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Discussion in 'General Modification' started by Gaear, Apr 15, 2006.

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  1. Cuchulainn

    Cuchulainn Windmill Tilter

    Jan 16, 2006
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    @Agetian I meant that basicly we'd be swithcing modules. Since you've already done all the work to make that seamless it made sense to me to take advantage of that. Rather than just launching your frontend though I envisioned a shift from module "a" to module "b" transparently. We would also need to pull the PC's out of the save game file complete with inventory, and create them in the PC folder of the new module.

    @Kalshane All I meant by "common ground" is an area that remains the same between the various modules, such as the shop map. I agree that maintaining inventory would be a priority.

    Now maybe I'm talking out my umm hat here. But it seems to me we know enough to be able to pull the complete pc out of a save game file and recreate them, Agetien's already made a great tool that will switch modules. If we just had a script fire when you closed the game after wrapping a module, that would in turn launch whatever esle was needed, such as a special version of frontend.

    Last edited: Apr 29, 2006
  2. Cerulean the Blue

    Cerulean the Blue Blue Meanie Veteran

    Apr 23, 2005
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    One problem with this is that the PC files don't store inventory, they just store the PC. All inventory is generated when you start the game. The inventory is stored in the saved games though.

    One options is to have a script that searches the parties inventory and writes it to a text file, then have another script that recreates them in the inventory when the new game starts. This option has drawbacks as well, specifically with charged items and crafted arms and armor. Charges remaining would not be preserved, and any crafted attributes of arms and armor would be lost. This is the direction I am taking for Leomund's Secret Chest.

    One thing that is right up ToEEFE's alley is moving the saved game file from on module to another. This is something that Agetian, when the time is right, may be able to implement.

    As for clearing the inventory discouraging crafting, if we go the saved game route it won't. The only items that will be cleared are those that do not exist in the protos of the next module. Since we are talking about a series of linked modules, that should be very few items
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2006
  3. Agetian

    Agetian Attorney General Administrator

    Aug 14, 2004
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    @ Cerulean: Yeah, that definitely seems doable. As soon as I'll feel ready to spend enough time to make that (and find a way to do it, actually ;)), I'll try to implement that in the Front-End.

    - Agetian
  4. Cuchulainn

    Cuchulainn Windmill Tilter

    Jan 16, 2006
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    I realise this thread has been dead for a bit, but I thought I'd kick the dust off it. It's starting to look like

    1. KotB
    2. ToEE
    3. QotS

    isn't going to work. Might I humbly suggest that rather than giving up the idea altogether we just set aside ToEE as a standalone. We could do

    1. KotB lvls 1-6
    2. ??? lvls 6-?

    and progress into whatever module was of aproximately the right level. I really like the idea of being able to move on with the same characters, and make use of Darmagon's high level spells etc. Now that we have Ugignadl working on the dll, with luck we'll eventualy have a smooth progression for all classes right up to lvl 20.

    How does everybody else feel? Is module progression still what we want to do?

  5. Macer Deathstriker

    Macer Deathstriker Member

    May 4, 2006
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    Could you run a script that would load a saved game from module A and start module B in the shop map? I.E you finish Module A game saves automatically for you then Front-end shuts down A and starts module B you choose to load saved game from there and poof you are in the shop map with full inventory.

    As for lvl 6+ you could run B5 Horror on the hill fighting a bunch of hobgoblins and kobolds ending in a red dragon face off. that should lvl you to G1 range and you could run it off Kendall keep from B1 as the base for this so no new maps just new dialog and such.

  6. Lord_Spike

    Lord_Spike Senior Member Veteran

    Mar 25, 2005
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    No one should go after the Giants at level 6. It's too low. There should be a module between KotB & QotS. It is becoming increasingly clear that ToEE won't fit in the middle any more because KotB has exceeded it original design. This is not a bad thing, mind you, just inconvenient to our situation. My suggestion for a mid-range dungeon crawl is The Forgotten Temple of Tharizdun. It has 80%-90% of the monsters we are already using, and plenty of other stuff that will kill you that isn't a monster. We only need to get the party like 3 more levels before they heard for Chief Nosnra's lair, and this could be the way. The isolated lair of a god thought long dead; filled with the minions of evil who are anything but ready to wilt & die at the sight of a few adventurers. It's got some outdoor stuff, too. Just keep in mind that whatever is attempted must be within the realm of what can be done with what we already have.
  7. Macer Deathstriker

    Macer Deathstriker Member

    May 4, 2006
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    After thought the Slaver Mods A1-4 are ranges 4 to 7, I think they may work to boost the PC lvl range to 9+ if you start at lvl 6, But the assault on the Fort may murder any PC attempting it in 3.5 rules set. Never ran the temple adventure so I can comment on that one.

    I believe the B5 mod might work the best seeing it can be run outta Kendall Keep from B2 MoB lvl ranges might be too low to give enough exp to gain lvl 9 though even with the dragon on lvl 3, but there is also outside adventure before you hit the ruined monastery and the 3 lvl dungeon crawl, perhaps there could be enough there to help bump you along to 9.

    Though for a in between adventure to prep you for G1-3+ you would need to do alot of work to make the slaver Mods. I think for a prep adventure you should go with an easier to make Mod seeing the G+ Mods will take a bit of work to complete all 6-7 of them. Thats if you are working them all as 1 large game and not a few smaller ones.

  8. jeffh

    jeffh Established Member

    Jan 9, 2006
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    Two things just occurred to me in rapid succession:

    1. Finishing ToEE should leave you at about the right level to tackle the GDQ series.
    2. Finishing KotB, the way it's looking (going up to level 6), should leave you at about the right level to takle not only the Slave Lords series as suggested above, but also, and I personally would greatly prefer this option, the Desert of Desolation.

    So my suggestion would be two seperate series, one consisting of T1-4 followed by GDQ1-7, and the other consting of B2 followed by either A1-4 or I3-5, with my own (possibly idiosyncratic) preference being the latter.
  9. Kalshane

    Kalshane Local Rules Geek

    Aug 6, 2004
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    I'm not familiar with the GDQ series, but considering PCs can hit 12th-16th in ToEE with Co8 5.0 is a second module that covers 4 to 8 levels going to be feasible? I have a feeling you'd hit 20 somewhere in the middle unless you came in at the low end.

    Also, are these modules going to be able to played separately? Say I'm sick of playing ToEE and just want to play the "sequel" will I be able to start play with a group of 12th level adventurers and appropriate starting wealth? Keep in mind XP that has been consoled in vanishes whenever the PC is affected by something that lowers XP, like being Ressurected.

    I suppose the equipment could be handled by having a "new" game put you in a shopmap similar to the one for ToEE, but with assorted magical equipment available for purchase.
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2006
  10. Macer Deathstriker

    Macer Deathstriker Member

    May 4, 2006
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    If there is some way to do a end game save where your char and equipment were saved into a file and loaded into a certain other mod, then I would say yeah you could transport out early in a mod to start another mod if certain flags are meet, like you found a map of so and so in the temple and now and journey there because you now have a end game save option to your save and load menu.

    The again I am guessing this could be done without a dll hack, seeing i have no modding exp.

  11. Lord_Spike

    Lord_Spike Senior Member Veteran

    Mar 25, 2005
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    Rufnredde is modding in an item that will tie ToEE in to the GDQ series. It makes no real impact on the game, is an interesting footnote to what's going on in the Flanaess. A clue providing insight into the motives of certain factions. The GDQ Supermodule states it's for Character levels 8-14; but ToEE is for 1-10. My opinion is that modding has made the end game suited for the levels one actually achieves; or in other words, it's still fun and challenging in spite of finishing higher up. Most characters will finish up around 10-14, I think. Many factors influence this, including number of characters in the party, etc. Also, NPC's vs. PC's...will Elmo be going against he giants, or staying in Hommlet? I know that I would not want to go into Chief Nosnra's homestead at less than 9th level. The "big room" full of giants where all of the important combat takes place has 26 giants, 8 ogres and a cave bear in it. A party of 6 adventurers is like an appetizer to this crowd. Those who don't coordinate attacks & play with skill (...and have no shortage of luck) will be on the menu swiftly. And it gets progressively tougher as you advance through the plot. 18th level to enter the Vault of the Drow isn't too high, believe me. Mezzodaemons, mind flayers, and the like simply roam the streets in the Underdark's original big city. I have no idea how some of this will even be modded with the skills & tools available now, so it may all be moot. But the giants are 90% ready with everything available. The missing 10% is for stuff I forgot.

    Macer - I think it's going to be possible to bring along PC's; but I don't remember what was said about gear, or for that matter NPC's you've grown to love. I guess we'll see.
  12. Macer Deathstriker

    Macer Deathstriker Member

    May 4, 2006
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    Some kinda city/town will be needed to off load gear from the G-Q modules so a few new NPC can be added to that if that is a concern :) Good to know they can port the party and gear from 1 mod to another.


    Hehe Woot post bumped me to ghoul
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