Voice For The Voiceless

Discussion in 'General Modification' started by Panmorn Fletcher, Aug 17, 2010.

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  1. Panmorn Fletcher

    Panmorn Fletcher The Forgotten Foe

    Aug 16, 2010
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    So? I can't start with those NPC who changes from time to time then.

    Maybe I can start with:

    The Cabinet Maker
    Renton (Only if he's completed)
    The Carpenter Brothers

    These are one of the only few that I know who doesn't change throughout the game. Besides I'm still on the search of a good audio studio, just as Geaer mentioned, it's not good to record on a noisy background environment. I'm also searching for a sound software to help me. Any suggestions where to find this?

    About the modding the voices into the game, well, I've already read some of the tutorials made by Shiningted and I got confused, I'll just let you guys do the modding stuff. :)
  2. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    No, not at all, particularly since what we're after here isn't exactly high fidelity audio (like you'd expect from a commercial CD, for example). I just always lean toward urging the high end when it comes to this stuff, because a novice would-be voice actor will tend to go low-end on everything, and when they do that, the results tend to be horrific. :suprised:

    @PF -

    Here's Audacity.
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2010
  3. sirchet

    sirchet Force for Goodness Moderator Supporter

    Dec 6, 2003
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    I'm kind of funny about my work, when my current project Night Howls in Nestlehaven Remastered (NWN2) and Akabar (Dragon Age) is finished I'll post a copy of it for whoever would like to play the adventure, you will need to have a registered copy of these games to play it though. ;)

    I guess you could hear my set-up's functionality if you went to IGN's NWN2 Vault and listened to the Podcast for last years awards. The introductions and short descriptions of the adventures and artists is me, recorded on this same budget-less set-up.

    The point I was trying to get across was that it is very much possible to create quality voice overs without spending a fortune. It does however require a great deal of patience and a small amount of ingenuity.

    My den is not sound proof, but it does have doors that close and lock and my family respects my hobby enough to keep things down ... sometimes. Audacity does offer the ability to "clean up" some of the sounds that might slip through.

    The trick for me is always recording many many many versions of the same thing, you never know which take is going to have the "feeling" that must be there. I insist on player immersion in any of the adventures we've produced and the right voice and music plays a large part in this.

    I must say, presently I'm having a lot of fun getting the demons voices just the way I picture a demon sounding. The adventure starts off with a short cinematic in hell where you witness a discussion between a demon lord and his minions.

    Wow, looks like I got off on a tangent. :Being_a_s
  4. DarkStorm

    DarkStorm Established Member

    Oct 2, 2003
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    Maybe I'll listen to the podcasts then!

    What do you mean by "registered"? I tend to keep the online stuff disabled in Dragon Age since I don't like my game talking home, but other than that I have the original DVD. (Same for NWN2, although the game is horrible -thanks Obsidian!-, but that's an entirely different problem :p)

  5. sirchet

    sirchet Force for Goodness Moderator Supporter

    Dec 6, 2003
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    Wow, DS. I had elevated you to God status due to your work on the new engine, yeah up there with the Shiney One and Gaear but with your NWN2 comment you're back to human. :p

    I guess it's because I like NWN2 so much that it's hard for me to imagine someone not liking it. ;)

    Just to be clear, NWN1 and 2 are from Bio Ware, Obsidian just produced it like EA is producing DA for them.

    If you can't down load the adventure from the NWVault, (I think you have to have your registration key registered with Atari) I'll just post a link here to my ftp site.

    Completion is months away ... at least.

    The DA adventure has come to a temporary halt do to overseas teammates having college, (or University as they call it) starting back up.
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2010
  6. DarkStorm

    DarkStorm Established Member

    Oct 2, 2003
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    Nonono. You got that mixed up. It's the same sad story with Knights of the Old Republic. BioWare made NWN1 and the first Knights of the Old Republic.
    Obsidian on the other hand developed both sequels.
    And both sequels showed a horrible lack of quality assurance and polish. Typical for Obsidian games :p

  7. sirchet

    sirchet Force for Goodness Moderator Supporter

    Dec 6, 2003
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    Ahhh, I agree with you on how Obsidian can take a perfectly good game and run it into the ground.
  8. Panmorn Fletcher

    Panmorn Fletcher The Forgotten Foe

    Aug 16, 2010
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    I've been quite busy for the past few weeks, but the good news is that I've already started the voicing.
    I followed sirchets advice and it worked nicely, there are no P's and F's :hug:.
    But there's a problem, I'm in an anti noise background room and yet I failed to record a good sound [there is still some noise waving through the audio]. I've already downloaded the software Audacity and I'll try to remove the wavy noises.
  9. kio11

    kio11 Established Member

    May 18, 2007
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    audio recording is an art. i wont hold back any help should you need a horrible accent
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