The Circle of Eight Modpack Explained

Discussion in 'The Circle of Eight Modpack' started by Gaear, Jan 2, 2010.

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  1. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    The Circle of Eight Modpack is compatible with all available legally purchased editions of ToEE, including the boxed, jewel case, Anthology, and Good Old Games downloadable versions. The Co8 Modpack contains two essential game files that ensure compatibility: temple.dll and toee.exe. Most compatibility issues are resolved by the inclusion of these two files in the modpack, as our files override whichever versions are included in your game.

  2. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    Our naming mechanism for modpacks is simple: NC stands for new content. Modpacks that have NC appended to their version number feature the major Co8 new content expansions, and those that don't say NC don't feature the major new content expansions. That's all there is to it.

    Standard versions contain mainly bugfixes, rules compliance modifications, AI tweaks, and content restoration, in addition to a few actual mods like the Rannos and Gremag revenge scenario and the Moathouse Ambush. These are 'mini-mods' compared to the major expansions, and we include them in the standard modpack because we don't feel they significantly impact the balance of the game, and because our longterm feedback indicates that over time, they have become considered part and parcel with the basic game. Many players don't even know that they are mods. The standard modpacks also contain all our custom portraits, voice sets, items, worldmap, et al.

    New content versions contain all of the above and the major new content expansions as described below.

    NC expansions 1 - 3 occur during the course of the regular game. Talk to Brother Smyth to access them.

    NEW CONTENT EXPANSION 1 | Ronald Rynnwrathi

    Available at the start of the game. Ronald is an NPC cleric who can be found in the upper level of the Church of St. Cuthbert in Hommlet.

    NEW CONTENT EXPANSION 2 | Welkwood Bog

    Available at the start of the game. Use it to avoid doing the Hommlet Fedex quests! Completing it will take you to roughly level 2.

    NEW CONTENT EXPANSION 3 | Arena of Heroes

    Available after you have been told of Nulb.

    NC expansions 4 - 7 comprise the proper NC portion of the game, or 'part 2,' which is intended to cover levels 11 - 20. Part 2 features the city of Verbobonc as the primary quest hub.


    Available after you have dealt with Zuggtmoy. Verbobonc features numerous quests and plots and is not merely a staging ground for the other new content.

    NEW CONTENT EXPANSION 5 | Moathouse Respawn

    Available after you have completed at least one of the fugitive quests for Captain Achan in Verbobonc.

    NEW CONTENT EXPANSION 6 | Hickory Branch

    Available after you have completed the Season of the Witch quest.

    NEW CONTENT EXPANSION 7 | War of the Golden Skull

    Available after you have completed Wilfrick's first two quests - 'Frozen Assets' and 'The Slave Traders.'

  3. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    The Circle of Eight front end utility, TFE-X, requires Java Runtime Environment (JRE) v1.7.0 (also known as Java 7) or higher to run. Most modern systems will have this installed. To check if it's installed on your system, go to Control Panel > Add or Remove Programs and look for 'Java.' Both the standard Oracle package and the open source OpenJDK are fully supported. If you are on Microsoft Windows, you can download Java at this URL: If you are on Linux, your distro repository should contain a version of Java (e.g. OpenJDK) that you can use.


    The Circle of Eight modpack is compatible with all retail versions of ToEE, including the boxed, jewel case, Anthology, and Good Old Games download versions.


    There were three patches released for the original game. The Circle of Eight Modpack uses patch level 2 to function. The third patch only fixed the looting bug and is not necessary, since that bug is fixed in the modpack as well. If you have a version of the game that is pre-patched to level 3, the Circle of Eight Modpack will simply overwrite it to the proper patch level.

    The various releases of the game are patched as follows:

    Boxed: generally not patched. You need to apply Atari patches 1 and 2 (see below).
    Jewel Case: possibly patched. You should apply Atari patches 1 and 2 anyway (see below).
    GOG: pre-patched. You don't need to apply any Atari patches.
    Anthology: pre-patched. You don't need to apply any Atari patches.


    These instructions are taken directly from the Circle of Eight Modpack Release Notes. Follow these four simple steps and you'll be on your way to happy gaming.


    If your version of ToEE is not pre-patched, install Atari Patch 1. It is available here:



    If your version of ToEE is not pre-patched, install Atari Patch 2. It is available here:



    There is no need to install Atari Patch 3. The only additional feature Atari Patch 3 contains is a fix for the infamous DirectX 9.0c looting bug, but this particular issue is also fixed by the Circle of Eight modpack. If you have installed patch 3 already or if your game comes pre-patched with Atari Patch 3, don't worry. It doesn't matter.


    The Circle of Eight Modpack is available here:


    Double click the Circle of Eight Modpack Setup utility to begin installation. When prompted to choose an installation location, make sure to select the location where your game is installed. The default location as defined by the Circle of Eight Modpack is C:/Temple of Elemental Evil. If you are using a modern operating system like Windows 7 or 8, it is best to avoid installing to the Program Files directory, as those operating systems may not allow unrestricted access there. The Circle of Eight Modpack and Installation Utility require unrestricted access. The default installation location for most versions of ToEE is generally in Program Files. We recommend you change this and install to the root directory of your C: drive.

    Follow all on-screen promps. After the modpack has been deployed, the Circle of Eight front end utility, TFE-X, will automatically launch.

    If this is a new installation, TFE-X will perform the necessary operations to convert your installation for use with the Circle of Eight Modpack. Be patient; this can take some time. When TFE-X is finished, it will report the status to you in a popup window. IF YOU HAVEN'T SEEN THIS POPUP NOTIFICATION WINDOW, THE CONVERSION IS NOT COMPLETE. DO NOT CTRL-ALT-DEL OUT OF THE TFE-X APPLICATION. WAIT FOR THE POPUP WINDOW. Next, select the Circle of Eight Modpack from the TFE-X menu and click 'activate.' This can also take some time. WAIT FOR THE POPUP WINDOW TO TELL YOU THAT THE MODULE ACTIVATION IS COMPLETE. DO NOT CTRL-ALT-DEL OUT OF THE TFE-X APPLICATION. After the module has been activated, you may customize various options through TFE-X and launch the game.

    If this is an existing installation to which you are simply adding the Circle of Eight Modpack, simply select the Circle of Eight Modpack from the TFE-X menu and click 'activate.' This can also take some time. WAIT FOR THE POPUP WINDOW TO TELL YOU THAT THE MODULE ACTIVATION IS COMPLETE. DO NOT CTRL-ALT-DEL OUT OF THE TFE-X APPLICATION. After the module has been activated, you may customize various options through TFE-X and launch the game.

    Version 4 of TFE-X will give you feedback on the progress of conversion and module activation. Pay attention to this feedback and do not interrupt any of TFE-X's operations.


    If you are installing an add-on module like a patch or some other specialized mod, double click its setup utility and follow all on-screen prompts. Be sure to select the correct game directory as detailed above in Step 4. Check for patch availability here:


    Launch TFE-X after installation, click Add-On Packs, select the add-on pack you want to install, and click install. WAIT OUT THE INSTALLATION.


    The module that you are adding the add-on pack to must be activated and selected in the TFE-X module menu prior to activating the add-on pack.

    You may only have one add-on pack activated at a time.

  4. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    Here are some helpful tips to ensure that your ToEE gaming experience is as smooth and problem-free as possible. Learn them, know them, live them, and hold them close to your heart.

    Run as administrator, if you're using Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, or Windows 10.

    Do not install ToEE to the Program Files folder, if you're using Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, or Windows 10. These operating systems oftentimes have issues with allowing access to files in the Program Files folder and its sub folders, and the Co8 modpack needs access to the game files in order to install and run properly. So instead, install to a custom location like C:/ToEE.

    Do not attempt to use saves across modules. (e.g., do not use v6.0.0 saves with v8.0.0.) They are NOT compatible.

    Set your video card to a 'no scaling' setting for video playback. This will make in-game videos play at their original resolution. Some systems experience game crashes when they try to scale ToEE's videos to fit the monitor.

    Do not play at a resolution greater than 1680 x 1050. The highest resolution reliably supported by ToEE is 1680 x 1050.

    Do not use quicksaves with ToEE. They corrupt easily. Instead, use an array of at least 5 regular saves while playing ToEE, overwriting each in turn. This practice should ensure that you have a good save to go back to if one becomes corrupt.

    Do not save during combat. This also runs a greater risk of save corruption.

    Do not play in Ironman mode. Save corruption is a fact of life with ToEE, and if your Ironman save becomes corrupt, you're finished. If you want an Ironman-style game, it's best to simply play Ironman-style in a regular game.

    Do not use autosave on map change with ToEE. Using this feature will break certain scripts in ToEE. It is set to 'off' by default in the Co8 modpack.

    Do not install the moebius2778 temple.dll independantly. This file has been heavily modded since moebius2778's day at Co8, and moebius' fixes are included in the current version. If you overwrite the current version with the moebius version, you will be 'undoing' a great many fixes. Do not install it separately.

    Do not put an NPC in the left-most position in the party queue along the bottom of the screen. This can cause a variety of problems, such as quests not updating properly or even appearing in your logbook at all.

    Do not use Scather or Fragarach in the Fire Node or the Fire Temple. You will likely experience the endless AoO loop, and you will be very sad.

  5. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    Having problems launching the Co8 mod? Having problems with bad saves? Having problems with the game itself? Here are some things to check.

    I'm running ToEE and TFE-X under Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, or Windows 10, and when I try to launch TFE-X, it says "Another instance of TOEE Front-End X is already running!"

    You have to run TFE-X as administrator in Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, and Windows 10. Right click the TFE-X application icon and check 'Run as administrator.'

    The game installs fine and maybe even launches fine, once, but then it won't launch anymore! Or, when I try to launch the game via TFE-X, it says that I have to run it from the root directory!

    Your anti-virus software is probably quarantining or deleting the toee executable (toee.exe). Unfortunately, some anti-virus software falsely identifies the ToEE executable as a trojan, but it's a false positive. If the executable is quarantined or deleted, the game won't launch, obviously. (And if the front end can't find toee.exe in your root directory due to it being quarantined or deleted, it assumes you're trying to launch the game from somewhere else.)

    1. Add toee.exe to your AV software's exceptions list. If that doesn't work -
    2. Disable your AV software. If that doesn't work -
    3. Uninstall your AV software. Yes, some AV software will still kill toee.exe even if it's not running. AVG Free is recommended for use with ToEE. You only have to add toee.exe as an exception once and that's it.

    My anti-virus software says that the executable (toee.exe) is secretly a virus!

    No it's not. Some anti-virus software falsely identifies the ToEE executable as a trojan, but it's a false positive. Some anti-virus software may even auto-delete or auto-quarantine the executable. You may need to disable or even uninstall your antivirus software if this happens to you. Not all anti-virus software considers toee.exe to be a trojan, so there are alternatives.

    My game seems to be missing things from the modpack. I get no shopmap, or bugfixes that I know should be there aren't, etc. Or maybe the game doesn't even launch at all! What's going on?

    If you installed ToEE to the Program Files folder and you're running Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, or Windows 10, your operating system may not be allowing access to those files. This will make the Co8 modpack malfunction or not function at all. Reinstall the game and the modpack to a custom location like C:/ToEE.

    My game seems weird. Vanilla elements appear to be mixed with modded elements. What's going on?

    When you installed the Co8 (or KotB) module via TFE-X, did you allow the installation to finish, per the installation instructions? Activating a module may take a long time. You must not interrupt the process or quit before you see a message stating that the activation is complete. If you do, many strange things may happen. If you're unsure whether you allowed the activation to complete, activate the vanilla module and then re-activate the Co8 mod, being sure to allow the activation to finish.

    My saves have gone bad for no reason!

    Have you used the console to give yourself any items? Inputting a bad proto into the console can cause save corruption long after the fact. It is generally a good idea to avoid this if you're not absolutely sure what you're doing. If you've got a bad save for no apparent reason that you can recall and you're a console user, there's a very good chance that this is the culprit. There is no known cure. Either go back to a good save (if you have one) or start over ... and learn from your mistake.

    I have the maximum number of PCs set to 8 in TFE-X, but the game won't let me add more than 5 on the party pool page!

    The game actually is adding them. You just can't see them on the party pool page due to original user interface limitations. They will be there when you start the game.

    My party has just arrived on a new map, but now they have all disappeared! Only their blue circles remain!

    You're playing at a greater resolution than is reliably supported by ToEE. The highest supported resolution is 1680 x 1050.

  6. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    LAG: the game stops responding, animations cease, and characters are frozen in place for periods of a few seconds to a few minutes.

    Where does it happen? The Air, Earth, and Fire Nodes, Temple Level 4, and the Fire Temple on Temple level 2.

    What should I do? Wait. The game will come back to life. To lessen it, don't issue long-range movement commands where it occurs.

    Status: Lag has been dramatically reduced in the Co8 Modpack. It's probably most significant still on Temple Level 4.

    HANGING COMBAT: the initiative bar is empty for your character in combat, and the game can't progress because he/she can't complete his/her turn.

    Where does it happen? The Fire Temple and the Fire Node, mostly.

    What should I do? If your affected character has a potion, try to use it. Otherwise, avoid using the answering swords (Scather and Fragarach) in areas where the bug occurs. It's nearly always related to these swords' abilities to award attacks of opportunity against enemies who have delivered fire damage.

    Status: Sadly, this is here to stay.

    SPELL PERMANENCY: the effects of a spell are permanent on your character(s) and/or the associated spell animations are always active around them.

    Where does it happen? Anywhere.

    What should I do? Go see Jaroo in Hommlet, inquire about healing, and complain about spell permanency.

    Status: This is also not going anywhere.

    MISSING SECRET DOORS AND STAIRS: you cannot detect secret doors and stairs.

    Where does it happen? Anywhere, but moreso in the Moathouse than anywhere else.

    What should I do? Go see Jaroo in Hommlet, inquire about healing, choose "I have contracted a strange affliction while adventuring," and complain about secret passageways. This will cause all secret doors to be revealed.

    Status: Addressed as of Co8 v8.1.

  7. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    A Cure For Amii | Tarim the woodcutter has a sick daughter. He is Old Faith and therefore looks to Jaroo for a cure.

    Masterwork Items | Brother Smyth doesn't want to sell you masterwork items, but you can change his mind by proving your worth. To do that you need to bring him the head of a giant.

    Burne's Puzzles | Burne has posed a few puzzles for you to solve.

    Retribution | Burne has asked you to investigate Rannos and Gremag's possible involvement in the assassin's attempt on your life.

    Gremag 1: Armario, Armario, Wherefore Art Thou, Armario?* | Gremag has asked you to kill Armario, the cabinet maker. He says that this will allow you to join an assassins' group.

    Gremag 2: Kenter Nevets RIP* | Gremag has asked you to kill Kenter Nevets, the town elder. He says that this is the next stage of your initiation into an assassins' group.

    Gremag 3: Holy Smoke!* | Gremag has asked you to kill Terjon, the priest of St.Cuthbert. He says that this is the next stage of your initiation into an assassins' group.


    Clear The Moathouse* | You have been asked to clear out the Moathouse.


    Bribery For Justice | Sammy has inadvertently appealed to the scrupulous side of your nature with a chance to thwart his scheme of revealing Otis' stash.


    Free Jenna* | You have been asked to free Jenna from the temple prison.

    Free Elysia* | You have been asked to free Elysia from the temple prison.

    Romag 2: Alrrem Must Pay!* | Romag has asked you to kill Alrrem's underlings Tubal and Antonio to avenge the death of his servant Rentsch.


    Contact: Captain Renton | Brother Smyth has put you in touch with Captain Renton regarding a possible situation threatening the village. He lives on the southwest edge of town.

    Welkwood Bog | You've been told of a location outside of Hommlet where you might find adventure of a more perilous nature than what the town seems to offer.


    Hero's Prize | The Master of the Arena has promised you a magnificent reward if you overcome all the challenges that he has in store for you.


    Family Turmoil | Elysia has asked if you can convince her father to forgive her for misbehaving and release her from her punishment.

    Frozen Assets | The Lord Viscount of Verbobonc has asked you to investigate why merchants are being frozen in their tracks.

    Catching The 'Cousin' | You've told Wilfrick of the plot to assassinate him, and agreed to arrest the assassin for the charge of treason.

    Notice: Lord Viscount Wilfrick | Lord Viscount Wilfrick has given notice requesting your presence in his chambers in Verbobonc City Hall.

    The Slave Traders | Lord Viscount Wilfrick has asked you to locate and destroy a group of slave traders from Dyvers.

    Notice: Lord Viscount Wilfrick | Lord Viscount Wilfrick has given emergency notice requesting your presence in his chambers in Verbobonc City Hall.

    Under Attack From Underground | You have been told about drow attackers who threaten to invade Verbobonc.

    Notice: Prince Zook IV | Prince Zook IV has given notice requesting your presence in his chambers in the Gnome Quarter.

    The Rabbit Hole | Prince Zook IV has asked you to find a valuable gem somewhere in The Castle of the Lords.

    Notice: Captain Abiram | Captain Abiram has given notice requesting your presence at his desk in Verbobonc City Hall.

    What Lies Beneath | Captain Abiram of the Verbobonc Watch has asked you to investigate the disappearance of two missing children.

    Wanted: Gunter Gladstone | You've been enlisted by Captain Achan of the Verbobonc Watch to bring in the fugitive Guntur Gladstone.

    Wanted: Kendrew Commonworth | You've been enlisted by Captain Achan of the Verbobonc Watch to bring in the fugitive Kendrew Commonworth.

    Wanted: Quintus Corpus | You've been enlisted by Captain Achan of the Verbobonc Watch to bring in the fugitive Quintus Corpus.

    Building Credit | You have agreed to pay off your mortgage with the Silver Consortium for the Castle of the Lords in 21 days.

    Fear Of Ghosts | Three ghosts in and around your castle in Verbobonc are looking for the things they've lost, and they will plague you until their possessions are returned.

    Under Surveillance | You've noticed men clad in scarlet watching you in and around Verbobonc.

    Robbery At The Hostel | You have been enlisted to rob and eliminate a wealthy jeweler at the Waterside Hostel in Nulb.

    Framework Of A Murder | You've been hired to murder a member of the Verbobonc Patrol and frame a patrol captain in order to create dissention amongst the ranks of the Constabulary.

    Removing Wilfrick | The Scarlet Brotherhood have entrusted you with the task of assassinating the Viscount.

    Snitching On The Scarlet Brotherhood | You have reported the Scarlet Brotherhood's robbery plans to the Verbobonc authorities, allowing them to arrest Darlia on charges of conspiracy to commit robbery.

    Narcing On The Scarlet Brotherhood | You have reported the Scarlet Brotherhood's murder plans to the Verbobonc authorities, allowing them to arrest Darlia on charges of conspiracy to commit murder.

    Monster Mash | The Church of Pelor in Verbobonc has hired you to carry out a strategic strike against a Hextor cell operating in the Temple of Elemental Evil.

    Contract On Canon Thaddeus | Hextor's actuaries in Verbobonc have hired you to assassinate a noted priest of Pelor from the city of Narwell.

    Ratting Out The Hextorites | You have reported the Hextorites' assassination plans to Canon Ramses, allowing him to send a warning to Canon Thaddeus and prevent his possible demise.

    The Gremlich | You've been informed that the Hextorites have sent the mythical Gremlich after you, and that a mystic might be able to help. The mystic may want you to destroy it.

    Lords And Ladies | Lady Asherah of Verbobonc has offered to entertain you for an evening as reward for your defense of Hommlet.

    Demons and Demigods | You must destroy the avatars of Iuz or St. Cuthbert, or the balor Alzoll and its cohorts in order to save your life and the life of Lady Asherah.


    Return to the Moathouse | Captain Asaph of the Verbobonc Regional Patrol has asked you to return to the Moathouse to investigate some possible malfeasance.

    Season of the Witch | You've detected something amiss at the Moathouse once again. Captain Asaph would want you to investigate and root out any undesireables.


    Missing Ranger | Captain Asaph of the Verbobonc Regional Patrol has asked you to be on the lookout for an elite ranger from the patrol who has gone missing.

    Hickory Branch | The ranger Bethany has appraised you of a group of three mysterious figures amassing an army of highly trained orcs and other creatures at a location near the Kron Hills called Hickory Branch.


    Contact: Ariakas | Lord Viscount Wilfrick has asked you to contact the adventurer Ariakas in Hommlet regarding a possible crisis threatening the village. He can be found in the town defense near the center of town.

    War of the Golden Skull: Defender | You've been enlisted to assist Hommlet in dealing with the threat of a hostile invasion from forces loyal to Hextor. These forces are said to seek the Orb of Golden Death.

    War of the Golden Skull: Attacker | You've been enlisted to assist Hommlet in dealing with the threat of a hostile invasion from forces loyal to Hextor, but you've switched sides and joined the Hextorites.

    Tools of the Trade | You've been asked to acquire mithril tools for the dwarven blacksmith Fireforge.

    Of Castles and Quarries | A group of dwarves is refusing access to the quarry from which Hommlet has been mining stone for the construction of its new castle.

    * pre-existing content, made into quest form by Co8
  8. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    5th LEVEL

    Cure Light Wounds, Mass*

    Dispel Magic, Greater | This spell functions like Dispel Magic, except that the maximum caster level on your dispel check is +20 instead of +10.

    Eyebite | Each round, you may target a single living creature, striking it with waves of evil power. Depending on the target's HD, this attack has as many as three effects. HD 10 or more: Sickened. HD 5-9: Panicked, sickened. HD 4 or less: Comatose, panicked, sickened. The effects are cumulative and concurrent. Co8 note: The "sickened" condition has been implemented as "despaired", as per the Crushing Despair spell.

    Heroism, Greater | This spell imbues a single creature with great bravery and morale in battle. The target gains a +4 morale bonus on attack rolls, saves, and skill checks.

    Summon Monster V*

    6th LEVEL

    Analyze Dweomer | You discern all spells and magical properties present in a number of creatures or objects. Each round, you may examine a single creature or object that you can see as a free action. In the case of a magic item, you learn its functions, how to activate its functions (if appropriate), and how many charges are left (if it uses charges). In the case of an object or creature with active spells cast upon it, you learn each spell, its effect, and its caster level. An attended object may attempt a Will save to resist this effect if its holder so desires. If the save succeeds, you learn nothing about the object except what you can discern by looking at it. Analyze dweomer does not function when used on an artifact. Focus: A tiny lens of ruby or sapphire set in a small golden loop. The gemstone must be worth at least 1,500 gp.

    Cat's Grace, Mass | This spell functions like Cat's Grace, except that it affects multiple creatures.

    Charm Monster, Mass | This spell functions like Charm Monster, except that mass charm monster affects a number of creatures whose combined HD do not exceed twice your level, or at least one creature regardless of HD.

    Cure Moderate Wounds, Mass | This spell functions like Cure Light Wounds, Mass, except that it cures 2d8 points of damage + 1 point per caster level (maximum +30).

    Eagle's Splendor, Mass | This spell functions like Eagle's Splendor, except that it affects multiple creatures.

    Fox's Cunning, Mass | This spell functions like Fox's Cunning, except that it affects multiple creatures.

    Heroes' Feast | You bring forth a great feast, including a magnificent table, chairs, service, and food and drink. The feast takes 1 hour to consume, and the beneficial effects do not set in until this hour is over. Every creature partaking of the feast is cured of all diseases, sickness, and nausea; becomes immune to poison for 12 hours; and gains 1d8 temporary hit points +1 point per two caster levels (maximum +10) after imbibing the nectar-like beverage that is part of the feast. The ambrosial food that is consumed grants each creature that partakes a +1 morale bonus on attack rolls and Will saves and immunity to fear effects for 12 hours.

    Summon Monster VI | This spell functions like Summon Monster I, except that the monsters are much more powerful. As with Summon Monster I, you select a monster from the radial menu in the game. The list of monsters that you are allowed to choose for Summon Monster VI includes the following: Bralani, Celestial Polar Bear, Chain Devil, Elemental, large (any), Fiendish Giant Constrictor Snake, Fiendish Huge Monstrous Spider, Janni.

    * pre-existing spell, made available to higher class levels
  9. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    2nd LEVEL

    Gentle Repose | You preserve the remains of a dead creature so that they do not decay. When cast on a living creature, that creature will not decay upon its death.

    4th LEVEL

    Planar Ally, Lesser |

    5th LEVEL

    Atonement | Atonement may be cast for one purpose: to restore class. A paladin who has lost her class features due to committing an evil act may have her paladinhood restored to her by this spell.

    6th LEVEL

    Banishment | A banishment spell is a more powerful version of the Dismissal spell. It enables you to force extraplanar creatures out of your home plane. As many as 2 Hit Dice of creatures per caster level can be banished.

    Bear's Endurance, Mass | Mass Bear's Endurance works like Bear's Endurance, except that it affects multiple creatures.

    Bull's Strength, Mass | This spell functions like Bull's Strength, except that it affects multiple creatures.

    Cure Moderate Wounds, Mass | This spell functions like Cure Light Wounds, Mass, except that it cures 2d8 points of damage + 1 point per caster level (maximum +30).

    Dispel Magic, Greater | This spell functions like Dispel Magic, except that the maximum caster level on your dispel check is +20 instead of +10.

    Heroes' Feast | You bring forth a great feast, including a magnificent table, chairs, service, and food and drink. The feast takes 1 hour to consume, and the beneficial effects do not set in until this hour is over. Every creature partaking of the feast is cured of all diseases, sickness, and nausea; becomes immune to poison for 12 hours; and gains 1d8 temporary hit points +1 point per two caster levels (maximum +10) after imbibing the nectar-like beverage that is part of the feast. The ambrosial food that is consumed grants each creature that partakes a +1 morale bonus on attack rolls and Will saves and immunity to fear effects for 12 hours.

    Inflict Moderate Wounds, Mass | This spell functions like Inflict Light Wounds, Mass, except that it inflicts 2d8 points of damage + 1 point per caster level (maximum +30).

    Owl's Wisdom, Mass | This spell functions like Owl's Wisdom, except that it affects multiple creatures.

    Planar Ally |

    Summon Monster VI | This spell functions like Summon Monster I, except that the monsters are much more powerful. As with Summon Monster I, you select a monster from the radial menu in the game. The list of monsters that you are allowed to choose for Summon Monster VI includes the following: Bralani, Celestial Polar Bear, Chain Devil, Elemental, large (any), Fiendish Giant Constrictor Snake, Fiendish Huge Monstrous Spider, Janni.

    Undeath to Death | This spell functions like Circle of Death, except that it destroys undead creatures. Cost: 500 GP.

    7th LEVEL

    Blasphemy | Any non-evil creature within the area of a blasphemy spell suffers the following ill effects. HD equal to caster level: dazed. HD up to caster level –1: weakened, dazed. HD up to caster level –5: paralyzed, weakened, dazed. HD up to caster level –10: killed, paralyzed, weakened, dazed. The effects are cumulative and concurrent. No saving throw is allowed against these effects. Dazed: The creature can take no actions for 1 round, though it defends itself normally. Weakened: The creature's Strength score decreases by 2d6 points for 2d4 rounds. Paralyzed: The creature is paralyzed and helpless for 1d10 minutes. Killed: Living creatures die. Undead creatures are destroyed. Furthermore, if you are on your home plane when you cast this spell, non-evil extraplanar creatures within the area are instantly banished back to their home planes. Creatures so banished cannot return for at least 24 hours. This effect takes place regardless of whether the creatures hear the blasphemy. The banishment effect allows a Will save (at a –4 penalty) to negate. Creatures whose Hit Dice exceed your caster level are unaffected by blasphemy.

    Cure Serious Wounds, Mass | This spell functions like Cure Light Wounds, Mass, except that it cures 3d8 points of damage + 1 point per caster level (maximum +35).

    Destruction | This spell instantly slays the subject and consumes its remains (but not its equipment and possessions) utterly. If the target's Fortitude saving throw succeeds, it instead takes 10d6 points of damage.

    Dictum | Any non-lawful creature within the area that hears the dictum suffers the following ill effects: HD equal to caster level - Deafened; HD up to caster level -1 - Slowed, deafened; HD up to caster level -5 - Paralyzed, slowed, deafened; HD up to caster level -10 - Killed, paralyzed, slowed, deafened. The effects are cumulative and concurrent. No saving throw is allowed against these effects.

    Holy Word | Any non-good creature within the area that hears the holy word suffers the following ill effects. HD equal to caster level: deafened. HD up to caster level - 1: blinded, deafened. HD up to caster level -5: paralyzed, blinded, deafened. HD up to caster level -10: killed, paralyzed, blinded, deafened. The effects are cumulative and concurrent. No saving throw is allowed against these effects. Furthermore, if you are on your home plane when you cast this spell, non-good extraplanar creatures within the area are instantly banished back to their home planes. Creatures so banished cannot return for at least 24 hours. This effect takes place regardless of whether the creatures hear the holy word. The banishment effect allows a Will save (at a -4 penalty) to negate. Creatures whose HD exceed your caster level are unaffected by Holy Word.

    Inflict Serious Wounds, Mass | This spell functions like Inflict Light Wounds, Mass, except that it inflicts 3d8 points of damage + 1 point per caster level (maximum +35).

    Summon Monster VII | This spell functions like Summon Monster I, except that the monsters are much more powerful. As with Summon Monster I, you select a monster from the radial menu in the game. The list of monsters that you are allowed to choose for Summon Monster VII includes the following: Avoral, Djinni, Elemental, huge (any), Invisible Stalker.

    Word of Chaos | Any non-chaotic creature within the area of a word of chaos spell suffers the following ill effects: HD equal to caster level - deafened; HD up to caster level –1 - stunned, deafened; HD up to caster level –5 - confused, stunned, deafened; HD up to caster level –10 - killed, confused, stunned, deafened. The effects are cumulative and concurrent. No saving throw is allowed against these effects.

    8th LEVEL

    Cure Critical Wounds, Mass | This spell functions like Cure Light Wounds, Mass, except that it cures 4d8 points of damage + 1 point per caster level (maximum +40).

    Fire Storm | When a fire storm spell is cast, the whole area is shot through with sheets of roaring flame. The raging flames do not harm natural vegetation or ground cover. Any creature within the area takes 1d6 points of fire damage per caster level (maximum 20d6).

    Inflict Critical Wounds, Mass | This spell functions like Inflict Light Wounds, Mass, except that it inflicts 4d8 points of damage + 1 point per caster level (maximum +40).

    Planar Ally, Greater |

    Summon Monster VIII | This spell functions like Summon Monster I, except that the monsters are much more powerful. As with Summon Monster I, you select a monster from the radial menu in the game. The list of monsters that you are allowed to choose for Summon Monster VIII includes the following: Celestial Dire Bear, Elemental, greater (any), Fiendish Gargantuan Monstrous Spider, Vrock

    9th LEVEL

    Heal, Mass | This spell functions like Heal, except as noted. The maximum number of hit points restored to each creature is 250.

    Miracle | Miracle raises one friend per caster level from the dead, fully healed.

    Summon Monster IX | This spell functions like Summon Monster I, except that the monsters are much more powerful. As with Summon Monster I, you select a monster from the radial menu in the game. The list of monsters that you are allowed to choose for Summon Monster IX includes the following: Bebilith, Elemental, elder (any), Fiendish Colossal Monstrous Spider, Hezrou, Leonal, Night Hag.

  10. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    DOMAIN 6th

    Cone of Cold* | Domain: Water

    Heal* | Domain: Healing | Heal enables you to channel positive energy into a creature to wipe away injury and afflictions. It immediately ends any and all of the following adverse conditions affecting the target: ability damage, blinded, confused, dazed, dazzled, deafened, exhausted, fatigued, feeble-minded, nauseated, sickened, stunned, and poisoned. It also cure 10 hit points of damage per level of the caster, to a maximum of 100 points at 10th level. Heal does not remove negative levels, restore permanently drained levels, or restore permanently drained ability score points.

    Hold Monster | Domain: Law | This spell functions like Hold Person, except that it affects any living creature that fails its Will save.

    DOMAIN 7th

    Blasphemy | Domain: Evil | Any non-evil creature within the area of a blasphemy spell suffers the following ill effects. HD equal to caster level: dazed. HD up to caster level –1: weakened, dazed. HD up to caster level –5: paralyzed, weakened, dazed. HD up to caster level –10: killed, paralyzed, weakened, dazed. The effects are cumulative and concurrent. No saving throw is allowed against these effects. Dazed: The creature can take no actions for 1 round, though it defends itself normally. Weakened: The creature's Strength score decreases by 2d6 points for 2d4 rounds. Paralyzed: The creature is paralyzed and helpless for 1d10 minutes. Killed: Living creatures die. Undead creatures are destroyed. Furthermore, if you are on your home plane when you cast this spell, non-evil extraplanar creatures within the area are instantly banished back to their home planes. Creatures so banished cannot return for at least 24 hours. This effect takes place regardless of whether the creatures hear the blasphemy. The banishment effect allows a Will save (at a –4 penalty) to negate. Creatures whose Hit Dice exceed your caster level are unaffected by blasphemy.

    Destruction | Domain: Death | This spell instantly slays the subject and consumes its remains (but not its equipment and possessions) utterly. If the target's Fortitude saving throw succeeds, it instead takes 10d6 points of damage.

    Dictum | Domain: Law | Any non-lawful creature within the area that hears the dictum suffers the following ill effects: HD equal to caster level - Deafened; HD up to caster level -1 - Slowed, deafened; HD up to caster level -5 - Paralyzed, slowed, deafened; HD up to caster level -10 - Killed, paralyzed, slowed, deafened. The effects are cumulative and concurrent. No saving throw is allowed against these effects.

    Disintegrate | Domain: Destruction | A thin, green ray springs from your pointing finger. You must make a successful ranged touch attack to hit. Any creature struck by the ray takes 2d6 points of damage per caster level (to a maximum of 40d6). Any creature reduced to 0 or fewer hit points by this spell is entirely disintegrated, leaving behind only a trace of fine dust. A disintegrated creature's equipment is unaffected. A creature or object that makes a successful Fortitude save is partially affected, taking only 5d6 points of damage. If this damage reduces the creature or object to 0 or fewer hit points, it is entirely disintegrated.

    Fire Storm | Domain: Fire | When a fire storm spell is cast, the whole area is shot through with sheets of roaring flame. The raging flames do not harm natural vegetation or ground cover. Any creature within the area takes 1d6 points of fire damage per caster level (maximum 20d6).

    Holy Word | Domain: Good | Any non-good creature within the area that hears the holy word suffers the following ill effects. HD equal to caster level: deafened. HD up to caster level - 1: blinded, deafened. HD up to caster level -5: paralyzed, blinded, deafened. HD up to caster level -10: killed, paralyzed, blinded, deafened. The effects are cumulative and concurrent. No saving throw is allowed against these effects. Furthermore, if you are on your home plane when you cast this spell, non-good extraplanar creatures within the area are instantly banished back to their home planes. Creatures so banished cannot return for at least 24 hours. This effect takes place regardless of whether the creatures hear the holy word. The banishment effect allows a Will save (at a -4 penalty) to negate. Creatures whose HD exceed your caster level are unaffected by Holy Word.

    Power Word Blind | Domain: War | You utter a single word of power that causes one creature of your choice to become blinded, whether the creature can hear the word or not. The duration of the spell depends on the target's current hit point total. Any creature that currently has 201 or more hit points is unaffected by Power Word Blind. 50 or less HP: duration permanent. 51 - 100 HP: duration 1d4+1 minutes. 101 - 200 HP: duration 1d4+1 rounds.

    Word of Chaos | Domain: Chaos | Any non-chaotic creature within the area of a word of chaos spell suffers the following ill effects: HD equal to caster level - deafened; HD up to caster level –1 - stunned, deafened; HD up to caster level –5 - confused, stunned, deafened; HD up to caster level –10 - killed, confused, stunned, deafened. The effects are cumulative and concurrent. No saving throw is allowed against these effects.

    DOMAIN 8th

    Cure Critical Wounds, Mass | Domain: Healing | This spell functions like Cure Light Wounds, Mass, except that it cures 4d8 points of damage + 1 point per caster level (maximum +40).

    Horrid Wilting | Domain: Water | This spell evaporates moisture from the body of each subject living creature, dealing 1d6 points of damage per caster level (maximum 20d6). This spell is especially devastating to water elementals and plant creatures, which instead take 1d8 points of damage per caster level (maximum 20d8).

    Power Word Stun | Domain: War | You utter a single word of power that causes one creature of your choice to become stunned, whether the creature can hear the word or not. The duration of the spell depends on the target's current hit point total. Any creature that currently has 151 or more hit points is unaffected by Power Word Stun. 50 or less HP: duration 4d4 rounds. 51 - 100 HP: duration 2d4 rounds. 101 - 150 HP: duration 1d4 rounds.

    Summon Nature's Ally VIII | Domain: Animal | This spell functions like Summon Nature's Ally I, except that you can summon nature's ally creatures of a higher level and greater number of Hit Dice. These creatures are selected from the radial menu found in the game. The creatures you can choose from are: Galeb Duhr, Salamander, Noble.

    Sunburst | Domain: Sun | Sunburst causes a globe of searing radiance to explode silently from a point you select. All creatures in the globe are blinded and take 6d6 points of damage.

    DOMAIN 9th

    Heal, Mass | Domain: Healing | This spell functions like Heal, except as noted. The maximum number of hit points restored to each creature is 250.

    Miracle | Domain: Luck | Miracle raises one friend per caster level from the dead, fully healed.

    Power Word Kill | Domain: War | You utter a single word of power that instantly kills one creature of your choice, whether the creature can hear the word or not. Any creature that currently has 101 or more hit points is unaffected by Power Word Kill.

    Summon Monster IX | Domains: Chaos, Evil, Good, Law | This spell functions like Summon Monster I, except that the monsters are much more powerful. As with Summon Monster I, you select a monster from the radial menu in the game. The list of monsters that you are allowed to choose for Summon Monster IX includes the following: Bebilith, Elemental, elder (any), Fiendish Colossal Monstrous Spider, Hezrou, Leonal, Night Hag.

    Wail of the Banshee | Domain: Death | You emit a terrible scream that kills creatures that hear it (except for yourself). Creatures closest to the point of origin are affected first.

    * pre-existing spell, made available to higher class levels
  11. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    2nd LEVEL

    Warp Wood | You cause wood to bend and warp, permanently destroying its straightness, form, and strength. Warped ranged weapons are useless. A warped melee weapon causes a -4 penalty on attack rolls. A warped door or chest will be able to be opened.

    5th LEVEL

    Atonement | Atonement may be cast for one purpose: to restore class. A paladin who has lost her class features due to committing an evil act may have her paladinhood restored to her by this spell.

    6th LEVEL

    Bear's Endurance, Mass | Mass Bear's Endurance works like Bear's Endurance, except that it affects multiple creatures.

    Bull's Strength, Mass | This spell functions like Bull's Strength, except that it affects multiple creatures.

    Cat's Grace, Mass | This spell functions like Cat's Grace, except that it affects multiple creatures.

    Cure Light Wounds, Mass*

    Dispel Magic, Greater | This spell functions like Dispel Magic, except that the maximum caster level on your dispel check is +20 instead of +10.

    Owl's Wisdom, Mass | This spell functions like Owl's Wisdom, except that it affects multiple creatures.

    Summon Nature's Ally VI | This spell functions like Summon Nature's Ally I, except that you can summon nature's ally creatures of a higher level and greater number of Hit Dice. These creatures are selected from the radial menu found in the game. The creatures you can choose from are: Dire Bear, Elemental, huge (any), Pixie, Salamander.

    7th LEVEL

    Cure Moderate Wounds, Mass | This spell functions like Cure Light Wounds, Mass, except that it cures 2d8 points of damage + 1 point per caster level (maximum +30).

    Fire Storm | When a fire storm spell is cast, the whole area is shot through with sheets of roaring flame. The raging flames do not harm natural vegetation or ground cover. Any creature within the area takes 1d6 points of fire damage per caster level (maximum 20d6).

    Heal* | Heal enables you to channel positive energy into a creature to wipe away injury and afflictions. It immediately ends any and all of the following adverse conditions affecting the target: ability damage, blinded, confused, dazed, dazzled, deafened, exhausted, fatigued, feeble-minded, nauseated, sickened, stunned, and poisoned. It also cure 10 hit points of damage per level of the caster, to a maximum of 100 points at 10th level. Heal does not remove negative levels, restore permanently drained levels, or restore permanently drained ability score points.

    Summon Nature's Ally VII | This spell functions like Summon Nature's Ally I, except that you can summon nature's ally creatures of a higher level and greater number of Hit Dice. These creatures are selected from the radial menu found in the game. The creatures you can choose from are: Djinni, Elemental, Greater (any), Invisible Stalker.

    8th LEVEL

    Cure Serious Wounds, Mass | This spell functions like Cure Light Wounds, Mass, except that it cures 3d8 points of damage + 1 point per caster level (maximum +35).

    Finger of Death | You can slay any one living creature within range. The target is entitled to a Fortitude saving throw to survive the attack. If the save is successful, the creature instead takes 3d6 points of damage +1 point per caster level (maximum +25). The subject might die from damage even if it succeeds on its saving throw.

    Summon Nature's Ally VIII | This spell functions like Summon Nature's Ally I, except that you can summon nature's ally creatures of a higher level and greater number of Hit Dice. These creatures are selected from the radial menu found in the game. The creatures you can choose from are: Galeb Duhr, Salamander, Noble.

    Sunburst | Sunburst causes a globe of searing radiance to explode silently from a point you select. All creatures in the globe are blinded and take 6d6 points of damage.

    9th LEVEL

    Cure Critical Wounds, Mass | This spell functions like Cure Light Wounds, Mass, except that it cures 4d8 points of damage + 1 point per caster level (maximum +40).

    Summon Nature's Ally IX | This spell functions like Summon Nature's Ally I, except that you can summon nature's ally creatures of a higher level and greater number of Hit Dice. These creatures are selected from the radial menu found in the game. The creatures you can choose from are: Elemental, Elder (any).

    * pre-existing spell, made available to higher class levels
  12. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    3rd LEVEL

    Cure Moderate Wounds*

    Discern Lies*

    Dispel Magic*

    Magic Circle Against Chaos*

    Magic Circle Against Evil*

    Magic Weapon, Greater*


    Remove Blindness/Deafness*

    Remove Curse*

    4th LEVEL

    Break Enchantment*

    Cure Serious Wounds*

    Death Ward*

    Dispel Chaos*

    Dispel Evil*

    Holy Sword | This spell allows you to channel holy power into your sword, or any other melee weapon you choose. The weapon acts as a +5 holy weapon (+5 enhancement bonus on attack and damage rolls, extra 2d6 damage against evil opponents). It also emits a magic circle against evil effect (as the spell). If the magic circle ends, the sword creates a new one on your turn as a free action. The spell is automatically canceled 1 round after the weapon leaves your hand. You cannot have more than one holy sword at a time. If this spell is cast on a magic weapon, the powers of the spell supersede any that the weapon normally has, rendering the normal enhancement bonus and powers of the weapon inoperative for the duration of the spell. This spell is not cumulative with bless weapon or any other spell that might modify the weapon in any way.

    Neutralize Poison*


    * pre-existing spell, made available to higher class levels
  13. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    3rd LEVEL

    Control Plants*

    Cure Moderate Wounds*

    Magic Fang, Greater*

    Neutralize Poison*

    Remove Disease*

    Repel Vermin*

    Summon Nature's Ally III*

    Tree Shape*

    4th LEVEL

    Animal Growth*

    Cure Serious Wounds*

    Freedom of Movement*

    Summon Nature's Ally IV*

    * pre-existing spell, made available to higher class levels
  14. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    1st LEVEL

    Ray of Clumsiness | A coruscating ray springs from your hand. You must succeed on a ranged touch attack to strike a target. The subject takes 1d6 points of Dexterity damage, +1 point per two caster levels (maximum +5). Unlike normal ability damage, this damage goes away at the end of the spell's duration.
    2nd LEVEL

    Scorching Ray | You blast your enemies with fiery rays. You may fire one ray, plus one additional ray for every four levels beyond 3rd (to a maximum of three rays at 11th level). Each ray requires a ranged touch attack to hit and deals 4d6 points of fire damage. The rays may be fired at the same or different targets, but all bolts must be aimed at targets within 30 feet of each other and fired simultaneously.

    3rd LEVEL

    Gentle Repose | You preserve the remains of a dead creature so that they do not decay. When cast on a living creature, that creature will not decay upon its death.

    5th LEVEL

    Extraplanar Chest | This spell creates a miniature magic chest that you can use to summon a large magic chest in which to store items. Items stored in the Extraplanar Chest, and the chest itself, do not count against the load you are carrying and will not overburden you. After you have stored items in the large chest, you must use the miniature chest again to send the large chest back to the Ethereal Plane from whence it came, or it will remain wherever you leave it. Note that any charged magical items (such as wands, staves, and rods) cannot be recovered from the chest once it has been sent back to the Ethereal Plane and should thus not be stored in it. Additionally, any magic weapons and armor with crafted attributes will lose those attributes if they are stored in the chest and the chest is sent back to the Ethereal Plane, so do not store crafted weapons and armor in the chest. All other items are unaffected. The first casting of this spell costs 5050 gold pieces.

    6th LEVEL

    Analyze Dweomer | You discern all spells and magical properties present in a number of creatures or objects. Each round, you may examine a single creature or object that you can see as a free action. In the case of a magic item, you learn its functions, how to activate its functions (if appropriate), and how many charges are left (if it uses charges). In the case of an object or creature with active spells cast upon it, you learn each spell, its effect, and its caster level. An attended object may attempt a Will save to resist this effect if its holder so desires. If the save succeeds, you learn nothing about the object except what you can discern by looking at it. Analyze dweomer does not function when used on an artifact. Focus: A tiny lens of ruby or sapphire set in a small golden loop. The gemstone must be worth at least 1,500 gp.

    Bear's Endurance, Mass | Mass Bear's Endurance works like Bear's Endurance, except that it affects multiple creatures.

    Bull's Strength, Mass | This spell functions like Bull's Strength, except that it affects multiple creatures.

    Cat's Grace, Mass | This spell functions like Cat's Grace, except that it affects multiple creatures.

    Chain Lightning* | This spell creates an electrical discharge that begins as a single stroke commencing from your fingertips. Unlike Lightning Bolt, Chain Lightning strikes one object or creature initially, then arcs to other targets. The bolt deals 1d6 points of electricity damage per caster level (maximum 10d6) to the primary target. After it strikes, lightning can arc to a number of secondary targets equal to your caster level (maximum 10). The secondary bolts each strike one target and deal half as much damage as the primary one did. Each target can attempt a Reflex saving throw for half damage. You choose secondary targets as you like, but they must all be within 30 feet of the primary target, and no target can be struck more than once. You can choose to affect fewer secondary targets than the maximum (to avoid allies in the area, for example).

    Circle of Death | A circle of death snuffs out the life force of living creatures, killing them instantly. The spell slays 1d4 HD worth of living creatures per caster level (maximum 20d4). Creatures with the fewest HD are affected first; among creatures with equal HD, those who are closest to the burst’s point of origin are affected first. No creature of 9 or more HD can be affected, and Hit Dice that are not sufficient to affect a creature are wasted. Material Component: The powder of a crushed black pearl with a minimum value of 500 gp.

    Disintegrate | A thin, green ray springs from your pointing finger. You must make a successful ranged touch attack to hit. Any creature struck by the ray takes 2d6 points of damage per caster level (to a maximum of 40d6). Any creature reduced to 0 or fewer hit points by this spell is entirely disintegrated, leaving behind only a trace of fine dust. A disintegrated creature's equipment is unaffected. A creature or object that makes a successful Fortitude save is partially affected, taking only 5d6 points of damage. If this damage reduces the creature or object to 0 or fewer hit points, it is entirely disintegrated.

    Dispel Magic, Greater | This spell functions like Dispel Magic, except that the maximum caster level on your dispel check is +20 instead of +10.

    Eagle's Splendor, Mass | This spell functions like Eagle's Splendor, except that it affects multiple creatures.

    Eyebite | Each round, you may target a single living creature, striking it with waves of evil power. Depending on the target's HD, this attack has as many as three effects. HD 10 or more: Sickened. HD 5-9: Panicked, sickened. HD 4 or less: Comatose, panicked, sickened. The effects are cumulative and concurrent. Co8 note: The "sickened" condition has been implemented as "despaired", as per the Crushing Despair spell.

    Fox's Cunning, Mass | This spell functions like Fox's Cunning, except that it affects multiple creatures.

    Heroism, Greater | This spell imbues a single creature with great bravery and morale in battle. The target gains a +4 morale bonus on attack rolls, saves, and skill checks.

    Owl's Wisdom, Mass | This spell functions like Owl's Wisdom, except that it affects multiple creatures.

    Summon Monster VI | This spell functions like Summon Monster I, except that the monsters are much more powerful. As with Summon Monster I, you select a monster from the radial menu in the game. The list of monsters that you are allowed to choose for Summon Monster VI includes the following: Bralani, Celestial Polar Bear, Chain Devil, Elemental, large (any), Fiendish Giant Constrictor Snake, Fiendish Huge Monstrous Spider, Janni.

    Tenser's Transformation | You become a virtual fighting machine - stronger, tougher, faster, and more skilled in combat. Your mind-set changes so that you relish combat and you can't cast spells, even from magic items. You gain a +4 enhancement bonus to Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution, a +4 natural armor bonus to AC, a +5 competence bonus on Fortitude saves, and proficiency with all simple and martial weapons. Your base attack bonus equals your character level (which may give you multiple attacks). You lose your spellcasting ability, including your ability to use spell activation or spell completion magic items, just as if the spells were no longer on your class list.

    Undeath to Death | This spell functions like Circle of Death, except that it destroys undead creatures. Cost: 500 GP.

    7th LEVEL

    Banishment | A banishment spell is a more powerful version of the Dismissal spell. It enables you to force extraplanar creatures out of your home plane. As many as 2 Hit Dice of creatures per caster level can be banished.

    Control Undead | This spell enables you to command undead creatures for a short period of time. You command them by voice and they understand you, no matter what language you speak. Even if vocal communication is impossible the controlled undead do not attack you. At the end of the spell, the subjects revert to their normal behavior. Intelligent undead creatures remember that you controlled them.

    Delayed Blast Fireball | This spell functions like Fireball, except that it is more powerful and can detonate up to 5 rounds after the spell is cast. The burst of flame deals 1d6 points of fire damage per caster level (maximum 20d6). Delayed Blast Fireball can detonate immediately if you desire, or you can choose to delay the burst for as many as 5 rounds. The delay can only be set from outside the game via the front end utility (TFE-X). To set the number of rounds to delay, select 'Set the Delayed Blast Fireball delay... (F10)' from the TFE-X Options menu and enter a number from 0 to 5. You can change this value as often as you like to suit your needs. The default is 1.

    Finger of Death | You can slay any one living creature within range. The target is entitled to a Fortitude saving throw to survive the attack. If the save is successful, the creature instead takes 3d6 points of damage +1 point per caster level (maximum +25). The subject might die from damage even if it succeeds on its saving throw.

    Hold Person, Mass | This spell functions like Hold Person, except that it affects multiple creatures.

    Insanity | The affected creature suffers from a continuous Confusion effect, as the spell. Remove Curse does not remove Insanity. Heal or Miracle can restore the creature.

    Mordenkainen's Sword | This spell brings into being a shimmering, sword-like plane of force. The sword strikes at any opponent within its range, as you desire, starting in the round that you cast the spell. The sword attacks its designated target once each round on your turn. Its attack bonus is equal to your caster level + your Int bonus or your Charisma bonus (for wizards or sorcerers, respectively) with an additional +3 enhancement bonus. As a force effect, it can strike ethereal and incorporeal creatures. It deals 4d6+3 points of force damage, with a threat range of 19-20 and a critical multiplier of ª2. Co8 Note: The sword has been given finite HP and may be attacked by opponents, since the AI can't tell it's invulnerable.

    Power Word Blind | You utter a single word of power that causes one creature of your choice to become blinded, whether the creature can hear the word or not. The duration of the spell depends on the target's current hit point total. Any creature that currently has 201 or more hit points is unaffected by Power Word Blind. 50 or less HP: duration permanent. 51 - 100 HP: duration 1d4+1 minutes. 101 - 200 HP: duration 1d4+1 rounds.

    Prismatic Spray | This spell causes seven shimmering, intertwined, multicolored beams of light to spray from your hand. Each beam has a different power. Creatures in the area of the spell with 8 HD or less are automatically blinded for 2d4 rounds. Every creature in the area is randomly struck by one or more beams, which have additional effects. Red beam: 20 points fire damage (Reflex half). Orange beam: 40 points acid damage (Reflex half). Yellow beam: 80 points electricity damage (Reflex half). Green beam: Poison (Kills; Fortitude partial, takes 1d10 points of Con damage instead). Blue beam: Turned to stone (Fortitude negates; Co8: falls for 4 rounds). Indigo beam: Insane, as insanity spell (Will negates). Violet beam: Sent to another plane (Will negates; Co8 - not fully implemented). A 1d8 roll selects one of the above effects. Upon rolling an 8, two effects are inflicted.

    Summon Monster VII | This spell functions like Summon Monster I, except that the monsters are much more powerful. As with Summon Monster I, you select a monster from the radial menu in the game. The list of monsters that you are allowed to choose for Summon Monster VII includes the following: Avoral, Djinni, Elemental, huge (any), Invisible Stalker.

    8th LEVEL

    Charm Monster, Mass | This spell functions like Charm Monster, except that mass charm monster affects a number of creatures whose combined HD do not exceed twice your level, or at least one creature regardless of HD.

    Horrid Wilting | This spell evaporates moisture from the body of each subject living creature, dealing 1d6 points of damage per caster level (maximum 20d6). This spell is especially devastating to water elementals and plant creatures, which instead take 1d8 points of damage per caster level (maximum 20d8).

    Polar Ray | A blue-white ray of freezing air and ice springs from your hand. You must succeed on a ranged touch attack with the ray to deal damage to a target. The ray deals 1d6 points of cold damage per caster level (maximum 25d6).

    Power Word Stun | You utter a single word of power that causes one creature of your choice to become stunned, whether the creature can hear the word or not. The duration of the spell depends on the target's current hit point total. Any creature that currently has 151 or more hit points is unaffected by Power Word Stun. 50 or less HP: duration 4d4 rounds. 51 - 100 HP: duration 2d4 rounds. 101 - 150 HP: duration 1d4 rounds.

    Summon Monster VIII | This spell functions like Summon Monster I, except that the monsters are much more powerful. As with Summon Monster I, you select a monster from the radial menu in the game. The list of monsters that you are allowed to choose for Summon Monster VIII includes the following: Celestial Dire Bear, Elemental, greater (any), Fiendish Gargantuan Monstrous Spider, Vrock.

    Sunburst | Sunburst causes a globe of searing radiance to explode silently from a point you select. All creatures in the globe are blinded and take 6d6 points of damage.

    9th LEVEL

    Dominate Monster** | Subjects resist this control, and any subject forced to take actions against its nature receives a new saving throw with a +2 bonus. Obviously self-destructive orders are not carried out. Once control is established, the range at which it can be exercised is unlimited, as long as you and the subject are on the same plane. You need not see the subject to control it. Protection From Evil or a similar spell can prevent you from using the telepathic link while the subject is so warded, but such an effect neither prevents the establishment of domination nor dispels it.

    Hold Monster, Mass | This spell functions like Hold Person, except that it affects multiple creatures and holds any living creature that fails its Will save.

    Meteor Swarm | Meteor swarm is a very powerful and spectacular spell that is similar to Fireball in many aspects. When you cast it, four 2-foot-diameter spheres spring from your outstretched hand and streak in straight lines to the spots you select.

    Power Word Kill | You utter a single word of power that instantly kills one creature of your choice, whether the creature can hear the word or not. Any creature that currently has 101 or more hit points is unaffected by Power Word Kill.

    Summon Monster IX | This spell functions like Summon Monster I, except that the monsters are much more powerful. As with Summon Monster I, you select a monster from the radial menu in the game. The list of monsters that you are allowed to choose for Summon Monster IX includes the following: Bebilith, Elemental, elder (any), Fiendish Colossal Monstrous Spider, Hezrou, Leonal, Night Hag.

    Wail of the Banshee | You emit a terrible scream that kills creatures that hear it (except for yourself). Creatures closest to the point of origin are affected first.

    Weird | This spell functions like Phantasmal Killer, except it can affect more than one creature. Only the affected creatures see the phantasmal creatures attacking them, though you see the attackers as shadowy shapes. If a subject's Fortitude save succeeds, it still takes 3d6 points of damage and is stunned for 1 round. The subject also takes 1d4 points of temporary Strength damage.

    * pre-existing spell, made available to higher class levels
    ** previously Suggestion, changed by Co8
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