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Discussion in 'The Temple of Elemental Evil' started by Cujo, Apr 28, 2005.

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  1. JamesTheLion

    JamesTheLion Member

    May 28, 2005
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    First, foremost, and most improtantly --- THAT! was hillarious, ha ha ha

    anyway.... yeah - I'm Almost a believer now ;)
  2. JamesTheLion

    JamesTheLion Member

    May 28, 2005
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    Well -- I'm glad you love it :poke: LOL

    Secondly -- as you can tell from my post above, I can't type, ha ha ha.... yeah - U'd think actually looking at the keys as I do would help -- but, uhhhh.... :cool: Not so much, ha ha

    But to clarify -- I def Do NOT the GG is God ;) That one guy one here who isn't superman pobviously is.... it says so right in his sig line. :rock:

    ... oh, and u def don't wanna bite me ;) That costs $$$ ha ha ha
  3. Zebedee

    Zebedee Veteran Member Veteran

    Apr 2, 2005
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    The MERP stuff is very good for DM stuff. Would be a pain to transfer over to D&D though as it's all in Rolemaster/MERP. Got a feeling it's quite pricey now though - I bought all mine way back when.

    Bit nasty to make Gandalf only 5th level hehe In Rolemaster/MERP, he's level 35(70) through to level 50(100) depending on what era you are playing in.
  4. Shiningted

    Shiningted The Thunder of Justice Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    Being a Maiar, shouldn't he be some sort of demigod / hero or something?

    O and I was trying to get Cujo to bite Halarious for his comments about Aussies and Kiwis.

    "C'mon boy, there's a cookie waiting for you... sic him!!!"
  5. Cujo

    Cujo Mad Hatter Veteran

    Apr 4, 2005
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    Well I took my sweet time gettin here...

    Are you holding on tight cos he's gona squirm :evil_laug

    Round Two

    Just when I think I've read the stupidest post ever, you go and post another. Rumor has it that you are almost incomprehensible in person (as revealed by your desperate urge to babble nonsensically on message boards.) No doubt, this rumor is true.

    If brains were dynamite, you wouldn't have enough to blow the kneecap off a flea. You must have a very large brain to hold such a vast amount of sheer ignorance. Reading your post makes blindness a wonderful thing to look forward to. I am reminded of something relevant that Benjamin Disraeli said: "He was distinguished for ignorance - for he had only one idea and that was wrong."

    Most repair manuals are far more interesting than you, and far less turgid to read. Is there anything I need to know about you other than your a grungy social outcast? Maybe you wouldn't be such a Jerk-In-The-Box if your brain cells weren't on the Endangered Species list; if your weren't so fat that when you stand on the Speaking Scale, it screams, or if you didn't have a face that people rub tree branches on to make ugly sticks. Nah, of course you would.

    In closing, why don't you put your glasses on backwards and walk into yourself?

    don't take this post seriously
    Last edited: Jun 9, 2005
  6. Lord_Spike

    Lord_Spike Senior Member Veteran

    Mar 25, 2005
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    Hal...please re-read my post from the other day, and I think you'll find we're in agreement on this point. I said that Aragorn thought it was derogatory because of how it was being used as well as by whom. So did I prove your point, or vice-versa? :chew:

    Olorin, wisest of the Maiar. As one of the people of the Valar, he should at least be as strong as something like one of the valarauko, if not more so. :shrug:
  7. halarious

    halarious Member

    Apr 7, 2005
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    what can i say. great minds think alike!
  8. halarious

    halarious Member

    Apr 7, 2005
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    how can i respond to this wonderfull post, such eloquence, superbe writing, and supreme wit. you have join this debate in full force, perfectly prepared to defend your position with concise and articulate arguments. you must have been president of the debate club in your alma mater! well, i take my hat off to you!
    after all your hard work and practice, it has finally paid off for you,you have finally achieved recognition as the master de bater you have strived to be!

    cudos to you!!! :doublethu
  9. Zebedee

    Zebedee Veteran Member Veteran

    Apr 2, 2005
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    Kudos, dear chap, kudos. :kirby:
  10. JamesTheLion

    JamesTheLion Member

    May 28, 2005
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    I like the chocolate chip ones... :chew: though I wish they made them in caramel... oh well.. You can't have everything.
  11. halarious

    halarious Member

    Apr 7, 2005
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    i have recently been informed that it is kudos not cudos,
    i offer my sincerest apologies for any inconvienence this oversight may have caused. i regret that my debating skills are not as proficient as some of our more eloquent members.

    how about nuts, with a cream filling?
  12. Cujo

    Cujo Mad Hatter Veteran

    Apr 4, 2005
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    Its Cujo, Ku-Joe, not Ku-doss

    And I want Toffee Pops, or Mallowpuffs. :chew:
  13. Allyx

    Allyx Master Crafter Global Moderator Supporter

    Dec 2, 2004
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    In retrospect I probably should have started gandalf at about 9th level, but I gave the XP for the balrog exclusively to him (not bad since we didn't actually play out the fight), but it seemed convenient at the time as I started the four hobbits at first level (Frodo as a bard, Sam as a ranger, Merry and Pippin will be rogue/fighters) lots of sneaking around hobbiton, hiding from black riders - gave XP for non-detection, and not being eaten by old man willow, fighting off the barrow wights was quite interesting, the hobits (all got a +1 shortsword that was bane vs spellcasters). I started all the other characters at 5th level, Aragorn (fighter) and company got some more XP from fighting off the Nazgul at Weathertop, Then met up with Legolas (ranger), Gimli (cleric), Boromir (barbarian) and Gandalf (wizard) at Rivendell. Lots of goblin smashing in moria, gifts of cloaks of elven kind, +1 weapons or armor, and a gem of brightness for Frodo from lady Galadriel, And an epic fight for the hobbits survival for Boromir who killed 20 (of the 30 that attacked) Uruk-Hai (which left him at -4 Hit points at the battle's conclusion).

    I Haven't started on the second book yet, but I plan to soon.
  14. Shiningted

    Shiningted The Thunder of Justice Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    Gimli the cleric :hahano:

    "Behold the power of Aule!!!"
  15. Lord_Spike

    Lord_Spike Senior Member Veteran

    Mar 25, 2005
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    Why would anybody even think of making Gimli a Cleric? Makes about as much sense as Boromir the Barbarian and Sam the Ranger. I even think giving Merry & Pippin Rogue status is stretching it a bit, too. All they ever did rogueish is :

    1. Pippin stole the Orthanc stone from Gandalf, and
    2. Merry got in a good backstab on the Witch-King.

    Bilbo was by far the most rogueish of the lot, and his progression as fighter/thief/bard makes sense; I'll even give you that for Frodo ( but he's a 3.5 edition Bard, not a 1st edition one like Bilbo).

    Gimli = Fighter, with every feat possible as regards fighting and axing;
    Legolas = Fighter, with every feat archery related (and some woodcraft);
    Boromir= Fighter, with some wilderness feats (especially mountaineering) and some horsemanship.
    Sam = Fighter. That's it. He was very loyal, but not very good at much else except gardening & cooking. He was aspiring to be something of a poet & much later a writer, but was really best at being a stalwart companion.

    Not trying to talk trash here; it's your universe...enjoy it. It just doesn't make sense to me...which doesn't really matter. But I'd go for something that at least was in keeping with the LoTR story.
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