Very provocative! - The Single Paragraph Thread

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by aa21999, Feb 5, 2008.

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  1. aa21999

    aa21999 Member

    Feb 4, 2008
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    Welcome to the Very Provocative Single Paragraph Thread!

    Rules: post whatever you like - ToEE commentary, movie reviews, marriage proposals - but it can only be a single paragraph. Multiple sentences are okay, but you'll get extra points if you run on! :)

    - Gaear, your Super Moderator

    Very provocative! I look hopefull now to the SKY when I think of the future of D&D RPG's if only TROIKA was this INOVATIVE! lol anyhow I look foward to seeing more of this and any ground breaking steps to new modifications and or modulars in this game if not a new title release from Atari, yeah right! I talk to those guys and they gave up a long time ago, said it was a lost cause!! anyway I love you guys and think your doing awsome KEEP up the good work!!!
    I was really interested in the game The Temple of elemental Evil the Clasic Greyhawk Adventure, not for the name TOEE, beacause I knew it had way more potential in greater developement and ongoing titles, no I am talking about the gameplay style and amazing masterfull graphics as well as the innovating gameplay itself exspecially!!! I was hoping to design more games in an ongoing series with my own maps and keep many of the same exsisting tools possibly even updated D&D content like presige classes higher levels and differnt campane settings. with the wealth of D&D at my disposal not to mention the core rules for 4.0 comming out I could have many detailed elaborate infatstuctered castles with towers, moats, and secret passages everywhere!With growing literature at my disposal I have knowledge of Hommlet yes, but what about other settings with metropolis 400,000+ populus cites in Fae~Rune as well as Raven-Loft and Eberon Map settings. Not to mention the unerdark and the infinite Abysal reaches and also Celestial as well as coutless other planes to Tap in and out of like a CRACK IN THE SKY opening up to REAP TIAMAT HERSELF bestowing this five headed marvel would be nothing less than an ipiphany to adventures, but the wealth of graphics in prestine detail of the modular system in Temple of elemental evil for the new 3.5 core rules books of the five monster manuals at your desposal!!!!(not picking on names but better titles do exsist!) I would definatly choose one more PARENT FRIENDLY as to not shoot down its media daybue because I see Great potential in a growing series for this style of GAMEPLAY, but I believe the work EVIL has really given this title a kick in the teeth to its true nature, not to mention a cold shoulder to its true beauty and emaculate gameplay and graphics!!! if only DEVELOPED!!! So as a close to my efforts to see this style of game go the distance I will say please let me help you guys develope many extended versions of these graphics and gameplay we see in The GreyHawk Adventre (TOEE) and put better, newer up to date modulars, maps, and Campane settings to use in developing a MASTERWORK of INFASTURTUALLY desingned Beauty and endless gamplay fun that we all love to explore in the great bookworld of Dungeons and Dragons! Please bring this dream to life for the exloration and advancement of the new 4.0 core rules as well as the many other endless resources that D&D has to offer, thank you!
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 19, 2008
  2. Shiningted

    Shiningted I changed this damn title, finally! Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
    Likes Received:
    Re: Very provocative!


    Ahhh, you're STONED! I get it! Happy Chinese New Year to you too :dance:
  3. hellblazer

    hellblazer Established Member

    Feb 27, 2006
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    Re: Very provocative!

    Turn based CRPG's rule. I usually pirate games (go ahead shoot me) but bought 3 (Yes Three!!!) copies of TOEE because I wanted the genre to continue to be produced. The people here at Co8 rule. I am just playing TOEE again for the first time in two years and have already been surprised with the 5.0.5 fixes a few times so far and I am only 5th level!

    If I wasn't a recovering perfectionist, I would play the much coveted B2 keep on the borderlands mod next, but I am waiting until the the caves of chaos are finished (that was the main point of the module to my eight year-old DM brain back in 83).
    Last edited: Feb 8, 2008
  4. aa21999

    aa21999 Member

    Feb 4, 2008
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    Re: Using new tiles for a map

    I was really interested in the game The Temple of elemental Evil the Clasic Greyhawk Adventure, not for the name TOEE, beacause I knew it had way more potential in greater developement and ongoing titles, no I am talking about the gameplay style and amazing masterfull graphics as well as the innovating gameplay itself exspecially!!! I was hoping to design more games in an ongoing series with my own maps and keep many of the same exsisting tools possibly even updated D&D content like presige classes higher levels and differnt campane settings. with the wealth of D&D at my disposal not to mention the core rules for 4.0 comming out I could have many detailed elaborate infatstuctered castles with towers, moats, and secret passages everywhere!With growing literature at my disposal I have knowledge of Hommlet yes, but what about other settings with metropolis 400,000+ populus cites in Fae~Rune as well as Raven-Loft and Eberon Map settings. Not to mention the unerdark and the infinite Abysal reaches and also Celestial as well as coutless other planes to Tap in and out of like a CRACK IN THE SKY opening up to REAP TIAMAT HERSELF bestowing this five headed marvel would be nothing less than an ipiphany to adventurers, but the wealth of graphics in prestine detail of the modular system in Temple of elemental evil for the new 3.5 core rules books of the five monster manuals at your desposal!!!!(not picking on names but better titles do exsist!) I would definatly choose one more PARENT FRIENDLY as to not shoot down its media daybue because I see Great potential in a growing series for this style of GAMEPLAY, but I believe the work EVIL has really given this title a kick in the teeth to its true nature, not to mention a cold shoulder to its true beauty and emaculate gameplay and graphics!!! if only DEVELOPED!!! So as a close to my efforts to see this style of game go the distance I will say please let me help you and possibly many others Develope many extended versions of these graphics and gameplay we see in The GreyHawk Adventre (TOEE) and put better, newer up to date modulars, maps, and Campane settings to use in developing a MASTERWORK of INFASTURTUALLY desingned Beauty and endless gamplay fun that we all love to explore in the great bookworld of Dungeons and Dragons! Please bring this dream to life for the exloration and advancement of the new 4.0 core rules as well as the many other endless resources that D&D has to offer, thank you!I was really interested in the game The Temple of elemental Evil the Clasic Greyhawk Adventure, not for the name of it but for the game style and graphics as well as the gameplay itself exspecially!!! I was wondering if ANYONE can direct me to contact info on who designed the game as far as someone who could tell me how I myself may be able to make a game like this but with my own maps and keep many of the same exsisting tools possibly even updated D&D content like presige classes higher levels and differnt campane settings. with the wealth of D&D at my disposal not to mention the core rules for 4.0 comming out I could have detailed elaborate castles with towers and moats with secret passages everywhere, metropolis 400,000+ populus cites in Fae~Rune as well as Raven-Loft Map settings. Not to mention the wealth of graphics in prestine detail of the modular system in Temple of elemental evil for the new 3.5 core rules books of the five monster manuals at your desposal!!!!(not picking on names but better ones do exsist!) I would chose one more parent friendly as to not shoot down its media daybue because I see Great potential in a growing series for this style of GAMEPLAY!!! if only DEVELOPED!!! So as a close to my efforts to see this style of game go the distance I will say please let me help you and possibly many others Develope many extended versions of these graphics and gameplay we see in The GreyHawk Adventre (TOEE) and put better, newer up to date modulars, maps, and Campane settings to use in developing a MASTERWORK of INFASTURTUALLY desingned Beauty and endless gamplay fun that we all love to explore in the great bookworld of Dungeons and Dragons! Please bring this dream to life for the exloration and advancement of the new 4.0 core rules as well as the many other endless resources that D&D has to offer, thank you!
  5. Allyx

    Allyx Master Crafter Global Moderator Supporter

    Dec 2, 2004
    Likes Received:
    Re: Using new tiles for a map

    Allyx attempts a Willpower saving throw vs aa21999's Wall of Words spell and rolls a 1. :anger:
  6. krunch

    krunch moving on in life

    Aug 9, 2005
    Likes Received:
    Re: Using new tiles for a map

    me <- fails fortitude check :dead:
  7. erkper

    erkper Bugbear Monk Supporter

    Jun 3, 2006
    Likes Received:
    Re: Using new tiles for a map

    That is one effective Sleep spell. It must have about 5 metamagic feats on it...
  8. Lord_Spike

    Lord_Spike Senior Member Veteran

    Mar 25, 2005
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    The classics never die...

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Feb 20, 2008
  9. aa21999

    aa21999 Member

    Feb 4, 2008
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    Re: XP Hack?

    Yes I agree now back to what I was really interested in;nevertheless the game The Temple of Elemental Evil the Clasic Greyhawk Adventure, not for the name TOEE, beacause I knew it had way more potential in greater developement and ongoing titles, no I am talking about the gameplay style and amazing masterfull graphics as well as the innovating gameplay itself exspecially!!! I was hoping to design more games in an ongoing series with my own maps and keep many of the same exsisting tools possibly even updated D&D content like presige classes higher levels and differnt campane settings. with the wealth of D&D at my disposal not to mention the core rules for 4.0 comming out I could have many detailed elaborate infatstuctered castles with towers, moats, and secret passages everywhere!With growing literature at my disposal I have knowledge of Hommlet yes, but what about other settings with metropolis 400,000+ populus cites in Fae~Rune as well as Raven-Loft and Eberon Map settings. Not to mention the unerdark and the infinite Abysal reaches and also Celestial as well as coutless other planes to Tap in and out of like a CRACK IN THE SKY opening up to REAP TIAMAT HERSELF bestowing this five headed marvel would be nothing less than an ipiphany to adventures, but the wealth of graphics in prestine detail of the modular system in Temple of elemental evil for the new 3.5 core rules books of the five monster manuals at your desposal!!!!(not picking on names but better titles do exsist!) I would definatly choose one more PARENT FRIENDLY as to not shoot down its media daybue because I see Great potential in a growing series for this style of GAMEPLAY, but I believe the work EVIL has really given this title a kick in the teeth to its true nature, not to mention a cold shoulder to its true beauty and emaculate gameplay and graphics!!! if only DEVELOPED!!! So as a close to my efforts to see this style of game go the distance I will say please let me help the programers of Atari, Wizards, Trokia, Hasbro and possibly many others Develope many extended versions of these graphics and gameplay we see in The GreyHawk Adventre (TOEE) and put better, newer up to date modulars, maps, and Campane settings to use in developing a MASTERWORK of INFASTURTUALLY desingned Beauty and endless gamplay fun that we all love to explore in the great bookworld of Dungeons and Dragons! Please bring this dream to life for the exploration and advancement of the new 4.0 core rules as well as the many other endless resources that D&D has to offer, thank you!I was really interested in the game The Temple of elemental Evil the Clasic Greyhawk Adventure, not for the name of it but for the game style and graphics as well as the gameplay itself exspecially!!! I was wondering if ANYONE can direct me to contact info on who designed the game as far as someone who could tell me how I myself may be able to make a game like this but with my own maps and keep many of the same exsisting tools possibly even updated D&D content like presige classes higher levels and differnt campane settings. with the wealth of D&D at my disposal not to mention the core rules for 4.0 comming out I could have detailed elaborate castles with towers and moats with secret passages everywhere, metropolis 400,000+ populus cites in Fae~Rune as well as Raven-Loft Map settings. Not to mention the wealth of graphics in prestine detail of the modular system in Temple of elemental evil for the new 3.5 core rules books of the five monster manuals at your desposal!!!!(not picking on names but better ones do exsist!) I would chose one more parent friendly as to not shoot down its media daybue because I see Great potential in a growing series for this style of GAMEPLAY!!! if only DEVELOPED!!! So as a close to my efforts to see this style of game go the distance I will say please let me help the programers of Atari, Wizards, Trokia, Hasbro and possibly many others Develope many extended versions of these graphics and gameplay we see in The GreyHawk Adventre (TOEE) and put better, newer up to date modulars, maps, and Campane settings to use in developing a MASTERWORK of INFASTURTUALLY desingned Beauty and endless gamplay fun that we all love to explore in the great bookworld of Dungeons and Dragons! Please bring this dream to life for the exploration and advancement of the new 4.0 core rules as well as the many other endless resources that D&D has to offer, thank you!ban me why?,
    Last edited: Feb 20, 2008
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