Voice synthesis

Discussion in 'General Modification' started by Sitra Achara, Jan 25, 2021.

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  1. Shiningted

    Shiningted I changed this damn title, finally! Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    I've been using ChatGPT a bit and I have no doubt it could crank out a module with a minimum of input.

    FDR4PREZ Established Member

    Apr 10, 2007
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    KotB 2.0?
  3. Endarire

    Endarire Ronald Rynnwrathi

    Jan 7, 2004
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    Keep on the Borderlands 2? Yeth pweath!
  4. Shiningted

    Shiningted I changed this damn title, finally! Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    You've casually escalated Kotb 2.0 to KotB 2, Endarire, but its an honest mistake so I'll forgive you. Wuold that AI could plumb the depths of my addled brain and fill in the missing gaps.

    Anyways, I put ChatGPT through its paces the other day with a request for a quest based on something Anatoliy suggested many long moons ago, and got the following:

    Me: The location is a small town with a nearby logging camp - the main source of employment - run by an unscrupulous cartel who also control the town's brothels. There is an apothecary, a church, a hotel, a judge (corrupt) and a few other stores in town. The main questline involves the players trying to find the cure for a water-borne fungal disease that has made much of the townsfolk sick. I am after a sinple side quest that might involve the cartel or would otherwise 'flesh out' the town as living and breathing locale with its own characters other than those of the players.

    The AI: Sure, here's a possible side quest that could fit into the setting you described:

    Title: Timber Trouble

    Quest Giver: A group of loggers from the logging camp outside town, who are being harassed by the cartel.

    Objective: The players are asked to help the loggers with their troubles, which include the cartel demanding exorbitant taxes and fees, stealing timber, and threatening violence against the loggers and their families.

    Description: The logging camp outside town provides much of the town's livelihood, but it's under the control of the cartel. The cartel demands high taxes and fees from the loggers, and also steals timber from them. The loggers are afraid to speak out against the cartel, as they fear for their safety and that of their families. The players are approached by a group of loggers who are desperate for help. They are looking for allies to help them stand up to the cartel and protect their livelihoods.

    Possible Outcomes:

    1. The players help the loggers: The players can choose to help the loggers in various ways, such as by negotiating with the cartel, gathering evidence of their wrongdoing, or directly confronting the cartel. If the players are successful, the loggers will be grateful and may offer their help in return in the future.
    2. The players ignore the loggers: If the players choose not to help the loggers, the loggers may be forced to continue to pay high taxes and fees to the cartel, and may even suffer violence or theft at the hands of the cartel. The players may also miss out on potential allies and information that could be useful in their main quest.
    3. The players side with the cartel: If the players choose to side with the cartel, they may be able to gain some short-term benefits, such as a payment or a promise of future favors. However, this will likely damage their reputation with the townsfolk and the loggers, and may make it more difficult for them to achieve their main objective of finding a cure for the fungal disease.
    Me again: Could we try again? This time I'd like a quest around town but one that has nothing to do with the cartel. I'll add that this is a low-level party - beginners - though this doesn't have to impact the quest that you write.

    The AI: Sure, here's another possible side quest for your low-level party:

    Title: Missing Persons

    Quest Giver: The town's sheriff, who is worried about a recent spate of disappearances in the area.

    Objective: The players are tasked with investigating the disappearances and finding out what's causing them.

    Description: The town's sheriff approaches the players, looking for help with a disturbing trend - several people have gone missing from the town and the surrounding areas in recent weeks. The sheriff is at a loss to explain what's causing the disappearances and is worried that something sinister may be at work. The players are tasked with investigating the disappearances, gathering information, and hopefully finding out what's causing them.

    Possible Outcomes:

    1. The players solve the mystery: If the players successfully investigate the disappearances, they may discover that a local monster, bandit, or even a deranged hermit is behind them. Depending on the nature of the threat, the players may need to engage in combat to defeat it. Once the threat is neutralized, the missing people can be found and returned to their families, and the players may be rewarded by the sheriff or other grateful townsfolk.
    2. The players fail to solve the mystery: If the players are unable to solve the mystery or choose to give up, the disappearances may continue, and the townsfolk may become more afraid and paranoid. This could lead to tension and conflict in the town and could have implications for the main quest if the missing people are important to the cure for the fungal disease.
    3. The players uncover a larger threat: While investigating the disappearances, the players may uncover a larger threat to the town or even the region. This could be a group of bandits, a cult, or an invading force. This larger threat could become a focus of the campaign or provide a future quest for the players to tackle.
    Pretty generic responses on the one hand - on the other, it understood exactly what I was going for and with more complex information I suspect it would have given far better ideas.

    Also, when I asked it to run some roulette simulations for me, it not only asked intellgient questions - like what gambling progression to use - but wrote a perfectly workable Python routine on the spot to accomplish it. So yes, it knows Python, as you may have heard.
  5. Endarire

    Endarire Ronald Rynnwrathi

    Jan 7, 2004
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    Hmm. What does it know about Modrons and Mechanus?
  6. Shiningted

    Shiningted I changed this damn title, finally! Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    You could ask it.
  7. Daryk

    Daryk Veteran Member

    Jan 14, 2012
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    I suspect that means there are modules out there that it learned from... rather than a truly novel solution, it simply welded together pieces of other things that appear to make sense.
  8. Shiningted

    Shiningted I changed this damn title, finally! Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    Probably - as I said, they are generic quest ideas. ChatGPT apparently works essentially as a sentence predictor (like auto-fill on your phone) - it worls out the most likely next word and goes from there. But I believe that given a complex enough amount of detail, it could produce something playable and consistent, and even fun.
    August likes this.
  9. Buffed Rabbit

    Buffed Rabbit Established Member

    Jun 11, 2021
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    Voice synthesis is leaving a good impression in wow classic (early 2000's game). A good example:

    Skip to 1:05
  10. Buffed Rabbit

    Buffed Rabbit Established Member

    Jun 11, 2021
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    New version for xVASynth (v3.0)

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