ToEE World Builder v1.7.5

Discussion in 'General Modification' started by Agetian, Jul 6, 2005.

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  1. Agetian

    Agetian Attorney General Administrator

    Aug 14, 2004
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    Re: ToEE World Builder v1.7

    Added a new version of Editor's Helper Script as a separate download. You're gonna like it!! Now it's possible to "paint" the impassable, flyover, and flyover/cover areas DIRECTLY IN THE GAME!!! The sector files get created and updated AUTOMATICALLY!! Just position your leftmost party character at the coordinate you want to update, and use a simple console command to update it! Updating many coordinates this way can be a long process, but it's sometimes a really needed tool when you can see all the graphics and everything, especially when you want high precision! Read the details in the 'readme'.

    Portion of the README file

    NOW, if you want to paint the sectors with impassable, flyover, and flyover/cover stuff, make sure you read the following information:

    1) First of all, the sector painter defaults to the following path: C:\Sectors
    This means that all sectors will be read and written into that folder. You may want to change it (to suit your needs, possibly pointing to your map folder or something like that). In that case, open the '' file in your favorite text editor, find the following line:

    PATH_TO_SECTORS = """C:\Sectors"""

    You are free to change this to any other folder. NOTE THAT THE FOLDER MUST EXIST, OTHERWISE STRANGE ERRORS WILL APPEAR IN THE GAME! Also please mind that there must be the triple quotation marks - that is intentional

    2) After you're done with that, you can do the following trick to paint the different tiles: COPY ALL THE SECTOR FILES FROM YOUR MAP FOLDER TO THE FOLDER THAT IS VISIBLE BY THE TILE PAINTER SCRIPT (e.g. TO THE LOCATION THAT 'PATH_TO_SECTORS' POINTS TO)!! Then launch the game, position your leftmost character in the party to the exact location that you want to paint (just move it there), then open the console and use one of the following simple commands:

    blk() - mark the tile as impassable
    fly() - mark the tile as flyover
    cov() - mark the tile as flyover that provides cover (flyover/cover)

    The updated tile information will be automatically saved to the sector file as soon as you perform the command. If the sector file for your current coordinate did not exist, it will be automatically created.

    If you pointed the PATH_TO_SECTORS variable to your map folder, your changes will take place the next time you restart the map. If PATH_TO_SECTORS points to any other folder (like C:\Sectors), you'll have to copy the sector files back from that folder to your map folder to see the change.

    P.S. And,uh... don't forget that you can repeat the last console command using the "UP" key!

    P.P.S. Hey Shiningted, this *will* come handy when you get to sectoring your maps, so you may want to get this goodie! :)

    - Agetian
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2005
  2. Shiningted

    Shiningted The Thunder of Justice Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    Re: ToEE World Builder v1.7

    O I will be first in line for this ;) :Cutlery_T
  3. Agetian

    Agetian Attorney General Administrator

    Aug 14, 2004
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    Re: ToEE World Builder v1.7

    HOT UPDATE 26 AUG 2005: Added version 4.1 of Editor's Helper Script, that in addition to all features above supports working with water tiles (HSD), and adds commands for precise character movement. Please read the README file.
  4. Agetian

    Agetian Attorney General Administrator

    Aug 14, 2004
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    Re: ToEE World Builder v1.7

    HOT UPDATE 27 AUG 2005: Added version 4.2 of Editor's Helper Script, that allows enabling/disabling constant painting mode. For example, you can turn on painting impassable tiles, and then the impassable tiles will be painted as your character moves. Then, you can turn it off. Could be handy when updating large sector areas (e.g. walls in a dungeon, etc.). Please read the README.

    Portion of README

    If you want to update a large group of tiles, it may be convenient to paint the tile information as you move around the map, without having to open the console and type the tile update commands every time. Since version 4.2 there are certain modes that enable and disable autopainting. When you ENABLE the autopainting mode, each tile you move your character to will be automatically painted with the given information (e.g. made impassable, flyover, etc.). So, for example, you can just walk from one side of the wall to the other and it will be painted as "impassable". When you DISABLE the autopainting mode, the tiles will no longer be automatically updated. So:

    blk_on() - start painting impassable tiles
    blk_off() - stop painting impassable tiles
    fly_on() - start painting flyover tiles
    fly_off() - stop painting flyover tiles
    cov_on() - start painting flyover/cover tiles
    cov_off() - stop painting flyover/cover tiles
    wtr_on() - start painting water tiles
    wtr_off() - stop painting water tiles
    lnd_on() - start painting non-water (land) tiles
    lnd_off() - stop painting non-water (land) tiles

    - Agetian
  5. Agetian

    Agetian Attorney General Administrator

    Aug 14, 2004
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    Re: ToEE World Builder v1.7

    A note about further updates of ToEEWB: I know that ToEEWB hasn't been updated for quite some time by now, but the project is not dead. The progress is slow due to an almost complete absence of spare time on my side, but things are going on. The things to expect in the future (can't say when exactly) are mostly inline patches (= patches that don't need complete reinstallation of ToEEWB and just require the modification of a couple files in the installation folder). These inline patches will deal with:

    1) Further clarification of PROTOS.TAB fields (maybe something new will be revealed).
    2) Clarification of the meaning of world map path opcodes in the worldmap_ui_paths.bin editor.

    That's pretty much all for now.
    Sorry for the slow progress, I'm doing my best to keep the project alive.
    - Agetian
  6. Shiningted

    Shiningted The Thunder of Justice Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    Re: ToEE World Builder v1.7

    Hey, u have got it to a level it doesn't need to be updated, we can just enjoy. So don't fret you perfectionist you ;) I long for the day I can step back from my mod and say, "no more patches, done!"
  7. Agetian

    Agetian Attorney General Administrator

    Aug 14, 2004
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    Re: ToEE World Builder v1.7

    NEW UPGRADE AVAILABLE: ToEEWB v1.7 Patchlevel 1 This version adds newly discovered fields and clarifies some unknowns (it also marks newly discovered useless fields as 'unused' instead of 'unknown'). Also, it adds descriptions for movement opcodes in world map path editor (will make things a lot easier!). Also, it updates Editor's Helper Script to version 5.0 that fixes a minor bug and also adds the SVB painter mode (with automatic +21/-21 correction if you understand what that means). Download and install on top of ToEEWB v1.7. Enjoy!

    - Agetian
  8. 0rion79

    0rion79 Established Member

    Apr 9, 2005
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    ToEE World Builder v1.7.1 - questions about several arguments

    Hello fellows, how're u all? I'm a bit, lightly, more free now, so I came to take a look and I'm pleased to see all the progresses made and this awesome tool but there is something highly unclear about it.
    1st - it is supposed to edit mob files, the ones that, as we told many times, are supposed to store NPCs' items, merchants and other informations. Using the ToEExtract tool, I extracted everything that I could but the only *.mob files that I can find are the ones in the folder C:\Programmi\Atari\Temple of Elemental Evil\toeedat\toee3\Module template\maps\ShopMap
    When opening them with the WB, on the right side of the screen there is a vertical short description of those mob files that includes several items, like clubs, thieve's tool, javelin and a shopkeeper and a chest. The items containted in the mob files looks the ones contained in the chest, connected to the shopkeeper. Thus, I don't understand what shopkeeper it may be, how it is connected with a map, how the chest, item and shopkeeper are connected and, mainly, where an hell are stored the other shopkeepers and NPCs, if any.
    I mean, are we sure that the InvenSource.mes is not the only file used for dealing with equipment? Did you discover any new clue about this argument in those months?
    2nd - there is the voice "specific slot" under the column NPC/critter, that should be used to assign a weapon and/shield to the desired hand but it uses a numerical variabile and I've no idea about what numbers represent. Any clue?
    3rd - Even if the program sucesfully load the, I can't find in any list both in the prototypes and object screens, the henchmen and NPCs with wich it is possible to talk during the game. Some of them. I guess, shows up not with their name but with descriptions. Zaxis, for example, should be the one called "A wandering bard -> #14331" but this makes hard to find NPCs and still it is impossible to use those tools to edit them.
    Thanks for the tips, cya soon.....
    PS: could somebody of you post a link to the Co8's relased mods page? So I download the latest stuff and I don't have to work on obsolete files. :)
  9. Agetian

    Agetian Attorney General Administrator

    Aug 14, 2004
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    Re: ToEE World Builder v1.7.1 - questions about several arguments

    Doing good, thanks :)

    Please read the tutorial (the "Module Building Tutorial") that comes with ToEEWB. Things will get sorted out as you read.

    Look at my piece of advice above. Take your time and read the tutorial. Or - better - read that tutorial, and then read all supplementary tutorials as well. They explain it all in detail.

    That's how ToEE stores the information about the object. The NPCs are indexed by their unknown name (so, Brother Smyth will be the Blacksmith, etc.). ToEEWB follows the indexing specific to ToEE, it's not something I invented or thought up. Why do you say that it is *impossible* to edit something? It's by all means possible, it's just the fact that you'll have to find the proper entry that makes it harder for you. Well, either use Proto-Ed to locate the entry you want (it gives you a grid-like overview of or use anything (even Notepad) to search for it.

    Hope this helps.
    - Agetian
  10. 0rion79

    0rion79 Established Member

    Apr 9, 2005
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    Re: ToEE World Builder v1.7.1 - questions about several arguments

    Thanks, I didn't see the help tutorial in the tool but only the ones in the START menù and now almost everything looks clear enough to make some test. But I still can't see where are the mob files containing the infos related to the existing NPCs in the game: I have some ideas that I want to develop that involves editing existing files. When I used the program to extract files, there was no track about the mob files related to the henchmen, monsters and NPCs. Where are them? It is very important and I can't find any clue about this in the tutorials!
    Last edited: Sep 18, 2005
  11. Agetian

    Agetian Attorney General Administrator

    Aug 14, 2004
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    Re: ToEE World Builder v1.7.1 - questions about several arguments

    I'm not exactly sure what you mean by that... NPC MOBs, as well as all other MOB files, are stored in the "maps/*" folder that can be extracted from modules/ToEE.dat, where "*" should be replaced with the name of the map your NPC is on...

    By the way, be careful with editing existing (original) NPC MOBs -- there is a slight chance that the original MOB will still be incompatible with ToEEWB (read the information in the first post in this thread for more info about it).

    - Agetian
  12. 0rion79

    0rion79 Established Member

    Apr 9, 2005
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    Re: ToEE World Builder v1.7.1

    Yes, I know the risks but that is the point! When I extracted the files with the tool, there is no track of any map folder containing any mob files inside the new toeedat directory. As I wrote before, the only map containing mob files is the one in the folder C:\Programmi\Atari\Temple of Elemental Evil\toeedat\toee3\Module template\maps\ShopMap while I have some other mob files in the C:\Programmi\Atari\Temple of Elemental Evil\modules\ToEE\maps where the files edited from Liv are. Did something go wrong when extracting files or should I do something else to obtain those mob files? If it is not a too big trouble, may somebody send me into a zip or rar archive at ?
  13. Allyx

    Allyx Master Crafter Global Moderator Supporter

    Dec 2, 2004
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    Re: ToEE World Builder v1.7.1

    Orion - you have Zanes Dat extractor right? That .exe file you used to extract ToEE1.dat ect...? move it to the modules folder and drop ToEE.Dat onto it too - it will extract every (original) map folder and all those lovely .mobs that are inside it!
  14. 0rion79

    0rion79 Established Member

    Apr 9, 2005
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    Re: ToEE World Builder v1.7.1

    Hemm... I don't have enough skill points in Knowledge (MS DOS)!

    I have 3 files: ToEExtract.exe, ToEExtract.cpp and toEExtract.h. I moved all of them into the folder C:\Programmi\Atari\Temple of Elemental Evil\modules (programmi is programs) and then, from DOS prompt, I typed: C:\Programmi\Atari\Temple of Elemental Evil\modules> toeextract toee3.dat toee3dat, as I did to extract the other files. The program starts but there is an error message that says "imput file not found" and no file is extracted. Am I doing anything wrong?
  15. Morpheus

    Morpheus Mindflayer Veteran

    Nov 11, 2003
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    Re: ToEE World Builder v1.7.1

    You just have to drag & drop ToEE.dat (NOT ToEE3.dat) onto toeextract.exe, as stated by Allyx. No need to use the DOS prompt.
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