I would go with: -Human wizard with one level of fighter. Maximize Int and Str. Greater Spell Focus in enchantment. Combat reflex + reach weapon (holy ranseur). Eventually craft weapon feat. -Rogue, (possibly with one level of fighter to get dual wield faster). Max dexterity + weapon finesse. Dual wield rapier or short blades. The strategy is to use wizard for enchantment/crowd control spells, with melee assit using reach weapon. Rogue makes strategic use of flanking and deals massive damage with multiple sneak attacks each rounds. Wizard can scribe scrolls and the rogue can also use them with Use Magic Items. This duo can do everything: magic, thievery and dealing lots of melee damage.
Looks like a fun build. I would get enlarge person for the rogue. Also be careful that nobody (bugbears) get past your rogue and your wizards reach weapon. Trip attacked and curb stomped really hurts.
I've started my next Duo. Pure Elf Druid and a Ranger with 4 levels of fighter. I used a 50 point buy for their stats iirc. The Druid will get scribe scrolls, craft weapon and craft wonderous. Longbow of course.Ranger will go dual weild cleaver in right and hand axe in left (same proficiency as you know).Cleave,combat reflexes etc. Both have a high Dex so I will have to get Mithril for the Ranger and maybe Moon ivy for the druid . This should be a fun build.