oky here it is updated and ready!! , after some fine tweaking to the boars AI strategy its all good:thumbsup: extract and drag drop data folder for fun. **THE FILES ARE HERE** updated files list /rules protos.tab strategy.tab /art/meshes meshes.mes /art/meshes/monsters/pigs pig-boar1 folder pig-direB folder /mes description.mes long_discription.mes have fun make some mobiles and test em out tell me what ya think. ACE
Ace, can u hack those into the KotB files as well? The more animals in the wilderness, the better (The boars I mean, not the ludicrous spider - we got one of them )
Thanks, Ace, I'm having a look now - a couple of things I've noticed - you left the Category at 9, which is outsiders (I think), I think it should be 5 for normal animals (from looking at other Protos.tab entries). ToEEWB references a 'category.mes' file which I can't find ATM. Also, you set the Intelligence to 3 rather than the 2 it has in the 3.5 Monster Manual (Celestial/Fiendish animals have a minimum intelligence of 3 for some reason). Thanks also for the sounds, I think they'l be fine, does anyone know how you attach sounds to a creature? I'm going through and correcting my creatures based on Kalshane's info on skills (thanks Kalshane). Which leads to a question, skills and saves use the base values, with the game engine adding in modifiers from ability scores & feats, but what about attack and damage rolls? from examination of the existing protos.tab entries, these do include the relevant modifiers. Finally, is it possible to give a creature an Improved Critical on its attacks? Am I wrong or right in assuming that Improved Critical (Unarmed Attack) will do this? I'll try and post an updated set of files later tonight, then I'll be busy until Saturday. Charles
Hey Nerik, category.mes is in /data/oemes/ If it's not extracted yet it's in ToEE3.dat Looks like 9 is ousiders, 5 is animals, and 7 is general monsters. Cuchulainn.
Thanks, Cuchulainn, I'll take a look. Anyway, as promised, here are the updated files (but not the boar graphics - the resulting file was too big), I've added in more fiendish spiders (but I toned the sizes down a bit :biggergri , let me know what you think) and a fiendish giant constrictor snake. I also tweaked the feat allocations of some of the creatures I added earlier (I'm not sure if this will make any difference without adding some appropriate strategies, which is something I need to learn to do). I've also added an updated version of the Spell radial .mes file with revided protos.tab IDs, and I've added a Galeb Dhur to Summon Nature's Ally VIII to 'flesh out' its options. A further questions - does anyone know what the numbers for 'Monster melee poison' mean, I noticed that spiders have a '2'? Charles
The melee poisons (and diseases) are named in combat.mes, the details are noted in help.tab not sure if they all work as advertised though... // Poisons {300}{Small Centipede}Type: Injury DC 11 Initial Damage: 1 Str Secondary Damage: 2d6 Str {301}{Greenblood Oil}Type: Injury DC Initial Damage: 1 Con Secondary Damage: 1d2 Con {302}{Spider Venom}Type: Injury DC 14 Initial Damage: 1d4 Str Secondary Damage 1d4 Str {303}{Blood Root}Type: Injury DC 12 Initial Damage: 0 Secondary Damage: 1d4 Con + 1d3 Wis {304}{Purple Worm}Type: Injury DC 24 Initial Damage: 1d6 Str Secondary Damage: 2d6 Str {305}{Large Scorpion}Type: Injury DC 18 Initial Damage: 1d6 Str Secondary Damage: 1d6 Str {306}{Wyvern} {307}{Giant Wasp}Type: Injury DC 18 Initial Damage: 1d6 Dex Secondary Damage: 1d6 Dex {308}{Black Adder}Type: Injury DC 11 Initial Damage: 1d6 Con Secondary Damage: 1d6 Con {309}{Malyss Root Paste}Type: Contact DC 16 Initial Damage: 1 Dex Secondary Damage: 2d4 Dex {310}{Dragon Bile}Type: Contact DC 26 Initial Damage: 3d6 Str secondary Damage:0 {311}{Sassone Leaf Residue}Type: Contact DC 16 Initial Damage: 2d12 HP Secondary Damage: 1d6 Con {312}{Terinav Root} {313}{Carrion Crawler Brain Juice}Type: Contact DC 13 Initial Damage: Paralysis Secondary Damage: 0 {314}{Black Lotus Extract}Type: Contact DC 20 Initial Damage: 3d6 Con Secondary Damage: 3d6 Con {315}{Id Moss}Ingested DC 14 Initial Damage: 1d4 Int Secondary Damage: 2d6 Int {316}{Striped Toadstool} {317}{Lich Dust}Type: Ingested DC 17 Initial Damage: 2d6 Strr secondary Damage: 1d6 Str {318}{Dark Reaver Powder}Type: Ingested DC 18 Initial Damage: 2d6 Con Secondary Damage: 1d6 Con + 1d6 Str {319}{Burnt Othur Fumes}Type: Inhaled DC 18 Initial Damage: 1 Con Secondary Damage: 3d6 Con {320}{Quasit}Type: Injury DC 13 Initial Damage: 1d4 Dex Secondary Damage: 2d4 Dex {321}{Violet Fungi}Type: Contact DC 14 Initial Damage: 1d4 Str + 1d4 Con Secondary Damage: 1d4 Str + 1d4 Con {322}{Yellow Mold}Type: Contact DC 15 Initial Damage: 1d6 Con Secondary Damage: 2d6 Con {323}{Mystical}Type: Contact DC 10 + 1/2 caster level Initial Damage: 1d10 Con Secondary Damage: 1d10 Con {324}{Other} {325}{Blue Whinnis}Type: Injury DC 14 Initial Damage: 1 Con Secondary Damage: Unconsciousness {326}{Shadow Essence}Type: Injury DC 17 Initial Damage: 1 Str Secondary Damage: 2d6 Str {327}{Deathblade}Type: Injury DC 20 Initial Damage: 1d6 Con Secondary Damage: 2d6 Con {328}{Nitharit}Type: Contact DC 13 Initial Damage: 0 Secondary Damage: 3d6 Con {329}{Oil of Taggit}Type: Ingested DC 15 Initial Damage: 0 Secondary Damage: Unconsciousness {330}{Arsenic}Type: Ingested DC 13 nitial Damage: 1 Con Secondary Damage: 1d8 Con {331}{Ungol Dust}Type: Inhaled DC 15 Initial Damage: 1 Cha Secondary Damage: 1d6 Cha + 1 Cha {332}{Insanity Mist}Type: Inhaled DC 15 Initial Damage: 1d4 Wis Secondary Damage: 2d6 Wis // Diseases {400}{Blinding Sickness}Spread in tainted water {401}{Cackle Fever}Symptoms include high fever, disorientation, and frequent bouts of hideous laughter. Also known as "the shrieks" {402}{Demon Fever}Night hags spread it. Can cause permanent ability drain {403}{Devil Chills}Barbazu and pit fiends spread it. It takes three, not two, successful saves in a row to recover from devil chills {404}{Filth Fever}Dire rats and otyughs spread it. Those injured while in filthy surroundings might also catch it {405}{Mindfire}Feels like your brain is burning. Causes stupor {406}{Mummy Rot}Spread by mummies. Successful saving throws do not allow the character to recover (though they do prevent damage normally) {407}{Red Ache}Skin turns red, bloated, and warm to the touch {408}{Shakes}Causes involuntary twitches, tremors, and fits {409}{Slimy Doom}Victim turns into infectious goo from the inside out. Can cause permanent ability drain
For natural attacks, the fields should contain the total value minus anything gained from character levels (which it will add automatically). If the creature uses weapons, the game will calculate everything itself. If the creature is medium or small, you can use the appropriate "Improved Critical" feat. If it is some other size, then unfortunately not.
Oops! so i did, Cool thx for that fix Nerik, its looking good all these new monsters are great. next project is reskin of dire bear:evil: and TED yep ill do that now for ya and post it in the kotb board.
I'm glad you like them, if you're going to re-skin the dire bear (sounds nasty in a taxidermist sort of way), I'll have a stab at doing a portrait of it (based on the Monster Manual one). But I won't be able to do much until the weekend (games night Thursday & Friday). Charles
Ok, here are a set of portraits for a dire bear (based on the monster manual/SRD picture), these are just the TGA files, that hopefully should work (any idea what portrait.mes ID they should have, or should I just use the next unused one?). If these are ok, I can do a few more (I'm not that hot at painting/drawing, but I can clip existing pictures irate: ), one thing I'm not sure about is the white background, I might be able to change it if required. Charles
the white seems fine to me, however are most monster pics using a black background? try both lol and see what is best, its a peice of cake to take it into photoshop and subsitute the colours, with out losing any edge detail (my graphic design skills are good for something hehe) i can do it if ya want.
Just had a look through the game's portraits, and a number of colours seem to be in use, I think that the general rule is that the colour is dependent upon the creature's habitat, natural creatures get a sky blue or green-ish background, undead get a darker background, fire creatures get a firey background etc. As most of the other bears have bluish backgrounds, I'll try something similar. Charles
@Nerik A day or two he says...., anyway here is a zip with the actual spells preserving the NPC casting ability. Also the zip includes the .txt files for the spells above fifth level with the proper caster levels for each. The main thing about the spells scripts themselves is that I have reworked them so that you will not have to update the scripts for any NPC's. The script now reads the values from spells_radial_menu_options.mes and generates a random monster from what it finds there when the spell is cast by an NPC. I haven't put anything sophisticated as far as error checking in so the entries for each spell in the options file have to maintain the current format, no extra spaces, no extra line breaks etc. So long as you keep things looking the way they do now, make sure the actual number of entries for the spell matches what you have specified and you don't go over 99 entries it should all be good (the game probably requires all that anyway...) Darmagon