Tutorial: How to Make a new Map.

Discussion in 'Tutorials' started by Jota, Feb 26, 2005.

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  1. Allyx

    Allyx Master Crafter Global Moderator Supporter

    Dec 2, 2004
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    Re: How to Make a new Map.

    I moved the .sec files, and tested, the body has gone. I guess that answers that question.
  2. Allyx

    Allyx Master Crafter Global Moderator Supporter

    Dec 2, 2004
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    Re: How to Make a new Map.

    AAAARRRRRGGGGG! I'm still having problem's with this, I've isolated the mob and sec files for the muderous thief and y'day's body and moved them, but now I can walk through the walls!?!

    So I guess the mob and/or the sec files for that map contain things that the clipping files didn't? I've tried looking in the mob and sec files for the protos numbers of the thief and the body but no joy. I'll try to edit the script file for thief to destroy him if he is on the map.
  3. Cujo

    Cujo Mad Hatter Veteran

    Apr 4, 2005
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    Is it posible to add to the world map e.g. a new town that you can find or be told how to get there by an NPC (like Nulb) and stays there after you've found it not like random encounter maps that come and go never to be found again.
  4. Agetian

    Agetian Attorney General Administrator

    Aug 14, 2004
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    Re: How to Make a new Map.

    Yeah, it may be possible (but I didn't check it out myself yet). You'll have to edit a lot of files though:

    art/interface/worldmap_ui/worldmap_ui_paths.bin (use ToEEWB to edit it)

    Also, you may want to edit TGAs there...
    And you'll have to write a script that will enable the world map icon for your new town.

    - Agetian
  5. Cujo

    Cujo Mad Hatter Veteran

    Apr 4, 2005
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    Re: How to Make a new Map.

    The tga's are the easy bit, its the rest thats hard.
  6. Agetian

    Agetian Attorney General Administrator

    Aug 14, 2004
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    Re: How to Make a new Map.

    It's not hard, really. You just got to get a good grip on it, you know. Just try it once (but make sure you d/l the latest version 1.7.1 of ToEEWB before trying, since it has a modified version of the world map path editor).

    - Agetian
  7. Badger-ude

    Badger-ude The nonPnP gamer PoV

    Mar 11, 2006
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    When modifying a file that was originally contained in the c.o.8.dat file, do you need to remove the original file from the .dll, repackage it, and then place the new file in the module/data folder to avoid conflicts?
    Last edited: Jul 22, 2008
  8. Shiningted

    Shiningted The Thunder of Justice Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    No. The game automatically over-rides any files in the dats with files from the game folders.

    EDIT: 2 basic things to keep in mind when making new maps:

    1) You MUST clear the map cache! While people use this as a panacaea for any little bug, it is ESSENTIAL when modifying maps!

    2) If you have been to the map already in your game, the game may still revert to the data in the saved game you are loading: so use a save that hasn't been there. So if you were modifying Ah Fong's map (not that you can - I forbid it) you would start a new game or a game where you had never been to that map, save outside, then go back to that save and go in 'fresh' each time you wanted to check how things were coming along.
    Last edited: Jul 23, 2008
  9. SandMan

    SandMan Member

    Jun 9, 2009
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    Ok I have a question about Modding or creating a new map, basicly I guess from scratch if it's possible. Though it would be pretty huge..... hmm... What about creating The Underdark? It is vast and pretty much endless since it covers the area from waterdeep to who knows where, and it's supposed to be more then 15 levels deep if my memory serves me right with the Underdark Modular from AD&D UnderDark box set that came with 3 map levels. If anyone remembers or might have that box set can look and verify.

    1. Is it Possible to create something like this?
    2. Would it be fisable for such a thing for TOEE?
    3. Would people really take the time to Create such a monster? (traps, monster encounters, NPC encounters (dwarves, dark dwarves, Dark Elves, Liches, Mind Flares, Dragons, other underdark beast and encounters)?
    4. yes I am a maniac about traversing the underdark.
    5. It would make for an endless exploration and take TOEE further into something that it should have been in the first place.


    oh p.s
    Yeah I know I think WAY too big. :eek:)
  10. Ax Thrower

    Ax Thrower Blood Lust

    Apr 3, 2006
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    Sandman... there are a couple of ways to make new map layouts, one is to draw over an existing map and piece areas together to get what you want.... another is to use a drawing program from scratch but at times getting the isometric angle correct / size ratio is difficult. I use world creator to lay out the map areas and then people like vp, maggit and halfknight photoshop them.

    yes, it is a hugr undertaking and we are far on the way to creating some of the monsters you mentioned.... but taking it on?? we've been working on kotb since 2006, granted we have learned a lot in the process and extended the capabilities of the game, but I think our next attempt will be something along the lines of one of the first ADD games..

    If you are interested... try starting with something very simple like a mini mod adventure and then go from there.
  11. SandMan

    SandMan Member

    Jun 9, 2009
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    Ax Thrower,
    wow lots of info in your reply. Monsters and such would be an awsum site. Agreed the underdark would be a huge undertaking. From what I remember reading in the box set, the maps that came with it were only a sample of what the underdark exist. From the books by RA Salvator I have read one can only imagine the enomous ammount of time and attention to detail it would take, But something like would not be a one person project, Many Many people would have to be involved. Sorry for rambling. I guess I like my imagination running about wild once in awhile. Thank you for the info. I will try to see what I can do. Though nothing like what yall have accomplished and keep accomplishing. Thanks again for a great mod

  12. vampiricpuppy

    vampiricpuppy cuddly nosferatu

    Dec 4, 2006
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  13. SandMan

    SandMan Member

    Jun 9, 2009
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    thank you for the link. Yeah the box set was a 1st addition AD&D. real hard to find these days. I also have allot of 1st addition mods, One of them is the Blood Stone series. lvls 20 to 100, Where the last mod you go fight Orcus. Was very interesting mod. Had 2 copies of each one. 1 set was signed by the authors of the modualer and By Gary Gyax. Don't have those moduals near me though kinda in storage about 1200 miles from me. opps. Thank you again for the info. Try to get more info about the underdark. will see what I can find.
  14. Spider Dwarf

    Spider Dwarf Spider

    Apr 15, 2010
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    Okay, so I am confused. I installed Ag's World Builder and upped it to 2.0.5. I tried posting this message to the Game Modification Tools forum but kept gettin' treated like the village orc and kicked out so my apologies if this posting is in the wrong spot. My expertise is Photoshop (used since ver. 2.5 Lite) and Indesign (used since Aldus PageMaker) so that does not scare me.

    Most serious problem I'm having is understanding how to mod and wanted to start by creating my own map. Problem therein is that I cannot locate on the forums exactly where and how to start. The one or two I saw were talking geek. So how about a simple do this, do that, start using Photoshop sort of thing.

    Ag's World Builder RTF (thanks Ag) states i need several files (Proto.tab, Description.mes & Long_Description.mes) and directs the reader to the forums.

    Some suggestions for those not familiar with this sort of thing but who want to try their hand.
    1. A forum posting, or tied to an external HTML site, clearly detailing the how-to and what-fors.
    2. A manual, keep it simple at first, giving step-by-step instructions for each phase, e.g. create map, create monster, create character, etc., etc.
    3. What are the recomendations for the map sizes in pixels and resolution.
    4. Post online in the forum links to shared artwork, tips and tricks, etc.
    5. Ad-nauseum.
    I'm going to work today on creating an Indesign booklet. Give me a day or two and hopefully I will post it to my web space. Then someone can start populating it with text. I mean what the heck, I got nothing else to do until Gaear posts 5.8.

    All-in-all, :notworthy
  15. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    A good place to start is always Agetian's overview in World Builder (can't think what it's called atm - the basic one - but it sounds like you may have read that already), followed by Shiningted's modding tutorials. In that thread is a link to Ted's blog, which has additional tutorials as I don't believe krunch kept up the thread.

    The Downloads forum is not open to general posting.

    3. Maps must be 96 dpi.
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