ToEE World Builder v1.7.5

Discussion in 'General Modification' started by Agetian, Jul 6, 2005.

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  1. Agetian

    Agetian Attorney General Administrator

    Aug 14, 2004
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    Re: ToEE World Builder Release Candidate 1

    Just released a Release Candidate 1 version. New stuff in this version:

    RC1 - Jul 17 2005

    - corrected some mistypes in window texts and message boxes.
    - updated the tile editor a little bit.
    - fixed some very minor bugs.
    - added a comprehensive module building tutorial. (NOTE: THE TUTORIAL ASSUMES THAT YOU ARE USING TOEE FRONTEND 3.0 FOR THE MULTI-MODULE MODE. Since the ToEE Frontend 3.0 is not finished at the moment, you will have to use the single module mode. So, everywhere where you see "data.Tutorial" (in text), replace it with just "data" (a folder in your ToEE installation), and also replace "modules/Tutorial" with "modules/ToEE".)

    I got to have some rest from making the editor, so don't expect any updates to ToEEWB within the next week... I'll try to finish the ToEE Frontend 3.0 as soon as I can.

    - Agetian
    Last edited: Jul 17, 2005
  2. Agetian

    Agetian Attorney General Administrator

    Aug 14, 2004
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    Hot update

    I reuploaded the Release Candidate 1, adding ToEE Frontend 3.0 RC1 to the installation. Please redownload if you downloaded before this message.

    Note that ToEE Frontend 3.0 RC1 is not in its final state, even though it has passed through nine closed beta phases and should be pretty stable at the moment. Use at your own risk! Please report any bugs you experience!

    I have corrected the tutorial as well (clarified some information)

    - Agetian
    Last edited: Jul 18, 2005
  3. Agetian

    Agetian Attorney General Administrator

    Aug 14, 2004
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    Re: ToEE World Builder Release Candidate 1

    UPDATE: Updated the ToEE Frontend in the package. Please redownload.
    - Agetian
  4. Agetian

    Agetian Attorney General Administrator

    Aug 14, 2004
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    Re: ToEE World Builder Release Candidate 1

    A note about further updates of ToEE World Builder: After the long and hard public beta testing stage I can tell you that the next release of ToEEWB is definitely going to be a release (YAY!). Right now I'll be a little off from making ToEEWB (for about a week) - just to ensure that I'm not going crazy developing it ( ;) ), but afterwards I'll add a lot of new features, based on the already tested code, among them the following:

    - Full support for tile editor mode, complete with wall and passability flags
    - Full support for SVB (sector visibility blocking) files (yes, they are broken down by now - so everyone who wants sector blocking and clipping, rejoice! ;) )
    - More properties editable in an object editor

    That's pretty much what I've planned for the first release. Don't expect it too soon, but I'll do my best to make it as soon as possible. :)

    - Agetian
  5. Shiningted

    Shiningted I changed this damn title, finally! Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    Re: ToEE World Builder Release Candidate 1

    :clap: Thanks for all that! I can't wait til I've got the opportunity to cut loose with this :D
  6. Agetian

    Agetian Attorney General Administrator

    Aug 14, 2004
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    Re: ToEE World Builder Release Candidate 1

    Just a quick note to everyone who's waiting for an update: version 1.0 is almost ready to be released, but there are certain things that still need clarification and that prevent the immediate release. I think that it's safe to estimate the release within next three or four days (could be any time, by the way).
    Thanks for your patience.

    - Agetian
  7. Agetian

    Agetian Attorney General Administrator

    Aug 14, 2004
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    Re: ToEE World Builder Release Candidate 1

    Version 1.0 Release is out!! It's the biggest update to the ToEEWB in the history of the project. Read the *huge* changelog here:

    Release v1.0 - Jul 26 2005

    - rewrote the tile editor to support all existing wall/passability flags.
    - added support for SVB (sector visibility blocking) files to the tile editor.
    - added support for HSD (negative height/water tiles) files to the tile editor.
    - added a global lighting (global.lit) editor to the Map Properties tab. It's still limited since not all fields are known (well, all fields can be edited, but a lot of them are marked as "unknown").
    - added a light editor mode to the sector editor (still very limited and stuff is mostly unknown there, plus it can only edit just a couple types of light (though it can be enough for most modding tasks).
    - added more properties to the object editor: model scale, Z offset, hit points, hit points damage, speed (walk and run), and door/portal lock DC/key ID/flags.
    - added an "area cleaner" mode to map properties editor - a tool that will assist getting rid of original map information when developing your own maps.
    - updated the map.prp editor: excluded the previously unknown entry which has proven to be non-existent (art/ground.mes reference is now 64bit as it's supposed to be).
    - added a configuration option to either save empty svb/hsd files to disk or to remove them in case they become empty (set to "don't save" by default).
    - made some clarifications and additions to the prototype editor.
    - added an editor assistant script to the "tools" (it's a Python script for the game that simplifies the task of finding out game coordinates and teleporting to different locations). Note that it's a different version from the one that was released as a standalone script. Please read the manual!
    - added a new tutorial: creating invisible mobile objects that spawn particle-based special FX.
    - added some more documents so that end users can get a good grip on the editor a lot faster.
    - modified the installation documentation a little (to be more specific).
    - added some new sections to the huge module building tutorial.
    - updated ToEE Frontend Professional distributed with ToEEWB to v3.0 Release.
    - modified the way description.mes is saved in order to make sure that the comments are post-parsed and saved correctly every time.
    - increased the error prediction level in mob loading/saving routine.
    - made a check for sector coordinate legality (so they don't go far beyond allowed values).
    - fixed a rare, but serious bug in memory cleanup routine that caused sectors to become corrupt sometimes (if a sector editor was used for a long time and several sec files were loaded and saved back to disk).
    - fixed a cruel bug that led to corruption of data in sectors with incompatible (unknown yet) light structures.
    - fixed a potential crash: it's now impossible to add a description with ID lesser than 20000 without adding a corresponding prototype first (to prevent in-game and editor errors).
    - fixed a potential crash: 2D map recombiner would crash if a file was found with incorrectly formatted file name (now such file names are ignored).
    - fixed a bug in the DLL editor that caused the console debug output to be
    enabled every time a DLL is loaded, no matter its state in the library.
    - fixed some minor bugs in description editor.
    - clarified certain message boxes and window texts.
    - modified credits screen to include all people who helped me with the project.
    - added icons to both TOEEWB and TOEEFE.
    - minor code modifications to remove certain internal inconsistencies (probably won't make a lot of sense to end users).

    - Agetian
  8. Agetian

    Agetian Attorney General Administrator

    Aug 14, 2004
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    Re: ToEE World Builder v1.0

    What to expect in version 1.1 (feature preview): Right now, version 1.1 is in deep development and could be ready in a week or two (depending on how much spare time I have). Some people may be disappointed, but version 1.1 will be more of a "technology" update than a "feature" update, in the sense that it will aim at creating a safer and more ToEE engine-compatible system of loading and saving back various files.

    First of all, the MOB compatibility system is being completely rewritten. The editor will no longer differentiate editor-made MOBs from the original game files, and you will be able to attempt to load any existing mobile object in the game without having to switch to the forced mode. If the file can't be yet parsed properly by the editor (and, thus, can't be loaded and saved back without errors) you will be given an error message and the loading of an object file will be canceled. Therefore, as opposed to v1.0 and previous releases, the editor will no longer crash to desktop if you attempt to force loading an unsupported MOB file (and, therefore, the switch to enter the forced mob loader mode is no longer needed).

    Also, ToEEWB v1.1 will write a lot more unique mobile objects than v1.0 (in addition to the object's unique identifier, certain other previously unknown structures will be filled to ascertain the unique position of a mobile object in the game memory). As of right now, the ToEEWB development team is not exactly sure if this mode of saving MOB files will actually prove to be beneficial in practice, but at least the file will be a lot more unique, and thus the chance of in-memory overlap of certain MOB structures will be far, far less than in previous revisions of the editor (even though the ToEEWB team has never ever encountered a game crash due to things overlapping, since the unique identifier seems to be enough to position a mobile object in the game memory correctly).

    Some other compatibility- and safety-related issues are currently being discussed and planned, but we would like not to disclose the details of this right now, since things may change a lot in the nearest future.

    As for the features, there will definitely be a lot more supported properties in the object editor, as well as some newly discovered and clarified fields. There are currently no plans to include any totally new features into the editor in version 1.1 in order not to introduce new bugs (especially considering the massive overhaul of the editor code). Also, a couple new tutorials could make it into v1.1 (probably there's going to be one related to water tiles).

    A couple of recently discovered minor bugs were also fixed in v1.1 (there is nothing major to be worried about, though - it's highly unlikely that you will encounter any of these bugs in v1.0 since they are very specific to certain TAB/MES configurations and were only seen in test file configurations).

    Unfortunately, the development was stopped for a day since I had major HDD troubles and had to reformat, and that forced me to roll back from the latest internal build v1.0.6.336 to the previous v1.0.5.328, so I had to rewrite a good portion of the newly introduced compatibility code... Now the development is progressing normally. Thanks for your patience, guys.

    - Agetian (ToEEWB development team).
    Last edited: Jul 28, 2005
  9. Shiningted

    Shiningted I changed this damn title, finally! Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    Re: ToEE World Builder v1.0

    I feel like an idiot saying saying this, but the .mob I have been using as an anchor for spawning in my mod has always been the same one. The one from your treasure chest. Same guid every time, on about a dozen different maps - same as Liv's one for the Hommlet map to spawn Kent etc. (Never tried to add one of mine to it of course, in case you are wondering about the door issue).

    Never had any issues from it that i have seen - happily gone from one map to the next with critters spawning off the same mob each time.

    I WAS wondering if it would be an issue :blink: but prior to ToEEWB i didn't have any other options ;)
  10. Agetian

    Agetian Attorney General Administrator

    Aug 14, 2004
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    Re: ToEE World Builder v1.0

    Update on v1.1: Actually, v1.1 is getting close to the ready state, and it's going to be better than I originally thought. For the first time in modding history it will be possible to browse through embedded static objects in a sector, extract them for editing, and delete them from sector!! All of this is *in addition* to all features and modifications listed above!
    Stay tuned, it's being tested now, and will be released in a couple days :)
    - Agetian
  11. Morpheus

    Morpheus Mindflayer Veteran

    Nov 11, 2003
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    Re: ToEE World Builder v1.0

    *appears out of thin air*

    :clap: Way to go, Agetian! I wish I had the time to actually help you test this, but Real Life(tm) is a bitch these days ... :(

    *disappears in a cloud of smoke*
  12. Agetian

    Agetian Attorney General Administrator

    Aug 14, 2004
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    Re: ToEE World Builder v1.0

    Version 1.1 is released! This is a major update. Read the changelog here:

    Release v1.1 - Jul 30 2005

    - added some more previously unknown entry descriptions to prototype editor.
    - added a new mode to the sector editor: static object manager. Using this mode you can view a list of embedded static objects, extract any static object and save it as a .mob to edit it later and re-embed, and delete static objects from sectors.
    - added *a lot* of properties to the object editor (check them out! the mobile object editor is now a lot more powerful than before!)
    - completely rewrote the compatibility system. Now you can attempt to load any MOB file, including the ones from the game, but if the editor can't yet handle the file you will be told about that and the loading will be canceled.
    - updated the GUID/object ID generation system that now generates a lot more unique identifiers for mobile and static objects.
    - Important: added a new switch in configuration (extended ToEE .mob compatibility mode). This mode aims at creating more compatible files for the game so that two different objects have a much much smaller chance to overlap each other in the game memory.
    - added a smart patcher for proto field names. Newly discovered proto fields can easily be added via modification of "ToEE World Builder.pfr" file (use any text editor to edit it).
    - added two new tutorials: creating secret doors and creating areas with water.
    - removed a useless switch "remove GUID after saving" in the object embedding window (it stopped being useful back in public beta 1 patchlevel 3 when the sector GUID type became autodetectable).
    - extra error prediction for loading incompatible mobile objects into the object editor. Now, in case a critical error occurs while loading an incompatible .mob file, an error message will be given stating that the loading cannot continue to avoid data corruption, and the .mob loading will be canceled.
    - added a lot of extra error prediction to mob loading/saving routines.
    - fixed the position of obj_f_dispatcher field in a mobile object structure.
    - fixed a minor bug in description comment detection that very rarely caused the description to end up at a wrong line in the mes file (it's no biggie, but I decided to fix it anyway).
  13. Agetian

    Agetian Attorney General Administrator

    Aug 14, 2004
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    Re: ToEE World Builder v1.1

    @ Shiningted: Oh, just thought of something... the "door issue" is no more (even in v1.0, it's no more), since I analyzed the problem in detail and revealed its core (which had to do with the fact that sector-embedded objects should have no real GUID and have a "GUID filler" instead). Since v1.0 (or was it even RC1??) ToEE World Builder doesn't create full-blown GUIDs for sector-embedded objects and creates a proper GUID filler instead. The "door issue" was tested hundreds of times afterwards, on seven different PCs, and was confirmed to be no more. Your old saved games will still have the problem because they have a corrupt mobile object stack (maybe something was cached in).

    - Agetian
  14. Agetian

    Agetian Attorney General Administrator

    Aug 14, 2004
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    Re: ToEE World Builder v1.1

    Hot update: Just re-uploaded v1.1 to include the latest version of Editor's Assistant Script (v3.0). Now it allows fast enumeration of objects in the player's vicinity and retrieving their coordinates quickly (please read the manual).
    Please redownload if you downloaded before this message.

    - Agetian
  15. Agetian

    Agetian Attorney General Administrator

    Aug 14, 2004
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    Re: ToEE World Builder v1.1

    IMPORTANT: I fixed a recently discovered bug in version 1.1 that caused an editor crash in case someone tried to use a static object manager after the "Delete all objects" operation was used. I have uploaded a fixed version of a v1.1 package. Please redownload.

    - Agetian
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