Voicing the Voiceless

Discussion in 'General Modification' started by Gaear, Feb 13, 2006.

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  1. Lord_Spike

    Lord_Spike Senior Member Veteran

    Mar 25, 2005
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    Sounded good to me, too. Zorn has high expectations of himself in activities like this...that is, in all things theatrical. I have no doubt that Lil Z is gonna sound awesome as "the child."
  2. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    Hey Zorn, my comments about Lady Z's recordings notwithstanding, if by "calling in the pros" you mean bringing in your fellow thesbians to shake up the mix, I'm all for that. We can no doubt supply you and your crew with as many dialogue files as you could possibly want. The more the better!

    Edit for Spike: Sorry, I meant thesbos. ;)
    Last edited: Apr 19, 2006
  3. Lord_Spike

    Lord_Spike Senior Member Veteran

    Mar 25, 2005
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    Gaear...you've been working too hard. I think you need to have a little chat with Dr. Freud.:transform
  4. Blair

    Blair Unwanted Construct

    Aug 19, 2005
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    Thesbians=average of thespians + lesbians?... :sweatdrop

    Never mind me, still out of it after the huge invitational track meet I had to help out with last night.

    "Come on down! Crazy Hakim's Discount Stardrive Emporium has got a deal for YOU!"
  5. Lord_Spike

    Lord_Spike Senior Member Veteran

    Mar 25, 2005
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    Something's broken. I can't get the file. Server error, maybe?


    Got 'em.

    Black Jay Lives!!!:cool2:
    Last edited: Apr 21, 2006
  6. Zorn

    Zorn Member

    Sep 20, 2005
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  7. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    Great! Zorn, you are truly a pro. Now all you "Jersey Jay" naysayers can calm yourselves. ;) Another set in the can!

    I must say, I'm rather enjoying this project. :mrhappy:
  8. Shiningted

    Shiningted The Thunder of Justice Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    Re the Clarrisse set...


    Wow... that is beautifully produced, couldn't have asked better! Sorry I didn't reply at first, "undead woman" didn't sink in at first viewing ;)

    This gets Ted's "rant of approval" :rant:
  9. Cerulean the Blue

    Cerulean the Blue Blue Meanie Veteran

    Apr 23, 2005
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    It definitely doesn't have the Jersey accent anymore. I guess it's good. It's just not the way Black Jay sounds in my head.
  10. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    That's because before he only spoke in your head, Blue. We certainly can't expect an amalgamation of everyone's original impressions of these characters.

    Okay, one down, one right back up. Below and in post #1, please find the dialogue text file for Barkinar, commander of the temple troops.

    As troop commander, he is definitely a big shot within the temple power structure, although the angle on him story-wise is mainly that he's keen on getting another shot at the two concubines in Hedrack's chamber.

    Edit: D'oh. Just discovered I left a line out of the Black Jay file. Zorn, can you tag this one onto your next batch?


    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Apr 22, 2006
  11. krunch

    krunch moving on in life

    Aug 9, 2005
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    "Show me the barbies on the 4th floor." should be one of his lines with voice!.. *laff*
  12. Zorn

    Zorn Member

    Sep 20, 2005
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    One of the good things about hearing a voice in one's head is that person can describe what the voice is like. I've been given situational descriptions but not nessasarily voice discriptions. Hissy Undead...that's a more of a voice description than "I didn't like the Jersey accent" I am more than happy to mold the voice...just tell me "the Character should halve a Homosexual Lisp or sound like Henrietta Pussy cat from Mr. Roger's Town of Make believe." That I understand.

    Take Black Jay how old is that guy? Right now hes been done lightly gritty with mature but not too old an age with a basic conversational tone. It could have been done Raspy with a age of about 80. We got some older folks on this forum ...do you remember the tootsie pop commercials? The turtle who said "I never made it without biting, ask Mr Owl." Thats an example of a Characterized raspy 80 year old voice. I know just hearing voices is tough too, I can't tell whether its Spike or his son on the phone when they initially call. Then I pick up on that Pittsburg dipthong and I know it my Oldest tarantula lipped buddy, Spike. So maybe you need visuals.

    I listened to the jersey version of Blackjay and it was way better in my opinion. I don't know why. Maybe it was the accent. Accents are fun and add variety. As we go through these voices I have already been asked if the voices need accents. Well, what kind of accents are allowed? Mobster, pirate, jersey, southern, english , russian, scottish, Goofy, donald, mickey, Chewbacca, Dudly Do Right? Who says the accent of Furyonde doesn't sound Sweedish and Ohnwal doesn't sound Austrailian? What do they sound like in Hepmona Land? I always joked that the people of Scant sounded like California (Van Nuys) surfer Dudes. Chah Rayeet!

    I'm open and ready to do what ever. These batches of voices done so far all have one thing in common. They are safe. Not too much of anything.
  13. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    Fair points, Zorn. I guess coincidentally, Spike is probably best suited to provide the information you're looking for, given his module knowledge and experience with the characters. Personally, I'm limited in this regard because I don't actually know that much about the module, I don't want to presume to speak for the community on characters they are probably more familiar with than I am, and most importantly, I have no knowledge or ability in theatrics and it would be foolish for me to come off as if I do. My function here is basically as the sound engineer and the 'project lead' guy or whatever you want to call it.

    One thing I could do to help would be to post the in-game portrait of the character. Then you could get an idea of age at least. (Black Jay, for example, appears to be in his sixties, I would guess.) Maybe Spike could then post a character review with each new one I put up, including vocal characteristics that he believes would be appropriate.

    Also, for the record, if you feel dissatisfied with Black Jay or any other sets you've done, feel free to re-do them. I'm honestly not likely to reject anything you submit here, as I'm quite happy just knowing that we've got a professional guy with professional gear doing this stuff. And I'm more than willing to process it all over again on my end.
  14. Zorn

    Zorn Member

    Sep 20, 2005
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    Great, with that said let me say the first Black Jay was more appropriate in sound to me. I would be glad to redo it. But let me open up another can of worms.

    This new mod that is being done....Is it a super serious hope to be taken seriously mod of seriousness?

    I have seen where people are desperately trying to get these fun voice add ons and tongue and cheek scenarios and portraits so they can, well have more fun with it. Now I have to say I can admit I am one to take a comic turn in direction, some times too far, but it seems there is a small, in the closet, faction of people who wouldn't mind Jersey accents. Hey now, Im not saying Black Jay should be Jersey, no. I think Cerulean the Blue saying he doesn't hear Black Jay that way was a VERY important part of direction. But who gets to decide what is acceptable?

    You already think Spike knows everything about these characters. Im here to tell you he probably knows two times more stuff than you think he does. But me and spike got together and had a long talk about who these people were and we always ended up stressing the same points; Will these choices be acceptable? Who really has final say on what is acceptable? What is the direction the mod is headed?

    So far, from what I can tell, people have total athority over thier expertise. A sort of who else is gonna do it feel. Now I will never say another word about this again if I'm out of place but, If Spike has the agreed upon expertise for making what you all have decided the KOTB mod to become...Then maybe its time to let him work with me to do the voice sets as the Last say on all the theatrics. We work very well together, we live 75 miles apart and He has very good taste when it comes to what a dungeon production need to be an acceptable dungeon thing...(if that makes sense)

    In other words...let Spike say who has a Jersey accent...If there is a jersey accent, and whether or not...Jersey is apart of the Shield Lands. Put your trust in him as much as he has put his trust in the others doing that Computer Graphic/programing/tooling/scripting/shit. Im just some new guy so...take what you will from my spiel.

    Oh by the way Spike I've been working on my LEEzard man...Its very good. Duh da da daah...Da da duh daah...Duh da da daah...Da dah doo dahloota doot dalloota da doo...
  15. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    Okay, to answer a few of your questions . . .

    Being as this whole 'new voices' thing was my idea, and being as I seem to be considered the forum's official sound engineer, and being as a while back I was 'elected' to the position of 'mod team manager,' I can safely say that I have complete and total authority over this initiative, specifically. The way it would work in terms of checks and balances is that if enough people objected to what we were doing, it probably wouldn't make it into the official mod and we would take our toys and go home. Nothing we can do about that, as this is a community, after all. But no one can tell me, "Gaear, cease and desist from what you're doing immediately," no more than anyone can tell Ted to stop working on KotB, or tell Orion to drop his quest for complete fixes.

    So, having claimed this total authority, and having found merit in everything you stated above, I hereby grant you and Lord_Spike full creative control over the "Voicing the Voiceless" project. The only authority I would like to retain over you is that I would still get to decide which voices get done, as I am determining that more on a needs basis, and that I would still get the engineering duties of turning the files into usable mp3s at the end. So that means each voice set essentially starts and ends with me, but the creative theatrical talents recording part will not be interfered with by me or anyone else in any way. If you have any doubts about my trustworthiness, I'm sure Spike will vouch for me in this regard. Note also that this wouldn't mean that no one was allowed to comment on things, just that they won't have individual veto power.

    I am completely comfortable with this based on Spike's knowledge and your expertise. And as a caveat to any naysayers out there, if you don't like it, the fix is easy: delete the mp3s from your install. Doing so won't crash the game or have any adverse effect; you'll just go back to the 'eerie silence' I've so often decried.

    So do we have a deal?
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