Is that to me or Cerulean ? If me, well, I've still got to do quite a bit of work, entries, new 'spells' for creature attacks (mostly breath weapons, so hopefully, I can look at existing spells like burning hands to see how they work), new textures and portraits. On a related note, I tested a fire mephit, ATM it uses a scaled down balor mesh, which, in game looks larley like a fire with hints of wings in it (the 'fire' effect mostly overwhelms the actual creature graphics). It also had the balor 'death throws' FX when it died, but without the damage (as far as I could tell) or CTD (wasn't that traced to the portrait?). Does anyone know if it is possible to remove or reduce either of these effects (the fire aura and death throws) from the balor mesh (or, more likely, a copy of it), or are they hard coded or coded into one of the files we don't know the format of? Oh, and while I remember, I renamed the 'salamander' entry in the to 'noble salamander' to differentiate it from the new 'salamander' entry for a normal salamander, does anyone mind? Charles
Ok, more progress, I've successfully (as in something happened that wasn't a CTD) got a entry working for the Avoral - although I think it needs tweaking (ATM the avoral casts 'circle vs. evil' on round 1, and 'blur' on round 2, anyone know if it is possible to make these context related, i.e. cast 'blur' unless facing things like fiends or similar? The lightning bolts work, but go at an odd angle, i.e. they do not emanate from the avoral - again, any ideas? Anyway, progress has been made! Charles
I get the same thing (only worse) with the white dragon's breath weapon, the spell graphic's seem to originate from the casters targeting circle (that blue ring under PC's - it's white or red under NPC's) you could try adding a negative number to the Z axis column (alters the "height" of the targeting circle for the creature - but it makes it kinda funky for PC's trying to target the creature).
As Agetian says, as long as a 4.2-3-4, etc. can be ready to go on its heels. Lots of stuff in the hopper . . . I guess someone'll need to go look for Morpheus?
Allyx / Nerik, i noticed when editing monsters that if you remove the 'object radius' entry the circle size conforms or is automatic assigned by the engine to be the outer bounds of the creature size. have you tried anything like this to make effects orginate at correct distances?
wow...that could be a very simple bunch of small changes to implement a fix...i had been wondering exactly what purpose it serves...interesting, indeed.
Is anyone planning on using portrait.mes IDs 4770 to 5090? I'd like to reserve them for creature portraits - although if necessary, some creatures could share portraits (some do anyway). ATM I've allocated 4770 to the Dire Bear, and 4790 to the Avoral. On a related vein, can I reserve Meshes.mes IDs 1168 to 1184 for new creature meshes please (avoral is 1168)? Virtual SpACEman - do you have new portraits for your boars? if not, it shouldn't be too hard to find a picture of a wild boar somewhere. Charles
As far as I can tell those portrait slots are free. Keep in mind that when you submit them you will have to update portrait.mes and Play File.mes and Play File.ppf (for compatibility with the Portrait Pack)
I gave this a try, unfortunately it didn't help - and it made the avoral's selection circle much bigger (due to wingspan). Come to think of it, the Avoral has a positive number in the Z axis - as it is 'flying' - maybe if I remove it it'll work? I'll try tonight. Thanks, I'd forgotten that :blush: . Charles
Speaking of such things, I wanna throw in a portrait of Ronald the NPC. Also, what ever happened to the dragon and Drow portraits I did? I didn't see them in the Portrait and Voice pack. Anyone know?
The portraits are there, at the end of the playfile.ppf, I've assigned the drow pictures to the drow I have in Verbobonc, and I must say they look great. (not seen the dragon one yet though).
Well, u got a shock coming But I have the 'portraits and voices' pack here, and I don't see anything in portrait.mes. I am only fiddling that in KotB atm, but the point of adding them was so that people who wander by to install 4.1.0 (or later stuff like the Verbobonc mod) could then add the portraits and voices pack and not have to worry which went first, as both were up to date. Am I missing something? Surely the new npc portraits go in portraits.mes - I have always put them there and they have worked fine.
I had a look at the play file.ppf earlier, they are there Ted... Code: {4730} {} {4731} {baby_white_dragon_m.tga} {4762} {baby_white_dragon_s.tga} {4733} {baby_white_dragon_s_grey.tga} {4734} {baby_white_dragon_m_grey.tga} {4740} {} {4741} {white_dragon_m.tga} {4742} {white_dragon_s.tga} {4743} {white_dragon_s_grey.tga} {4744} {white_dragon_m_grey.tga} {4750} {} {4751} {red_dragon_m.tga} {4752} {red_dragon_s.tga} {4753} {red_dragon_s_grey.tga} {4754} {red_dragon_m_grey.tga} {4760} {} {4761} {Drake_m.tga} {4762} {Drake_s.tga} {4763} {Drake_s_grey.tga} {4764} {Drake_m_grey.tga} {8250} {} {8251} {Drow_1_m.tga} {8252} {Drow_1_s.tga} {8253} {Drow_1_s_grey.tga} {8254} {Drow_1_m_grey.tga} {8260} {} {8261} {Drow_2_m.tga} {8262} {Drow_2_s.tga} {8263} {Drow_2_s_grey.tga} {8264} {Drow_2_m_grey.tga} {8270} {} {8271} {Drow_3_m.tga} {8272} {Drow_3_s.tga} {8273} {Drow_3_s_grey.tga} {8274} {Drow_3_m_grey.tga} {8280} {} {8281} {Drow_4_m.tga} {8282} {Drow_4_s.tga} {8283} {Drow_4_s_grey.tga} {8284} {Drow_4_m_grey.tga} {8290} {} {8291} {Drow_5_m.tga} {8292} {Drow_5_s.tga} {8293} {Drow_5_s_grey.tga} {8294} {Drow_5_m_grey.tga} {8300} {} {8301} {Drow_6_m.tga} {8302} {Drow_6_s.tga} {8303} {Drow_6_s_grey.tga} {8304} {Drow_6_m_grey.tga} {8310} {} {8311} {Drow_7_m.tga} {8312} {Drow_7_s.tga} {8313} {Drow_7_s_grey.tga} {8314} {Drow_7_m_grey.tga} {8320} {} {8321} {Drow_8_m.tga} {8322} {Drow_8_s.tga} {8323} {Drow_8_s_grey.tga} {8324} {Drow_8_m_grey.tga} The "baby white dragon" looks more like a half drowned cat to me but Meh.