Spell Compendium Mod

Discussion in 'General Modification' started by Sagenlicht, Feb 28, 2021.

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  1. Sagenlicht

    Sagenlicht Established Member

    Apr 14, 2004
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    Let me know if you find something not properly working :)
  2. Sitra Achara

    Sitra Achara Senior Member

    Sep 1, 2003
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    Checking the flag is fine actually. Although there actually is a python API for checking flanking, in this case it's identical to what the engine does so it doesn't matter.
    Other than that I was only pointing out the overwrite issue which you've fixed by now.

    BTW, about this: "#Unsure why flanked to hit bonus is not automatically added, not applicable for ranged attacks"
    That's because the flag is set right next to the line of code where the bonus is added ;) So it's an indicator, not an instruction.
  3. Shiningted

    Shiningted The Thunder of Justice Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    WHat's the Python function? Is it original?
  4. Sitra Achara

    Sitra Achara Senior Member

    Sep 1, 2003
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    It's new.
  5. Sagenlicht

    Sagenlicht Established Member

    Apr 14, 2004
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    Ok next update (updated the first post as well):

    Latest Changes:
    added: Cacophonic Burst, Wail of Doom; Heart Ripper; Dirge, Nixie's Grace, Ray of Light, Resistance Superior; Insidious Rhythm
    fixed: war cry (now properly adds 4 morale damage)

    Next update will be slower, I will need to get Fugue done (major headache!) and try to get Bolts of Bedevilment done.
    Afterwards I will revisit spells that can be changed thanks to the help @Sitra Achara and @_doug_ :)

    This will be the final update to Bard and Assassins spells from the Spell Compendium (excluding the spells listed in missing spells).

    If you feel, there is a spell missing, that you really like to get added, post a comment here, but don't forget to give me a reason, I already thought at least once about each spell :)

    List of all Bard spells in the Spell Compendium:

    List of all Assassin spells in the Spell Compendium:
  6. Pygmy

    Pygmy Established Member Supporter

    Oct 8, 2010
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    Nothing wrong with your excellent work but I didn't realise how overpowered Resistance Superior was for a 6th level spell as compared to cloak of protection
  7. Sagenlicht

    Sagenlicht Established Member

    Apr 14, 2004
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    I know it is better than the item, so if you just look at it's stats it's cleary better. But keep in mind that you give up a spell you could have cast instead of giving you a buff that an item would provide, even though the item isn't as good as the spell.
  8. Endarire

    Endarire Ronald Rynnwrathi

    Jan 7, 2004
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    Superior resistance is powerful for a level 6 slot, but remember its opportunity cost: You still must learn and prepare/cast it to benefit you, and this replaces something else you could have done with that slot/spell known.
  9. Sagenlicht

    Sagenlicht Established Member

    Apr 14, 2004
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    New update.
    Distort Speech: fixed freeform error
    More spells have sound now;
    Nausetead has a working tooltip again.

    I had some troubles getting Fugue done, @Sitra Achara did help me alot (thanks alot! and sorry for messing it all up). It should work now(will post some more tests later in the doc Sitra). If it behaves strangly please report it. I have disabled the DC40+ (attacking friendly target) as I did not get it to work. The spell will unlike in P&P not give you the choice of a lower DC option, it will always take the highest option.

    I also started to add spells from the Paladin and Blackguard spell list:
    Strategic Charge
    Blessed Aim
    Clear Mind
    Deafening Clang - not fully working - atm I try to learn how to use get_new_spell_id()
    Faith healing

    I also want to do:
    Grave Strike, but I learned my lesson while doing Sniper's Shot, this needs a cpp modification.
    Rhino's Rush - I don't think this can be done in python right now. I could do:
    damageDealt = evt_obj.attack_packet.get_sum()
    evt_obj.attack_packet.add(damageDealt, D20DT_UNSPECIFIED, "Rhino Charge")
    but this would double all damage dealt. Rhino's Charge just deals normal double damage, which means it behaves like a x2 crit (which e.g. excludes sneak damage)
    Lionheart - I am unsure how to grant an immunity - I will postpone it until I learned that.
    Divine Sacrifice - I am unsure, if I really want to add the spell, it can cause a player death really quick if you are not careful. Opinions?
    Bless Weapon, Swift - I noticed, the core spell is missing in ToEE. Shall I add it? If yes, I would ofc add Bless Weapon, Swift as well.

    Updates are in the first post, as usual, please keep in mind to update the constants.py else the game crashes due to the spell list update to the blackguard prestige class which is now also included.
    Sitra Achara likes this.
  10. Endarire

    Endarire Ronald Rynnwrathi

    Jan 7, 2004
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    For rhino's rush, can you do a x2 crit but also roll sneak attack damage if it applies?

    Does this spell also include doubled damage from Flaming weapons and other variable sources of damage?
    Last edited: Mar 12, 2021
  11. Pygmy

    Pygmy Established Member Supporter

    Oct 8, 2010
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    I agree about Divine Sacrifice, without using Find the Gap, I can see paladins killing themselves whilst failing to hit high AC outsiders. I can't help thinking that this spell has missed a trick with the extra 5d6 damage and that the spell should function like 'The Everstriking Swprd' The Everstriking Sword | Adventures in Northern Faerûn | Obsidian Portal which is a version of a cursed weapon of the same name from The Dragon that I entered parties with in AD&D days.....
  12. Sagenlicht

    Sagenlicht Established Member

    Apr 14, 2004
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    New update :)
    Sadly I did not have much time the last days, so it took me a bit for this update.

    Updates are as usual in the first post. Please take note of the assassin help file. Please delete it, I have updated the help file structure and merged that file into a different one.

    I did add spells from the level 2 blackguard and paladin spell list (alot of those spells are actually level 3 cleric spells).

    Summon Undead I is a bit sad, there is only one 1 HD undead in the protos, so it has no real choices to summon, the others will be limited to 2, following the original spell, which also has two only options per rank.

    There are no 3 HD undeads in the protos, I am unsure how I will handle Summon Undead III atm.

    Please be aware that paladin and blackguard spells often have alignment or even deity restrictions, I have implemented them :)

    This is also the reason why this update contains a modified deity.mes. I added {5000}+ so I can get the deities alignment. If there is a different way to actually get the deities alignment, I would happily forgoe the option of needing a modified deity.mes .

    I modified it in a way to not collide with other modders, if they use a modified deity.mes (I think e.g. the Icewinddale could use one @Allyx )
    If you have a modified deity.mes and want to support the Hand of Divinity spell, simply add some lines to your modified version:

    {ID of the deity starting with 5000}{Alignment of the deity}

    the Hand of Divinity has a fallback and will use the alignment of the caster if the deity.mes is missing the alignment entry.

    Fixed: Resistance, Superior bonus list description; Nixie'S Grace fixed DR;
    spell_enum.mes missing braces;
    Fugue Disoriented Indicator had wrong debuff symbol filename
    Added bonus description in the in game help (enhancement bonus to): Allegro, Find the Gap, Nixie's Grace, Sirine's Grace

    Spells Added:
    Summon Undead I
    Summon Undead II
    Hand of Divinity
    Curse of Ill Fortune
    Awaken Sin
    Checkmate's Light
    Cloak of Bravery
    Divine Protection
    Quick March
    Shield of Warding

    More spells have sound now

    Updated Help Files, Blackguard is now in Spell List Overview in the in game help
    As always feedback is very welcome :)
  13. Endarire

    Endarire Ronald Rynnwrathi

    Jan 7, 2004
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    What about making new Undead to summon, like templated creatures?
  14. Allyx

    Allyx Master Crafter Global Moderator Supporter

    Dec 2, 2004
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    The Icewind Dale version of Deity.mes is heavily modified as only about 5 deities remain unaltered from the original file.
  15. Sagenlicht

    Sagenlicht Established Member

    Apr 14, 2004
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    This would be no problen, you (or if you want I) would just need to add the alignments to the file, it does not matter what you have altered to the deities itself as long as you did not use any {5000}+ ID's (which is highly unlikly). Here is what an deity entry would look like:

    {1001}{The god of the internet, AI (AI-EI), is neutral. His titles include the the all-known, bla bla, its favored weapon is the keyboard.}
    {2001}{The god of the internet, neutral. Domains are Knowledge, Magic, and Trickery.}
    {3001}{May I never be down!}
    and newly added:

    EDIT: If my mod is not used, the added entries are no problem as well, the game doesn't care if they are added if they are not used.
    Allyx likes this.
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