Don't be ssooo pestimistic, gaear. He was at a convention promoting D&D. The way his post read [to me] was that he met the girl [when he was] at the convention. It's not like he said, "Oh yah guys, guess what - we went out drinkin' one night to tie-one-on after a tourney and I met this chic that night...". If that were the case, I'd agree with you.
What? I've met several girls (ahem: women) since beginning work on the spells....5 months ago..... Alright....okay....point taken..... Darmagon
Easy guys. I'm not giving up on the overhaul. I started a new game last night with the latest files and am working my way through the moathouse. Haven't encountered anything unusual that CB hasn't already posted here yet.
Are you sure she was a girl? Cause I remember this one time... O yeah, Lord Spike looked uncomfortable last time I tried to tell this story. :chick: :no: :blush:
I came up with several responses to that, but all of them made me sound like a cad, so I'll just say I don't expect any unpleasant surprises.
:shrug: My somewhat-beyond-anecdotal experiential data in this area has shown the exact opposite to be true, Cap'm. If your example above were the case, I wouldn't be worried. It's the whole 'new girlfriend' possibility that troubles me. New girlfriend = constant distraction. At least until the shine wears off. (@ Kal - just funnin' here. No need to take me seriously.) Hey wait - we're spamming Blue's thread again!
@Kalshane & Cerulean (mostly Kalshane though). I jusy noticed that the chain shirt +1 on the temple brigand leader isn't actually magical at the moment (there's a small spelling error in and the price is the same as the normal version. It's small potatoes, but I for one hate to get screwed out of treasure, and if it makes that encounter a little tougher too... well that's good too. It's nice to see those guy's tumble successfully now though.
Hey, just so you know, I've added an unidentified entry for that Chain Shirt in my description.mes (not the one I posted) so that it will appear as a Magical Chain Shirt before you identify it.
@CB Thanks. Didn't even think of doing that one. Here's the the with the fixed chain shirt +1
I'm not sure what is causing this issue... When playing an evil group, I noticed enemies who attack my rebuked undead are provoking AoO's against themselves, did this alway's use to happen? Or have undead been altered in some way?
The only thing I have changed for undead (zombies) is I added a faction to their proto so that the ones the witches animate in the Broken Tower won't attack the witches, wizard or brigands.
Got another one blue... The Turnkey and Earth temple bugbear start combat with eachother when I get close to them (even though the door is still closed), the combat music starts, but no initiative bar comes up for the PC's group, the bugbear is facing the Turnkey with a menacing stance, and the poor female prisoners get dragged into combat too (provoking AoO's for unarmed combat) and promptly die after their own turns.