When your confidence in yourself is shaken to a point where you can't even trust your own judgment anymore and you begin to question everything you did, ever decision you ever made, in the 16 years of this thing you call a career. Tuesday was not a good day for your humble friend and narrator.
A wife that stays late tutoring students and ALWAYS forgets to turn her phone on. Yeah, I'm a paranoid worry wart when it comes to her being OK.
People who are manipulative, rather than out front and direct. And liars. ( Boy do I hate liars.) Seems to me that the two are one and the same.
Judges who give into every one of Plaintiff's counsel's unreasonable and illogical demands, wasting mine and my attorneys time on a case that should've been heard and over with in 5 F***ING minutes!! Edit: At least I got a nice lunch out of it.
Being able to predict the unfavourable course of events, but being unable to prevent it from happening, especially due to others not listening until it is too late.
What I find irritating is people who tell you they know better if they don't. Even if you give them examples or proof they are wrong they will obstinately claim that they're right. Ugh...
The truth is we all are. But stubbornness annoys the hell out of me when someone's being an arrogant jack ass while at it.
Pfffffttt. I own the copyright to stubborn arrogant jackass. I wrote the book on it and NO ONE can tell me any different! The truth cannot be denied! oke: But seriously, the most irritating thing in the world is stubbing your broken toe while hobbling to the john. You look foward to taking a squirt and do all the work of struggling to get up with crutches and all of that is gone instantaneously as soon as you stub your toe and a lightning lance of pain shoots up to your brainstem and gives you a headache right behind your eye. :rant: I need a prescription of some medical marijuana.
Taking a shower with a broken anything sucks hard. I merely have a broke toe but trying to balance and wash at the same time is an experience like no other, not to mention trying to keep weight off the toe and trying not to bump it into the sides.
Man, removing a plaster cast from anything broken is quite interesting experience too! Because it gets removed with hair sticking to it, ha-ha-ha!
Hollywood egos. My current job is a comic book of a movie. And the actors keep sending back the layouts/sketches because the drawings don't look photographically exact to them. Damned James Franco.