The fixes have been updated with the bugfixing I have done so far. Please redownload from the first post in this thread. @Allyx. This might solve the Hedrack problem. The Turnkey/Bugbear v. Prisoners problem has been fixed, as well as some issues with the goblins getting friendly fire on Temple Level One. I've also included the supposedly fixed Elmo dialog and script so the Sober Elmo thing works with DH.
@CB Did you get my chain shirt +1 fix in there? If not, no biggie it only takes a minute or two to fix.
Nope, didn't get that. Sorry. I will fix it in my protos now so it will be in any future update. EDIOT: I just checked my protos and apparently it is fixed in there. Sorry for the confusion. (typo intentional)
This is not a bug introduced by my fixes, but a bug none the less. The way the scripts were written, Temple robes only had to be in a character's inventory, not necessarily worn, for the associated Temple denizens not to KOS (Kill On Sight). I have fixed this. Now if the robes are not actually being worn, and only in the characters' inventory, the denizens will still KOS. Of course, if the party has already done a quest for that Temple, they will not be attacked. I am also kicking around an idea to reattach Burne's shop inventory after he leaves the party, and an entirely different approach to the Hezrou Stench. More updates on these will follow. Now for another matter. Due to Agetian's recent wonderful upgrades to World Builder, it seems that now we can just edit the MOB's of the critter's that needed inventory changes or were not using the new protos and get the same effect as my scripting fixes. The question is now whether or not we wish to continue with the scripting fixes or edit the MOB's instead. While the latter option will render a most of the work I have done in the last month useless, and entail a more work (which I am willing to do), I think it is most likely the more elegant and bug free solution. What does the community think?
I say go with the mob option, it saves a bunch of headaches for you, fixing the scripting, and besides i can help with the mobs where I can't with the scripting. BTW I was gonna ask you if you kept backups of all the files you changed for this very reason
Well, that is three votes for the MOB solution, and none for the scripting one. I guess the MOBs have it. I have already edited the MOBs for the bugbears and gnolls in the Moathouse and tested them, and everything seems to be working just fine. I would suggest that we create new armor for the bugbears and goblins and flag it as NO_LOOT however. It makes sense to me that there wouldn't be much of a market for those armors, and that the party shouldn't be able to wear them. The bugbear weapons and the gnoll weapons and armors are already flagged this way. What does the community think? @Allyx: Your help would be most welcome. PM me or catch me online and we can divide the work up and get on the same page as far as the changes we need to make. We don't want to be duplicating each other's efforts, or working at cross purposes.
I think this is a great idea. It'd be nice, though, if the occasional cool thingie found it's way into their hands that could be looted...+1 something or other; masterwork doodad...that sort of thing.
Well, the thing is, in the PNP rules, bugbears wear armor and wield weapons designed for medium-sized creatures. Goblins, likewise, wear armor and wield weapons sized for small creatures. Technically, anything they use should be lootable and usable.
:imwithstu and I told Cerulean as much yesterday too, even if it means reducing the (no_loot) weapons weight to 0 so they don't get encumbered when you give them a (lootable) greatsword the PC's can use. Not many people would want to buy smelly goblin armour or chain shirts that have rusted from bugbear sweat it's true, but maybe the reduced price idea has merit, but what does tick me off is that these foes use these items againt you to protoect themselves or to kill you with, and afterall - to the victor, goes the spoils.
I don't disagree with this entirely; just that most of it would be too weighty; and have it's origins in the sort of discarded or scavenged stuff taken from looted caravans, slain adventurers, despoiled battlefields, et cetera. It would be undesirable, and unless you bring along a team of mules & a wagon to cart it off, you'll not get far with it. Except for the occasional item(s) with intrinsic value. I'd be more inclined to agree completely if you're talking about stuff made specifically for the temple elite type bugbears; but it would be still be unlikely to be usable by humans. Aren't bugbears size "L"? If they aren't they should be. They typically wear armor cobbled together from odd pieces; and are big enough to have shields strapped on. So, I think the spirit of the rule should be taken into account as well, not simply what is in black & white.
Well, what about the armourical equivalent of rusty weapons? Crap armour, functions at -1 to normal stuff, worth very little. U5:Lazarus did it
Bugbears are size Medium. They are kind of burly for Medium, but I think what was really confusing you was the "reach artifact" (since their fake weapons were using polearm proficiencies, they had 10' reach in the game when they should not have). Besides, magic armor resizes to fit the wearer... "Damn, this +5 armor of studliness still smells like goblinoids. Oh well." --Blair "Youth and speed may get the girls, but old age and dirty tricks win the battle."