ToEE Front-End X 4.0 Discussion Thread

Discussion in 'ToEE Front-End X' started by Agetian, Jun 5, 2013.

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  1. sirchet

    sirchet Force for Goodness Moderator Supporter

    Dec 6, 2003
    Likes Received:
    It would seem to me, and please remember I am but an ant among giants when speaking to you guys about this but ... If the compatibility issues can be bypassed by running in a windowed mode, then can we have an option on the front end to "run in windowed mode"?

    Also, can we maximize the window to almost be full screen?

    Just a few thoughts mind you.

    EDIT: OK, I have woke up and checked and there IS in fact an option already in place on the front end to "Run in windowed mode".

    So, nothing to see here ... keep moving people. :roll:
    Last edited: Aug 14, 2013
  2. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
    Likes Received:
    Thanks for the ^ rundown, Ag. Why do you suppose we're seeing an uptick in launch crashes and incompatibility now? And I still can't figure why sirchet would go from no problems to problems when nothing's changed in his system but the modpack. :tired:
  3. Agetian

    Agetian Attorney General Administrator

    Aug 14, 2004
    Likes Received:
    It's actually an interesting question but I can narrow down the potential sources of the issues people are having to the following:

    1) Aji'Tae's windowed mode reshack - not sure if it has any effect on fullscreen code but it might, and if it does, it might cause some instability; I'm still running some tests and I may actually post another experimental build later today or tomorrow (more likely tomorrow). TFE-X v4.2 is likely to implement a separation mechanism that will completely remove all trace of the reshack when the game is running fullscreen (just in case, you know); for that, however, I need a clean temple.dll from Co8 v7.8.0 (previous modpack build)... do you happen to still have it somewhere so I don't have to redownload the modpack?
    2) The UI changes that were implemented as a part of v7.9.0 (with possible DLL changes that went along with it) - anything that deals with the UI can have a potential effect on the workings of scaling and, thus, resolution (indirectly);
    3) (not directly related to your or sirchet's issues, but still) Windows 8. The Co8 modpack has largely been untested on this operating system which seems to be used more and more by some of our users and which seems to distance itself away from Windows 7 and previous systems in terms of compatibility. Some people have reported problems launching the game on this operating system.
    4) (very little chance) whatever the difference might exist between the Java executable call routine and the .NET executable call routine. Technically speaking, the two should be the same since the OS gains control over the executing process as soon as JRE (or .NET, or anything else for that matter) calls the executable. After that, neither JRE nor .NET is doing anything with the process unless requested and set up to, which it isn't in case of TFE-X. So, this is most likely (as in "99.9999%") not the case.
    5) "ToEE magic". The game seems to be coded in such a way that surprises of all sorts happen all the time. Things that have never happened before start happening, and all of a sudden things that have always happened stop happening. I can't explain this either, tbh. :p

    There's already a setting in TFE-X to run the game in windowed mode. TFE-X v4 series is currently able to make your window as big as the resolution you've set in the game, which is bigger than the usual 800x600 the original game enforced on you in wondowed mode (thanks to the already mentioned Aji'Tae's hack). This may, however, still be smaller than your actual desktop resolution. We're still investigating this reshack as a potential source of the video issues though, so I would like not to experiment with upscaling it further to non-standard window sizes in order not to provoke more issues until the old ones can be traced to something... But, of course, if it becomes a viable option it'll eventually become a part of TFE-X. ;)

    - Agetian
  4. Agetian

    Agetian Attorney General Administrator

    Aug 14, 2004
    Likes Received:
    Ok, I have been testing a lot over the last couple days and I came to the following conclusions:

    1) Whatever is troubling us with fullscreen video modes is definitely not Aji'Tae's windowed mode reshack. TFE-X v4.1 (as well as its predecessor, v4.0) correctly restores the code every time the game is switched back to fullscreen in the front-end. The original resolution switch code is bitwise correct. As such, there is no trace of anything reshack-related in the DLL when the game is running in fullscreen.
    2) It is definitely not TFE-X itself either (for instance, the suggestion that it may be launching the game somehow inappropriately is definitely disproven) - I've debugged the entire code, made sure that the DLL injection is finished and the changes are flushed (and the DLL is closed) before the front-end attempts to start the front-end (they indeed are), and made sure that no access intervention comes from the front-end once the game has started (there is none, the front-end ceases all operation by the time the game is started, the process call is the last thing TFE-X does before quitting, and it keeps no memory of the process address and does not incur any lock on the launched process).

    As far as those two points are concerned, it's pretty much a guarantee that TFE-X v4.x is as robust when it comes to launching the game in fullscreen as TFE-X v3.x ever was (and potentially more so because the code is much less hacky and thus leaves less place for possible weird borderline behavior).

    That leaves us with the following:

    1) Were there any more changes in the DLL between v7.8.0 and v7.9.0 that could have affected the way the game behaves when it comes to resolution changes and UI scaling and whatnot?
    2) The issues on the front-end side (such as TFE-X not launching the game correctly, not activating the modules correctly, having weird UI issues, etc.) definitely come from the peculiarities of Java installations on individual computers. It means that the mentioned Java installations can be broken, incorrectly installed, or are suffering from permission denial (which could be due to some malware scanning software being overly paranoid or the user permission settings manually set to paranoid levels and configured to block Java).
    3) The issues on the game side come either from something that has changed in the DLL itself between the releases (v7.8.0 -> v7.9.0) or from something that has changed in the systems of people running the game (hardware changes? software updates? OS upgrades?). Is it possible to run a binary comparison of changes between v7.8.0 and v7.9.0 stock temple.dll and make sure that there are no unwanted bytes changed in it in order to avoid the possibility of something that was inadvertently changed between releases and is thus causing trouble?

    This is the best I can do so far, guys...

    - Agetian
  5. Agetian

    Agetian Attorney General Administrator

    Aug 14, 2004
    Likes Received:
    Ok, in addition to my previous post, something just hit me as potentially important:

    If there are people out there experimenting with mixed front-end installations OR who like to randomly launch the game via toee.exe instead of via TFE-X to save a couple extra mouse clicks (despite the fact that TFE-X FAQ strongly recommends AGAINST both of those), these people can be *in for a lot of trouble*.

    Imagine this scenario:
    1) Someone installs Co8 v7.9.0, launches TFE-X v4 and deploys it, then sets the game to run in windowed mode and launches the game from the front-end. TFE-X injects Aji'Tae's reshack code in order to allow it to run in bigger resolutions + it launches ToEE with a parameter to start in windowed mode.
    2) Some time later the same player decides: I want to run the game in fullscreen now and I'm tired of launching TFE-X every time. I'll just go ahead and start toee.exe directly and it'll start in fullscreen. Moreover, I won't have to click that pesky "Play" button in the front-end anymore. How bad can it be, right? WRONG!

    By doing the latter the user deliberately launches the game in fullscreen without proper initialization - the problem here is that Aji'Tae's code is still injected but the game is running in fullscreen (with it!). What consequences it may have is indeterminate but it can be anything up to immediate CTDs when trying to modeswitch!

    Now, imagine another scenario:
    1) A user installs Co8 v7.9.0 and deploys TFE-X v4 that came with it, switches it to windowed mode and launches the game. Everything seems to work fine but the said user is for some reason unsatisfied with TFE-X v4 (the reason is unimportant, but it could be, for instance, issues with the Java runtime, such as a software conflict, broken installation or permission denial that make TFE-X misbehave in some way).
    2) The said user decides: instead of trying to correct the issue with Java, what the heck, I'll just revert to TFE-X v3.0e, the previous .NET version, and continue working with it. After all, .NET seems to behave better for him than Java. So, he overrides the latest front-end with the old one from Co8 v7.8.0, it seems to start correctly and it even seems to work correctly for a while - so, what can go wrong, right? WRONG!
    3) Now let's imagine that the user is tired of running the game in windowed mode. He switches it from windowed to fullscreen using the old front-end v3.0e. The problem here is that the old front-end has no idea whatsoever that some extra code (Aji'Tae's reshack) was injected into the game when it was last set to run windowed. As such, once the old front-end starts ToEE, it keeps the reshack injected but asks the game to modeswitch in fullscreen. The result can be disastrous just like in the first scenario.

    Now, I have no idea if anything like that is really happening to anyone currently on the board, but... it's a potential room for a disaster waiting to happen. In TFE-X FAQ it is stressed that we can't support mixed front-end installations because they may potentially be troublesome, but I guess I'll stress it even more in the upcoming stable build of TFE-X. Also, I think we should warn the users that they should NOT (as in "NEVER EVER", you know), launch the game via toee.exe once TFE-X is installed and some settings are applied in it. There is a warning about it in the readme and in the FAQ, but who reads those, right? In many cases nothing bad will happen, but in some cases like the ones above (there might be a few extra tricky scenarios, too), they can induce a subtle yet dangerous situation that can cause a LOT of issues for them and they'll come here asking us what's up (and it may be very difficult to tell what's up especially if they don't tell us that they experimented like that).

    The only cases that are definitely safe and that allow running mixed front-end installations or running the game directly are:

    1) (downgrading to v3.0e) Installing TFE-X v3.0e on top of TFE-X v4 immediately after installing Co8 v7.9.0 and *before* starting the front-end at least once. This is safe. Any other scenario should be treated as potentially unsafe. Upgrading to TFE-X v4 and then downgrading again to TFE-X v3.0e after a while of working with the new front-end is unsafe.
    2) (running toee.exe directly) Installing Co8 v7.9.0, deploying TFE-X v4, running it, *disabling* all the options in the menu (especially the windowed mode!), then quitting the front-end and launching toee.exe with no parameters. This is safe. Any other scenario should be treated as potentially unsafe.

    - Agetian
  6. Sitra Achara

    Sitra Achara Senior Member

    Sep 1, 2003
    Likes Received:
    I can confirm having crashes on startup with all versions published here...
  7. Agetian

    Agetian Attorney General Administrator

    Aug 14, 2004
    Likes Received:
    In order to try to help and potentially find the source of this issue I'd need details on your system, a lot of details, to be honest.
    1) What is your hardware like (your CPU and video card)?
    2) What is your operating system?
    3) What is your Java version?
    4) Are you running ToEE full-screen or windowed? At what resolution?
    5) Are you starting the game through TFE-X or via toee.exe?
    6) Does the game still crash if you try starting it via toee.exe?
    7) How far into the loading process are you talking about when you say "crashes on startup"? Does it crash even before trying to switch resolutions and showing anything on screen or does it get to a certain point loading the game and then CTDs?
    8) Can you please post the contents of your TFE-X.log that you get when you click "Play" in TFE-X and then the game starts loading and crashes?
    9) Last but not least, did you only start having these issues with Co8 v7.9.0 or did you have anything at least remotely similar with the previous builds of the modpack?

    As things to try, try the following:
    1) Does disabling the active scanners (e.g. anti-virus or anti-spyware software) help?
    2) Does switching the video mode help?
    3) Does starting the game in windowed mode help?

    - Agetian
  8. blakdeth

    blakdeth Member

    Aug 23, 2005
    Likes Received:
    I get quite a few CTDs just after the opening splash screens, but before the game's opening movie.
    I'm using the 4.0 front end and 7.9 NC.

    My PC is:
    AMD Athlon D7550 dual core 2.5 Ghz proc
    ATI Radeon HD 5670 card 1 GB of video RAM.
    4 GB of system RAM.

    OS is Vista 32 bit
    Game res is 1280X960 which seems to suit me best.

    I've only had a noticeable amount of crashes since implementing 7.9, I had only rare occurrences with the old front end and 7.8 NC.

    Still, it's not catastrophic, I can just restart the front end and the game and it pretty much always works the second try.

    It might be a resolution issue, and I might try windowed mode to see if goes away.

    Hope that helps.
  9. Zoltec

    Zoltec Pгōdigium

    Apr 22, 2012
    Likes Received:
    For people who are lost on the track, download the latest java version here You must uninstall any outdated java runtime environment installations in your system before proceeding. I also encourage people to provide detailed feedbacks, if they are for instance encounter any problems regarding with the current Front-End.
  10. Sitra Achara

    Sitra Achara Senior Member

    Sep 1, 2003
    Likes Received:
    You know, I just love ToEE. It's really amazing. It's like the living embodiment of murphy's law.

    Up until now, with 7.9/TFE4, at normal use, about 50% of the time I would get crashes at the startup loading bar (always when it was about 75% complete), whereas previously I had no such trouble. So I try to investigate. I duplicate the folder, install 7.8 (with the old TFE), et voila, everything works fine. Great! We're making progress!

    Then I go back to the previous, unaltered installation of 7.9 with TFE 4. And now it works fine too! Not a single crash! Even when I change resolution! How do you like that, sir...

    Ok, now that I got that off my chest :) here's some more info that may or may not be relevant:
    1. I do have to disable intro, otherwise it crashes at the intro movie (the second one, after the loading screen, showing the battle). This, however, doesn't happen with the 7.8/TFE3 setup (intro runs fine there). Happens for vanilla resolutions too (1024x768).

    Doing some more testing, it seems that enabling resolution scaling in the 7.9/TFE3 setup causes the problem to emerge. However, disabling it in the TFE4/7.9 setup doesn't solve it.

    2. Windowed mode works, but locks up after a few seconds into the game (i.e. I get past the loading screen, I usually have enough time to click 'new game' and maybe pick alignment and then it becomes unresponsive.It also happens if I click nothing)
    This has been present since at least 7.8, and I think 7.6 too.

    3. System configuration:

    CPU - i7-2670QM, NVIDIA GeForce GT 525M (Dell Inspiron 7110)
    Win 7 64 Home Premium
    Java 7 (only, as far as I can tell - going by the installed programs list)

    4. Working resolutions: anything with less than 900 in the vertical (my native is 1600x900)

    5. In 7.9/TFE4, I'm getting a consistant crash when exiting the program, whereas I do not with 7.8/TFE3 or 7.9/TFE3.

    6. So far I haven't seen any difference between using TFE and running the toee.exe directly.

    Hope it helps.
  11. Agetian

    Agetian Attorney General Administrator

    Aug 14, 2004
    Likes Received:
    @ Sitra: Point #6 is what bothers me - it basically indicates that it's more likely a non-TFE-X issue rather than a TFE-X one, but the seeming dependency on TFE-X version that seems to follow from what you're saying is even weirder...

    I'd really love to see that TFE-X.log contents for the instance when the game crashes for you.

    P.S. Game exit crashes have existed forever - nothing that TFE-X / Co8 v7.9.0 brought into play, trust me.

    - Agetian
  12. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
    Likes Received:
    As for the 7.8 .dll vs. 7.9 .dll, there were many changes that switched all the instances of arial font to priory. That's all though, off the top of my head.

    As for UI, everything was cosmetic (new skins, which I assume should override like everything else) except for one .img-hack-adjustment to the size of one of the generic text boxes (made bigger to accommodate full long descriptions with priory) and a new larger box for dialogue. Like with the new skins, I don't know why those wouldn't work 'normally;' I never had an issue with them during the course of a lot of (oftentimes unrelated) testing anyway.

    @SA, I believe you said you were running the old 7.8 .dll for debugging purposes with 7.9 ... did that still feature crashes or did they happen to go away?
  13. Agetian

    Agetian Attorney General Administrator

    Aug 14, 2004
    Likes Received:
    @ Gaear: Please read the two long posts that I made above when you have time, I'm wondering what you'd recommend as far as our policy goes about mixed installations and whatnot... it might be related to at least a fraction of the issues we're going through... Or at least those are the issues that are to be reckoned with anyway (as potential things to be aware of in the future).

    - Agetian
  14. Sitra Achara

    Sitra Achara Senior Member

    Sep 1, 2003
    Likes Received:
    The 7.9/TFE4 setup uses the 7.8 DLL.

    Here's the crashed startup log: (intros enabled)

    אוג 15, 2013 7:46:28 PM org.co8.jtfe.logging.TFELogger log
    INFO: Starting ToEE Front-End X logging service...
    אוג 15, 2013 7:46:28 PM org.co8.jtfe.logging.TFELogger log
    INFO: This is ToEE Front-End X v4.0 running on Maywind Engine on JRE-1.7.0_01-Windows 7-amd64
    אוג 15, 2013 7:46:28 PM org.co8.jtfe.logging.TFELogger log
    INFO: Building the portable ToEE directory file list...
    אוג 15, 2013 7:46:28 PM org.co8.jtfe.logging.TFELogger log
    INFO: Trying to set up native look and feel: choosing
    אוג 15, 2013 7:46:28 PM org.co8.jtfe.logging.TFELogger log
    INFO: Checking if the game patch level is compatible with the front-end...
    אוג 15, 2013 7:46:28 PM org.co8.jtfe.logging.TFELogger log
    INFO: Looks like patch 2 or better [should work].
    אוג 15, 2013 7:46:29 PM org.co8.jtfe.logging.TFELogger log
    INFO: Changing module table selection to -1...
    אוג 15, 2013 7:46:29 PM org.co8.jtfe.logging.TFELogger log
    INFO: Detecting the status of intro movies...
    אוג 15, 2013 7:46:29 PM org.co8.jtfe.logging.TFELogger log
    INFO: Intro movies detected to be enabled.
    אוג 15, 2013 7:46:29 PM org.co8.jtfe.logging.TFELogger log
    INFO: Ensuring portable game file names...
    אוג 15, 2013 7:46:29 PM org.co8.jtfe.logging.TFELogger log
    INFO: Reading TFE-X initialization parameters...
    אוג 15, 2013 7:46:29 PM org.co8.jtfe.logging.TFELogger log
    INFO: Reading ToEE Front-End X initialization settings from TFE-X.ini...
    אוג 15, 2013 7:46:29 PM org.co8.jtfe.logging.TFELogger log
    INFO: Done reading ToEE Front-End X initialization settings from TFE-X.ini.
    אוג 15, 2013 7:46:29 PM org.co8.jtfe.logging.TFELogger log
    INFO: Writing ToEE Front-End X initialization settings to TFE-X.ini...
    אוג 15, 2013 7:46:29 PM org.co8.jtfe.logging.TFELogger log
    INFO: Done writing ToEE Front-End X initialization settings to TFE-X.ini.
    אוג 15, 2013 7:46:29 PM org.co8.jtfe.logging.TFELogger log
    INFO: Writing ToEE Front-End X initialization settings to TFE-X.ini...
    אוג 15, 2013 7:46:29 PM org.co8.jtfe.logging.TFELogger log
    INFO: Done writing ToEE Front-End X initialization settings to TFE-X.ini.
    אוג 15, 2013 7:46:29 PM org.co8.jtfe.logging.TFELogger log
    INFO: Detecting game resolution...
    אוג 15, 2013 7:46:29 PM org.co8.jtfe.logging.TFELogger log
    INFO: Done reading 46 elements from toee.cfg.
    אוג 15, 2013 7:46:29 PM org.co8.jtfe.logging.TFELogger log
    INFO: Detected resolution 1024x768 in toee.cfg.
    אוג 15, 2013 7:46:29 PM org.co8.jtfe.logging.TFELogger log
    INFO: Enforcing disabled autosaves (corrupt ToEE functionality)...
    אוג 15, 2013 7:46:29 PM org.co8.jtfe.logging.TFELogger log
    INFO: Done writing 46 elements to toee.cfg.
    אוג 15, 2013 7:46:29 PM org.co8.jtfe.logging.TFELogger log
    INFO: Populating the module list...
    אוג 15, 2013 7:46:29 PM org.co8.jtfe.logging.TFELogger log
    INFO: Scanning the directory for TFM packages...
    אוג 15, 2013 7:46:29 PM org.co8.jtfe.logging.TFELogger log
    INFO: Adding module: Circle of Eight Modpack 7.6.0 NC.tfm...
    אוג 15, 2013 7:46:29 PM org.co8.jtfe.logging.TFELogger log
    INFO: Adding module: Circle of Eight Modpack 7.8.0 NC.tfm...
    אוג 15, 2013 7:46:29 PM org.co8.jtfe.logging.TFELogger log
    INFO: Adding module: Circle of Eight Modpack 7.9.0 NC.tfm...
    אוג 15, 2013 7:46:29 PM org.co8.jtfe.logging.TFELogger log
    INFO: Adding module: Temple of Elemental Evil.tfm...
    אוג 15, 2013 7:46:29 PM org.co8.jtfe.logging.TFELogger log
    INFO: Determining the currently active module...
    אוג 15, 2013 7:46:29 PM org.co8.jtfe.logging.TFELogger log
    INFO: Changing module table selection to 2...
    אוג 15, 2013 7:46:29 PM org.co8.jtfe.logging.TFELogger log
    INFO: Detecting the status of intro movies...
    אוג 15, 2013 7:46:29 PM org.co8.jtfe.logging.TFELogger log
    INFO: Intro movies detected to be enabled.
    אוג 15, 2013 7:46:29 PM org.co8.jtfe.logging.TFELogger log
    INFO: Detecting the status of intro movies...
    אוג 15, 2013 7:46:29 PM org.co8.jtfe.logging.TFELogger log
    INFO: Intro movies detected to be enabled.
    אוג 15, 2013 7:46:29 PM org.co8.jtfe.logging.TFELogger log
    INFO: Checking for duplicates and removing them if found...
    אוג 15, 2013 7:46:29 PM org.co8.jtfe.logging.TFELogger log
    INFO: Trying to read the module-wide lockout file...
    אוג 15, 2013 7:46:29 PM org.co8.jtfe.logging.TFELogger log
    INFO: Reloading default initialization parameters...
    אוג 15, 2013 7:46:29 PM org.co8.jtfe.logging.TFELogger log
    INFO: Reading TFE-X initialization parameters...
    אוג 15, 2013 7:46:29 PM org.co8.jtfe.logging.TFELogger log
    INFO: Reading ToEE Front-End X initialization settings from TFE-X.ini...
    אוג 15, 2013 7:46:29 PM org.co8.jtfe.logging.TFELogger log
    INFO: Done reading ToEE Front-End X initialization settings from TFE-X.ini.
    אוג 15, 2013 7:46:29 PM org.co8.jtfe.logging.TFELogger log
    INFO: Writing ToEE Front-End X initialization settings to TFE-X.ini...
    אוג 15, 2013 7:46:29 PM org.co8.jtfe.logging.TFELogger log
    INFO: Done writing ToEE Front-End X initialization settings to TFE-X.ini.
    אוג 15, 2013 7:46:29 PM org.co8.jtfe.logging.TFELogger log
    INFO: Writing ToEE Front-End X initialization settings to TFE-X.ini...
    אוג 15, 2013 7:46:29 PM org.co8.jtfe.logging.TFELogger log
    INFO: Done writing ToEE Front-End X initialization settings to TFE-X.ini.
    אוג 15, 2013 7:46:29 PM org.co8.jtfe.logging.TFELogger log
    INFO: Detecting game resolution...
    אוג 15, 2013 7:46:29 PM org.co8.jtfe.logging.TFELogger log
    INFO: Done reading 46 elements from toee.cfg.
    אוג 15, 2013 7:46:29 PM org.co8.jtfe.logging.TFELogger log
    INFO: Detected resolution 1024x768 in toee.cfg.
    אוג 15, 2013 7:46:29 PM org.co8.jtfe.logging.TFELogger log
    INFO: Done reading 1 elements from modules/ToEE/lockout.ini.
    אוג 15, 2013 7:46:29 PM org.co8.jtfe.logging.TFELogger log
    INFO: Locking out Humble NPCs...
    אוג 15, 2013 7:46:31 PM org.co8.jtfe.logging.TFELogger log
    INFO: Initiating DLL patch injection...
    אוג 15, 2013 7:46:31 PM org.co8.jtfe.logging.TFELogger log
    INFO: Injecting NO_MAX_HP_PER_LEVEL...
    אוג 15, 2013 7:46:31 PM org.co8.jtfe.logging.TFELogger log
    אוג 15, 2013 7:46:31 PM org.co8.jtfe.logging.TFELogger log
    INFO: Injecting NO_MAX_NPC_HP_FROM_HD...
    אוג 15, 2013 7:46:31 PM org.co8.jtfe.logging.TFELogger log
    INFO: Injecting NO_SHOW_EXACT_HP...
    אוג 15, 2013 7:46:31 PM org.co8.jtfe.logging.TFELogger log
    INFO: Injecting HUMBLE_NPC...
    אוג 15, 2013 7:46:31 PM org.co8.jtfe.logging.TFELogger log
    INFO: Injecting MAX_NUM_PC...
    אוג 15, 2013 7:46:31 PM org.co8.jtfe.logging.TFELogger log
    INFO: Done reading 46 elements from toee.cfg.
    אוג 15, 2013 7:46:31 PM org.co8.jtfe.logging.TFELogger log
    אוג 15, 2013 7:46:31 PM org.co8.jtfe.logging.TFELogger log
    INFO: Done injecting DLL patches.
    אוג 15, 2013 7:46:31 PM org.co8.jtfe.logging.TFELogger log
    INFO: Cleaning game cache on startup...
    אוג 15, 2013 7:46:31 PM org.co8.jtfe.logging.TFELogger log
    INFO: Cleaning map cache...
    אוג 15, 2013 7:46:31 PM org.co8.jtfe.logging.TFELogger log
    INFO: Cleaning compiled script cache (game scripts)...
    אוג 15, 2013 7:46:31 PM org.co8.jtfe.logging.TFELogger log
    INFO: Cleaning compiled script cache (Co8 utilities)...
    אוג 15, 2013 7:46:31 PM org.co8.jtfe.logging.TFELogger log
    INFO: Processing game startup options: [-maxlevel:20]...
    אוג 15, 2013 7:46:31 PM org.co8.jtfe.logging.TFELogger log
    INFO: Trying to start the game via path: C:\GOG Games\Temple of Elemental Evil\toee.exe...
    אוג 15, 2013 7:46:31 PM org.co8.jtfe.logging.TFELogger log
    INFO: Command line: [C:\GOG Games\Temple of Elemental Evil\toee.exe, -maxlevel:20]
    אוג 15, 2013 7:46:31 PM org.co8.jtfe.logging.TFELogger log
    INFO: Closing ToEE Front-End X (the game process was successfully started).
    And here's the non-crashing log: (intros disabled)
    אוג 15, 2013 7:49:03 PM org.co8.jtfe.logging.TFELogger log
    INFO: Starting ToEE Front-End X logging service...
    אוג 15, 2013 7:49:03 PM org.co8.jtfe.logging.TFELogger log
    INFO: This is ToEE Front-End X v4.0 running on Maywind Engine on JRE-1.7.0_01-Windows 7-amd64
    אוג 15, 2013 7:49:03 PM org.co8.jtfe.logging.TFELogger log
    INFO: Building the portable ToEE directory file list...
    אוג 15, 2013 7:49:03 PM org.co8.jtfe.logging.TFELogger log
    INFO: Trying to set up native look and feel: choosing
    אוג 15, 2013 7:49:03 PM org.co8.jtfe.logging.TFELogger log
    INFO: Checking if the game patch level is compatible with the front-end...
    אוג 15, 2013 7:49:03 PM org.co8.jtfe.logging.TFELogger log
    INFO: Looks like patch 2 or better [should work].
    אוג 15, 2013 7:49:03 PM org.co8.jtfe.logging.TFELogger log
    INFO: Changing module table selection to -1...
    אוג 15, 2013 7:49:03 PM org.co8.jtfe.logging.TFELogger log
    INFO: Detecting the status of intro movies...
    אוג 15, 2013 7:49:03 PM org.co8.jtfe.logging.TFELogger log
    INFO: Intro movies detected to be enabled.
    אוג 15, 2013 7:49:03 PM org.co8.jtfe.logging.TFELogger log
    INFO: Ensuring portable game file names...
    אוג 15, 2013 7:49:03 PM org.co8.jtfe.logging.TFELogger log
    INFO: Reading TFE-X initialization parameters...
    אוג 15, 2013 7:49:03 PM org.co8.jtfe.logging.TFELogger log
    INFO: Reading ToEE Front-End X initialization settings from TFE-X.ini...
    אוג 15, 2013 7:49:03 PM org.co8.jtfe.logging.TFELogger log
    INFO: Done reading ToEE Front-End X initialization settings from TFE-X.ini.
    אוג 15, 2013 7:49:03 PM org.co8.jtfe.logging.TFELogger log
    INFO: Writing ToEE Front-End X initialization settings to TFE-X.ini...
    אוג 15, 2013 7:49:03 PM org.co8.jtfe.logging.TFELogger log
    INFO: Done writing ToEE Front-End X initialization settings to TFE-X.ini.
    אוג 15, 2013 7:49:03 PM org.co8.jtfe.logging.TFELogger log
    INFO: Writing ToEE Front-End X initialization settings to TFE-X.ini...
    אוג 15, 2013 7:49:03 PM org.co8.jtfe.logging.TFELogger log
    INFO: Done writing ToEE Front-End X initialization settings to TFE-X.ini.
    אוג 15, 2013 7:49:03 PM org.co8.jtfe.logging.TFELogger log
    INFO: Detecting game resolution...
    אוג 15, 2013 7:49:03 PM org.co8.jtfe.logging.TFELogger log
    INFO: Done reading 46 elements from toee.cfg.
    אוג 15, 2013 7:49:03 PM org.co8.jtfe.logging.TFELogger log
    INFO: Detected resolution 1024x768 in toee.cfg.
    אוג 15, 2013 7:49:03 PM org.co8.jtfe.logging.TFELogger log
    INFO: Enforcing disabled autosaves (corrupt ToEE functionality)...
    אוג 15, 2013 7:49:03 PM org.co8.jtfe.logging.TFELogger log
    INFO: Done writing 46 elements to toee.cfg.
    אוג 15, 2013 7:49:03 PM org.co8.jtfe.logging.TFELogger log
    INFO: Populating the module list...
    אוג 15, 2013 7:49:03 PM org.co8.jtfe.logging.TFELogger log
    INFO: Scanning the directory for TFM packages...
    אוג 15, 2013 7:49:03 PM org.co8.jtfe.logging.TFELogger log
    INFO: Adding module: Circle of Eight Modpack 7.6.0 NC.tfm...
    אוג 15, 2013 7:49:03 PM org.co8.jtfe.logging.TFELogger log
    INFO: Adding module: Circle of Eight Modpack 7.8.0 NC.tfm...
    אוג 15, 2013 7:49:03 PM org.co8.jtfe.logging.TFELogger log
    INFO: Adding module: Circle of Eight Modpack 7.9.0 NC.tfm...
    אוג 15, 2013 7:49:03 PM org.co8.jtfe.logging.TFELogger log
    INFO: Adding module: Temple of Elemental Evil.tfm...
    אוג 15, 2013 7:49:03 PM org.co8.jtfe.logging.TFELogger log
    INFO: Determining the currently active module...
    אוג 15, 2013 7:49:03 PM org.co8.jtfe.logging.TFELogger log
    INFO: Changing module table selection to 2...
    אוג 15, 2013 7:49:03 PM org.co8.jtfe.logging.TFELogger log
    INFO: Detecting the status of intro movies...
    אוג 15, 2013 7:49:03 PM org.co8.jtfe.logging.TFELogger log
    INFO: Intro movies detected to be enabled.
    אוג 15, 2013 7:49:03 PM org.co8.jtfe.logging.TFELogger log
    INFO: Detecting the status of intro movies...
    אוג 15, 2013 7:49:03 PM org.co8.jtfe.logging.TFELogger log
    INFO: Intro movies detected to be enabled.
    אוג 15, 2013 7:49:03 PM org.co8.jtfe.logging.TFELogger log
    INFO: Checking for duplicates and removing them if found...
    אוג 15, 2013 7:49:03 PM org.co8.jtfe.logging.TFELogger log
    INFO: Trying to read the module-wide lockout file...
    אוג 15, 2013 7:49:03 PM org.co8.jtfe.logging.TFELogger log
    INFO: Reloading default initialization parameters...
    אוג 15, 2013 7:49:03 PM org.co8.jtfe.logging.TFELogger log
    INFO: Reading TFE-X initialization parameters...
    אוג 15, 2013 7:49:03 PM org.co8.jtfe.logging.TFELogger log
    INFO: Reading ToEE Front-End X initialization settings from TFE-X.ini...
    אוג 15, 2013 7:49:03 PM org.co8.jtfe.logging.TFELogger log
    INFO: Done reading ToEE Front-End X initialization settings from TFE-X.ini.
    אוג 15, 2013 7:49:03 PM org.co8.jtfe.logging.TFELogger log
    INFO: Writing ToEE Front-End X initialization settings to TFE-X.ini...
    אוג 15, 2013 7:49:03 PM org.co8.jtfe.logging.TFELogger log
    INFO: Done writing ToEE Front-End X initialization settings to TFE-X.ini.
    אוג 15, 2013 7:49:03 PM org.co8.jtfe.logging.TFELogger log
    INFO: Writing ToEE Front-End X initialization settings to TFE-X.ini...
    אוג 15, 2013 7:49:03 PM org.co8.jtfe.logging.TFELogger log
    INFO: Done writing ToEE Front-End X initialization settings to TFE-X.ini.
    אוג 15, 2013 7:49:03 PM org.co8.jtfe.logging.TFELogger log
    INFO: Detecting game resolution...
    אוג 15, 2013 7:49:03 PM org.co8.jtfe.logging.TFELogger log
    INFO: Done reading 46 elements from toee.cfg.
    אוג 15, 2013 7:49:03 PM org.co8.jtfe.logging.TFELogger log
    INFO: Detected resolution 1024x768 in toee.cfg.
    אוג 15, 2013 7:49:03 PM org.co8.jtfe.logging.TFELogger log
    INFO: Done reading 1 elements from modules/ToEE/lockout.ini.
    אוג 15, 2013 7:49:03 PM org.co8.jtfe.logging.TFELogger log
    INFO: Locking out Humble NPCs...
    אוג 15, 2013 7:49:05 PM org.co8.jtfe.logging.TFELogger log
    INFO: Disabling intro movies...
    אוג 15, 2013 7:49:07 PM org.co8.jtfe.logging.TFELogger log
    INFO: Initiating DLL patch injection...
    אוג 15, 2013 7:49:07 PM org.co8.jtfe.logging.TFELogger log
    INFO: Injecting NO_MAX_HP_PER_LEVEL...
    אוג 15, 2013 7:49:07 PM org.co8.jtfe.logging.TFELogger log
    אוג 15, 2013 7:49:07 PM org.co8.jtfe.logging.TFELogger log
    INFO: Injecting NO_MAX_NPC_HP_FROM_HD...
    אוג 15, 2013 7:49:07 PM org.co8.jtfe.logging.TFELogger log
    INFO: Injecting NO_SHOW_EXACT_HP...
    אוג 15, 2013 7:49:07 PM org.co8.jtfe.logging.TFELogger log
    INFO: Injecting HUMBLE_NPC...
    אוג 15, 2013 7:49:07 PM org.co8.jtfe.logging.TFELogger log
    INFO: Injecting MAX_NUM_PC...
    אוג 15, 2013 7:49:07 PM org.co8.jtfe.logging.TFELogger log
    INFO: Done reading 46 elements from toee.cfg.
    אוג 15, 2013 7:49:07 PM org.co8.jtfe.logging.TFELogger log
    אוג 15, 2013 7:49:07 PM org.co8.jtfe.logging.TFELogger log
    INFO: Done injecting DLL patches.
    אוג 15, 2013 7:49:07 PM org.co8.jtfe.logging.TFELogger log
    INFO: Cleaning game cache on startup...
    אוג 15, 2013 7:49:07 PM org.co8.jtfe.logging.TFELogger log
    INFO: Cleaning map cache...
    אוג 15, 2013 7:49:07 PM org.co8.jtfe.logging.TFELogger log
    INFO: Cleaning compiled script cache (game scripts)...
    אוג 15, 2013 7:49:07 PM org.co8.jtfe.logging.TFELogger log
    INFO: Cleaning compiled script cache (Co8 utilities)...
    אוג 15, 2013 7:49:07 PM org.co8.jtfe.logging.TFELogger log
    INFO: Processing game startup options: [-maxlevel:20]...
    אוג 15, 2013 7:49:07 PM org.co8.jtfe.logging.TFELogger log
    INFO: Trying to start the game via path: C:\GOG Games\Temple of Elemental Evil\toee.exe...
    אוג 15, 2013 7:49:07 PM org.co8.jtfe.logging.TFELogger log
    INFO: Command line: [C:\GOG Games\Temple of Elemental Evil\toee.exe, -maxlevel:20]
    אוג 15, 2013 7:49:07 PM org.co8.jtfe.logging.TFELogger log
    INFO: Closing ToEE Front-End X (the game process was successfully started).
    But as usual, ToEE decides to be inconsistent - now the TFE3/7.9 setup crashes with intros on, too :p
  15. Agetian

    Agetian Attorney General Administrator

    Aug 14, 2004
    Likes Received:
    Yeah, this appears to be independent from TFE-X... no idea what's causing it but it's not the front-end, there's nothing in the logs that would indicate otherwise, too...

    - Agetian
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