Updating and adding summoning spells

Discussion in 'General Modification' started by darmagon, Mar 2, 2006.

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  1. Kalshane

    Kalshane Local Rules Geek

    Aug 6, 2004
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    I haven't checked all your entries, but it looks like you got the skills wrong. You have to remove the ability and feat bonus from the total (as the game engine will add these in) and then double what's left (unless it's a class skill for any class the creature has, in which case you don't have to double the amount.) The skill fields in the protos.tab should reflect skill ranks and any racial bonuses and the like (if the creature in question is not a PC race.) but nothing that's coming from soemthing that has its own field in the protos.

    That said, I have a feeling there might be a couple of creatures I fixed that might be getting their Alertness bonuses and the like twice that I missed.
  2. Virtual SpACEman

    Virtual SpACEman Established Member

    Feb 14, 2006
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    Thx Nerik im updating now)
    fyi you forgot the meshes.mes but np ill add it in

    Yep Kalshane is right about the skills the numbers are way to high, and the saves are also wrong. but not to worry its an easy fix im doing it now.

    everything else is pretty good the sizes and movement spd on some need a lil tweaking but other wise most other stats and properties are spot on, ill try fix most of the stuff i see.

    but.... hes wrong about the feats, they have to stay in there no way the game mechanics knows how add feats to a non classed monster, ive even tested it, its not that smart.

    i can foresee having to do graphics for dire bear and dire wolf and fiendish as well..here sigh making work for my self:)

    my normal boar will add on the list at

    Boar 14522

    will re up the rar/zip when done.

    Last edited: Mar 14, 2006
  3. Virtual SpACEman

    Virtual SpACEman Established Member

    Feb 14, 2006
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    arrgh this is nuts all the saves and skills for all creatures are messed up im fixing em once and for all!!! there only 7 so far that are correct!!! trokia have murderd 3.5 dnd.
  4. Nerik

    Nerik Established Member

    Jan 12, 2005
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    I wasn't sure about that, thanks - I'll fix them.

    Are you sure, I thought I'd allowed for feats & abilities on these? As for the meshes.mes, ATM I'm just re-using existing meshes, so I hadn't altered it (yet).

    Thanks, I'll leave 14522 empty for you. I was looking at doing a new texture for the dire bear, what I had in mind was to use the grizzley texture, darken its muzzle, and add in the prow ridges. A protrait could then be made from the monster manual picture.

    Are you sure? I thought that Kalshane & Allyx had already fixed this protos.tab (although as stated I couldn't work out what was factored, or not, into the skills).

    You say that like it's a bad thing :twisted: not surprising, given that (from what I've read) they had to switch from 3.0 to 3.5 rules in a hurry.

    Anyway, I put in huge, gargantuan and colosal fiendish spiders in last night using scaling based on the 'official' 3.5 size classes, and consoled them in for a test, The colosal spider pretty much fills the screen! However, it didn't show any noticable texture pixelisation. I'll probably tone the scaling down a bit, but I think we're going to have to accept that it won't be useful to try an summon a big creature in an exposed space.

    Finally, how do you change what noise a creature makes?

  5. Nerik

    Nerik Established Member

    Jan 12, 2005
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    Ok, just for fun I present...

    The spider that ate Hommlet!

    This was a test run of a colossal fiendish spider using monster manual scalings!


    Attached Files:

  6. Allyx

    Allyx Master Crafter Global Moderator Supporter

    Dec 2, 2004
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    :yikes: That's enough to make anyone arachnaphobic! It also makes Glora Gundigoot's "spider's in the basement" problem seem a little small in comparison! :evil_laug
  7. Cuchulainn

    Cuchulainn Windmill Tilter

    Jan 16, 2006
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    Now THAT'S a spider. :thumbsup:

    All we need now is a proportionately scaled can of Raid, and an elephant who can fly to get up there and stand on the button.

  8. Kalshane

    Kalshane Local Rules Geek

    Aug 6, 2004
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    Are you sure you know how the game calculates these things? Because I think you're working from a mistaken impression, as all the previously existing creatures should be correct if Nerik used my updated protos as his base.

    The ToEE engine automatically applies ability score and feat modifiers to saves and skills. It also counts all skills as cross-class skills, unless the creature in question has levels in a class with said skill. So, for monsters and such without class levels (or with class levels that don't have the skill as a class skill) you have to double the amount of ranks in the skill (but leave out any bonuses for ability scores and feats) in order for it to calculate correctly. You can't plug numbers in directly from the Monster Manual.
  9. Nerik

    Nerik Established Member

    Jan 12, 2005
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    Yes, well I hope it was the latest one.

    So I still got it wrong :no: oh, well, at least I got the saving throws right (I hope).
    I'll fix it in the next version.


    Oh, and that monster spider makes the same squeak noise as its smaller kin :stoned:

    Last edited: Mar 15, 2006
  10. Virtual SpACEman

    Virtual SpACEman Established Member

    Feb 14, 2006
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    oky i understand what ya mean about the skills, but saves are confusing.....

    oky Kalshane so the all saves are therefore BASE saves and the engine is filling in rest based off Hit Dice, feats abilities and lvl if classed??

    my question is does the game know to calculate saves for NON classed creatures beyond abilities and skill modiyiers based on value you assign there hit dice (lvl equivalent) or by monster catagory type or both ???? (knowing this for sure would be great )

    if it appears to be the case i appologise, other wise i hope you see where i think saves are being missed.

    is there a console command to check what a creatures/monster save is in game to

    I wish you could see what actual numbers are being rolled by the engine in game as well to callculate ie the D20 rolls for saves and attacks etc..( like you could in baulders, ice wind, neverwinter etc etc)

    oh and the spider RULES OMG :joy: reminds me of the old sci fi B grade movies lol
    Last edited: Mar 15, 2006
  11. Virtual SpACEman

    Virtual SpACEman Established Member

    Feb 14, 2006
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    heres some spider sounds:)

    maybe they can be intergrated

    Attached Files:

  12. Kalshane

    Kalshane Local Rules Geek

    Aug 6, 2004
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    Base saves for creature type and hitdice. Abilities, feats and saves from class levels are calculated by the engine.

    As I said above, the values listed in the monster entries should be the base saves for the monster type and hitdice. The game does not automatically calculate these.

    Skill points entered should be base value+racial modifiers (unless the creature is a PC race, in which case the engine adds those modifiers) if the creature has at least one level in a class for which that skill is a class skill. If the creature has no class levels, or no levels in a class which grants that skill, the amount entered needs to be doubled because the game counts the skill as cross-class and cuts the amount in half when it "rolls" for it.

    The protos.tab I updated should have the correct base values according to hitdice and creature type. All other adjustments to the saving throws will be calculated by the engine. I spent weeks poring through the protos.tab and my assorted 3.5 books and adjusted the stats of all the monsters. While it's possible I may have goofed up in a couple places, 99% of the creatures in my updated protos.tab should have the correct values for all entries. There are some cases where I had to get creative and kludge things due to engine limitations, missing feats, etc, but they should all be listed in the changelog.txt file.

    Unfortunately, no. You have to cast a spell at them and check the roll window.

    Click on the d20 symbol in the lower right hand corner of the screen. This brings up the roll window. Click on the blue text in the roll window and it will display the appropriate dice rolls and modifiers used.
  13. Shiningted

    Shiningted The Thunder of Justice Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    Meh, we got bigger spiders than that in Australia :p
  14. Virtual SpACEman

    Virtual SpACEman Established Member

    Feb 14, 2006
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    THX kalshane!!! it all becomes clear now, now i can mod in peace hehe, knowing.

    the blue text part completely slipped though my radar, i look at that table often but did click on text lol , all my probs and questions solved.

    protos and templates are now updated with boars graphics and stuff and working correctly.

    will post shortly.
  15. krunch

    krunch moving on in life

    Aug 9, 2005
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    Didn't I see that Crikey! Steve Irwin Crocodile Hunter guy on tv, walk up to a gigantic web and poke it and say something like, "She's beautiful mate..."? Or was that just a closeup camera zoom shot of a...shoot, if it looks like a duck, walks like a chicken, and howls like a wolf, I don't know what it is.
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