spider 1 well in range of donut, I cannot attack spider 1. Spider 1 can attack me. Is this just a graphics thing where it looks like an enemy is in the donut but is actually closer? I should probably try again but give the elf a non-reach wpn as backup, maybe avoid TPK. Thing is, my druid w/ scimitar cannot attack spider 2, but spider 2 can attack her. Do they have reach and know to exploit the donut?
    Note: Ofc we are all webbed. Only rogue acted before spiders.
  5. dolio

    dolio Established Member Supporter

    May 30, 2005
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    I'm not 100% sure how the donut works. But I would guess that it is not sufficient for some part of the spider to be within the yellow area. Rather, it is probably essential that no part of the spider's radius (the blue circle) is inside the donut. If it is, you're probably considered too close to effectively use your weapon.

    If it didn't work this way, I'm not sure the donut would impose any penalty at all, because an enemy would have to fit entirely inside the donut to not be attacked. But the actual difference between the inner donut radius and the wielder's radius (which is the closest you can normally get) is less than the diameter of most creatures.

    The deklo spiders probably naturally get that close because they don't have much reach themselves. I don't think there's sophisticated AI versus opponents with reach.
  6. Nightcanon

    Nightcanon Garrulous Halfling

    May 7, 2012
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    Hi, sorry for the delay in feeding back, have had limited opportunity to try this out until recently.
    My Sacred Outlaw is currently Rog3/ Cleric of Olidammara 6, having bagged the Sacred Outlaw feat at 6th level (Rog3/CLr2 to CLr3). Sneak attack dice have been correct throughout, and there was a noticeable bump in turning ability on hitting level 6: consistent with turning as Clr 6 after previously turning as Clr 2. The Shadows on level 3 of the temple are responding to being turned in the way that they usually do when I have a cleric turn them at this sort of stage in the game (about half per room destroyed per attempt, with the survivors being further away and perhaps out of range on attempt #1). So seems to be working as intended. Thanks very much for this!
    Pygmy likes this.
  7. Shiningted

    Shiningted The Thunder of Justice Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    Does Temple+ provide proper feedback /dicerolls for turning? Not being critical (I'm just shouting from the bleachers re Temple+), but that would have been in my top 5 for things to implement.
  8. Nightcanon

    Nightcanon Garrulous Halfling

    May 7, 2012
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    Nope, all I'm getting is "skeleton is destroyed".
  9. dolio

    dolio Established Member Supporter

    May 30, 2005
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    I could probably add the turning roll to the feedback (maybe with an option). Turn vs. destroy is (or should be) completely determined by level, though.
  10. Endarire

    Endarire Ronald Rynnwrathi

    Jan 7, 2004
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    What about abilities besides level which affect turning such as Improved Turning?

  11. dolio

    dolio Established Member Supporter

    May 30, 2005
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    Well, things like that make it act as if you were a different level. What I mean is that it's not affected by the dice roll parts of turning. Rolling high on the 'maximum hit dice of a single affected undead' doesn't make you destroy higher hit dice undead.
  12. _doug_

    _doug_ Established Member

    Jul 9, 2009
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    I am going to end the current round of beta testing fairly soon. Please let me know if you found anything.
    Buffed Rabbit likes this.
  13. _doug_

    _doug_ Established Member

    Jul 9, 2009
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    I am looking for some help beta testing the next version of temple+ (1.96). Get the zip file from the link below and run the temple plus executable after extracting the zip file. Let me know how it goes!



    * New assassin spells: Critical Strike, Fell the Greatest Foe, Find the Gap, Sniper's Shot, Wrathstrike (Sagenlicht)
    * New spell: Bonefiddle (Sagenlicht)
    * Fixed incorrect nonproficency penalties (Atari bugs 406 and 582)
    * Fixed Raise Dead to properly act on Tieflings and Aasimar
    * This is via a new subtype for native outsiders, which the above two now have. Other exceptions have been rolled into this rather than hard-coding.
    * Other Raise Dead related fixes/tweaks
    * With Strict Rules enabled, Raise Dead now adds a permanent negative level to the target instead of just subtracting experience.
    * Also on strict rules, being raised will cause 50% chance of losing each memorized spell or spontaneous spell slot
    * Experience draining from Raise Dead and drained levels now takes level adjustment into account to reset to the right level. The former also takes drained levels into account to avoid setting the XP higher than it should.
    * Some other fixes have been incorporated directly into the core resurrection function so that the vanilla spell scripts should actually behave correctly without fixes.
    * Fixed stacking of size increasing spells (Enlarge Person, Animal Growth, Righteous Might) (Atari bug 138)
    * Changed the way reach, space, etc. is handled by size modifying spells. They are now calculated dynamically based on the size offset and the base value, rather than having the spells modify variables on the critter.
    * This eliminates the need for Co8 persistent storage. It should be okay to load an old save with the conditions already in effect, but reach values may be a bit wacky for 1 combat round.
    * Various physical attributes are also calculated dynamically now (look at your height and weight in the character screen). This currently has no gameplay consequences.
    * Duration and targeting of Reduce Animal has been made in line with P&P
    * Fixed Pishella not taking scribed scrolls when destroying the golden orb of death
    * Spike Stones can now be dismissed
    * Spike Growth and Spike Stones movement decrease now ends on a new day
    * With stricter rules enforcement, entangle and spike stones can now only be cast outside (TOEE module only)
    * Green slime and other ooze creatures can now never be tripped
    * Ultimate magus now correctly treats widen spell as requiring 3 spell slots higher instead of one
    * Fixed divine protection being treated as an offensive spell
    * Fixed invalid characters sometimes displaying in wine
    * Fixed incorrect commented out dialog line handling
    * A bit better temple+ Paladin's Cove beta compatibility (still experimental)
    Buffed Rabbit and Pygmy like this.
  14. Windscion

    Windscion Member Supporter

    Oct 13, 2020
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    Clarification requested.

    * With Strict Rules enabled, Raise Dead now adds a permanent negative level to the target instead of just subtracting experience.

    Could mean: no more xp from restoration spell.
    Could also mean: character is crippled forever. Muahahaha!

    Online sources are kinda unspecific about permanent negative levels, because afaict? they don't exist in SRD 3.5 and are replaced with "lose a level."
  15. dolio

    dolio Established Member Supporter

    May 30, 2005
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    Permanent negative levels in ToEE are the sort that Restoration can restore one of–the sort you get after failing your fortitude save on a temporary negative level. They have the same penalties as a temporary negative level, because the game doesn't really have the machinery for actually subtracting the specific benefits of a level (which is what is supposed to happen).

    This is similar to how, "permanent ability drain," can be cured with Restoration, I guess. The "permanent" just means that it doesn't heal on its own, not that there's no way to get rid of it.

    I have some plans for making a version that you actually can't get rid of with Restoration, because that's how the ones from raising are specified to work. You need to gain back the XP the hard way (then the penalties go away). I might try to make the penalties more accurate, too, since sometimes the negative level ones are worse in some aspects. But I don't think it can be exact because the information just isn't all stored.
    Windscion and _doug_ like this.
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