The Frightful Meleny Mod

Discussion in 'General Modification' started by Ax Thrower, Jun 19, 2008.

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  1. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    Question for the scripting/code gurus: is it possible to randomize an element of the game.fade(xxxx) command? I've built a few different 'exclamations of pleasure' .mp3s for Meleny as applies to this mod that are intended to fire when the game fades, and it would be neat to have them randomized (for those hardy souls who might want to have a second go with her right away, for example) so she doesn't do exactly the same thing.

    btw, this is shaping up so that numerous options will be available with her, depending mostly on alignment. They include:

    • regular fooling around/fornication (good)
    • the 'I nailed Meleny' tack (evil)
    • getting Meleny to play for the other team (good/female)
    • debauching Meleny with the entire party (evil)
    Strangely, none of the social skills seems to apply to this endeavor very well, so it will require an extremely high charisma score to reach the ultimate goal. (Meleny has very high standards, after all. ;))

    Also, there will be no rape here. While this mod is intended to add an adult flavor to the proceedings and provide some additional RP for evil alignments in particular, I don't think it's quite appropriate for us to go that real world. So no forced anything - either you've got the 'skillz' as they say or you're out of luck.
  2. thearioch

    thearioch Need More Cowbell

    Sep 16, 2007
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    1) Do you get the T-shirt? (I did Meleny in the barn and all I got was this T-shirt)
    2) Can we get a new piece of clothing for this T-shirt?
    3) Can we make Filliken react to a PC wearing the T-shirt?

    I disagree with this option being evil, especially as this mod implies consent. As you are using CHA as a basis, I'd make this option allow more than one "low" CHA person to add CHA scores with one or more other qualifying party members...2 5's equals a 10 so to speak.

    Last edited: Jun 25, 2008
  3. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    So good parties are supposed to gang-bang Meleny? I don't think so. ;) Remember, we're dealing with the comparatively black and white alignments of D&D as opposed to the vagaries of human morality. At least from my standpoint we are, so I don't care to get much more analytical about it than that.

    Remember also that consent does not preclude some form of coercion beyond force, e.g. manipulating or tricking her into doing it. That's going to be the approach, and all for the satisfaction of the stereotypically 'evil' dudes who like to see women objectified and subjected to mistreatment. :yes: Yay for RPing evil!

    btw, I meant to ask - is there anything I should know about your own Meleny/Filliken/Althea mod before I get too far into this? I don't want to break anything that you may be working on. I was planning on adding 3 generic children to serve as Mel's little brother and sisters, incidentally, as well as having a flesh and blood Roddy lurching around somewhere.
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2008
  4. thearioch

    thearioch Need More Cowbell

    Sep 16, 2007
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    Well, you probably know what actions the PCs would have to take better than I do, since it's your mod :) I'd agree that anything done in a way that dehumanizes another person would qualify as 'evil' in DnD terms. I just thought it would be amusing if the the only way "low CHA" PCs could score would be to share. Anyway...

    I'm still learning a lot about modding, so my stuff won't be ready for a while, and I'm pretty good at manually integrating code changes, so I'd say don't worry about my stuff. Anyway, most of what I do will involve the party actively leading Athlea down the dark side, so likely few Meleny changes. And if the kids are there, that's fine. Evil Fallout fans will like my mod.

    My storyline so far is:

    1) PC convinces Athlea that, as eldest (with no male of age), if Filliken dies, she will be head of household.

    2) PC suggests leading Meleny to Deklo grove (where Ochre Jellies kill her), then telling Filliken, who rushes after to save Meleny (arriving to late and getting killed himself).

    3) Athlea then realizes she can marry Marek, but they won't have any time alone as she has a built-in family. PC convinces Athlea to kill siblings. Even little Haydn.

    4) Marek walks in while Atlhlea "at work", is horrified. Athlea kills Marek to prevent him from turning her in.

    If you add Roddy, I guess he'll have to take one for Team E as well.

    Athlea then will join you, likely as Monk4/Sorc1 or Sorc5 -- PCs have to be a bit higher level than just 1st (all that's needed for Meleny).

    I'm thinking not just any evil can do this, but evil clerics (Erythnul specifically), possibly wizards or sorcs, maybe bards (classes that have access to Suggestion spell, as I'm assuming *just* dialog not likley to convince Athlea).

  5. wizgeorge

    wizgeorge Prophet of Wizardy

    Feb 19, 2005
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    Sounds like something out of The Witcher, for the evil-minded ones. Not interested.
  6. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    I think it sounds like a great potential expansion for evil. It's certainly more appropriate to their sensibilities than converting people to St. Cuthbert.
  7. Sitra Achara

    Sitra Achara Senior Member

    Sep 1, 2003
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    Frankly, I don't like it. The Meleny business I mean. Particularly the gang bang angle. Do you really want the Co8 mod to be known as the mod that lets you gang bang Meleny?

    I'm all for mature themes, as long as it's not the immature side of mature. (I hope that makes sense)

    This is exactly the sort of thing spells like suggestion, and maybe some illusion spells, would be used for in a perfect RPG. If you can pull this off in a convincing and coherent manner, I'm all for it.

    Well, except for Althea being anything but a commoner, or maybe 1st level something at most... unless you somehow integrated training her while brainwashing her to do these things, or perhaps have her return after a few months with those abilities.
    Last edited: Jun 29, 2008
  8. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    Strange that you would pronounce judgement on the mod or declare it 'immature' without even playing it, Sitra.
  9. thearioch

    thearioch Need More Cowbell

    Sep 16, 2007
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    I'm pretty sure you can "bum rush the show" and get Meleny at 1st level, so her being Druid 1 makes sense. I'm going to try to have my Athlea mod require the party have a PC with Suggestion, which is a third level Sorceror/Wizard/Cleric[Trickery Domain] spell requiring a 5th level caster. Thus, I am making "Evil Athlea" 5th level. I don't plan on making "Evil Athlea" higher level than the minimum level for the party to fairly acquire her.

  10. Shiningted

    Shiningted I changed this damn title, finally! Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    My first thought was "wtf is this guy going on about?" Then when I realised it would incorporate a Suggestion spell, I thought "wow thats a fantastic idea!" Can't wait to see it.
  11. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    D'oh - sorry to have to tell you this thearioch, but Suggestion is actually no more. We changed it to Dominate Monster, which it was felt the ToEE version of the spell was closer to. See this thread for the details.

    I hope there's some other spell that can fill in for you for this purpose.
  12. maggit

    maggit Zombie RipTorn Wonka

    Oct 20, 2005
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    Charm? Bard's Fascinate?
  13. Shiningted

    Shiningted I changed this damn title, finally! Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    <sigh> Yeah, of course we did -I keep thinking of Nale casting it on Elan, which sounds exactly where this mod is going.

    Charm is drastically overpowered too, what with it making NPCs turn on their own comrades which it shouldn't (and we know Fascinate is similarly overpowered). Maybe we should reinstate Suggestion for role-playing moments like this? :shrug: Another use for Suggestion along those lines that could be very quickly be implemented might be for any NPC who has a Sense Motive thing to hide something - casting Suggestion causes them to spill their guts straight away.

    TheArioch, if you are serious about this, look at how casting Dispel on Paida triggers dialogue (from san_spell_cast, col 309, in her entry, and then to her .py file). From there on its straight-forward dialogue. Easy enough to implement it with Charm or whatever, and then the exact spell can be changed later if necessary.
  14. thearioch

    thearioch Need More Cowbell

    Sep 16, 2007
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    Thanks for the heads up. I think I may a little more work than I originally thought, but I think it will make my (and other people's) mods better.

    1) Ted, thanks for the ref to san_spell. It looks similar to the Bing *.dlg and *.py (which I've already modded significantly). I definitely want to use this method, but I'm not sure exactly how thing s work -- i.e., I don't want the party to cast a spell that would trigger combat.

    2) I'm happy not to use Suggestion as documented in the ToEE manual -- if the party can use that to get Athlea to join, it pretty much moots going through my dialog and quests. Also, as mentioned briefly above, I intend for the party to have to work at this -- initial parts will likley require high "face" skills or Trickery Domain or Enchantment specialist. The next level will require Charm Person (if it won't start combat), and finally (if I can make it work the way I want), Suggestion.

    3) See this link for details of how I intend to implement Suggestion.

    Last edited: Jul 1, 2008
  15. Sitra Achara

    Sitra Achara Senior Member

    Sep 1, 2003
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    I wasn't arguing from a gamist point of view, I just had a hard time swallowing Althea being an experienced fighter (or monk, magician, whatever). I understand that she would be useless to a 5th level party as a 1st level character, which is why I tried to offer ways to accomodate her being higher level than that for the sake of coherence (realism, if you will - but I prefer to say coherence because true realism is meaningless and/or worthless in games).


    This talk about a Meleny gangbang is a big red light to me. Maybe I can't say how it will actually turn out in the end, but I'd rather voice my concern now than regret not having said anything later.
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