[SOLVED] having more than 5 PCs

Discussion in 'The Temple of Elemental Evil' started by spOOL, Jul 16, 2004.

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  1. dulcaoin

    dulcaoin Established Member Veteran

    Mar 10, 2005
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    Well, after reading through the earlier messages, it was clear to me what the original patch location did, but not so clear about what the second did. Some people seemed very happy to have "discovered" the second, but it was never 100% clear to me why. One of those people might perhaps explain how the two values interact, and if they need to add up to 8 only, then YES, I'd add a safeguard so they auto-balance, for instance.

    I mean, the hard part is done now, there's a good platform for doing the patch. Adding the second location would be easy and help improve the point of the whole thing (which, frankly, feels a little silly -- changing a single byte value with so much side-line fanfare)

    -- dulcaoin
  2. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    I suppose getting a response from someone who posted back when the thread bagan would be unlikely. People seem to blow in here, look around, do a mod, then blow out again, nevermore to be heard from.

    If you could manage the auto-balance thing, then the fix could be a contender for 4.0.0 again . . . no more threat of a Co8-caused game crash!
  3. dulcaoin

    dulcaoin Established Member Veteran

    Mar 10, 2005
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    I was specifically referring to CODEX's post here:

    I'm thinking about maybe changing my patcher to allow patching of this second location, and forcing the user to adjust values so the two always add up to 8. But I was hoping that someone who had done this patch could tell me how "fatal" it potentially might be.

    Another thing that occurs to me is that I need to take the original instructions on how the patch is to be used (party-pool and so on) and integrate them into the patcher, so it can be used separate from this thread existing. Time for an "About" button on the thing, at least. :)

    -- dulcaoin
  4. Marceror

    Marceror Established Member

    Apr 19, 2005
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    Hmmm... I've tried this using the executable (read the file correctly at 5... I changed the value to 6 and then wrote the file), I've also used 010 hex editor and changed the value both in the left hand pane (signed bite) and right hand pane.

    Every time I get the same result... naked NPCs in the Wicked Wench (or if I try this when creating a new game the sixth character simply doesn't join the game).

    I'm wondering if somehow my version of temple.dll is incorrect. I've noticed most people mention that they have two instances of the hex value in temple.dll; I seem to only have one.

    Is there somewhere I can download a verified correct version of temple.dll?

    I have atari patch 2, latest Co8 patch and Livonya's mod installed.

    I've got this really nifty 6PC party ready to try out... just can't seem to get all six in the game as PCs.
  5. Marceror

    Marceror Established Member

    Apr 19, 2005
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    Bah... I must be putting in too many hours at work.. I do have both instances of that hex value. I'm still concerned about my version of temple.dll though.


    Just a little more info... the offsets (I'm new to modifying files with hex editors, so I'm figuring this out slowly) these two instances are showing up are 2:BBE0h and 2:BCA0h, which are not the offsets others are listing their instances showing up.

    Definitely looks like something is squirly with my version of temple.dll. If there isn't a link to the correct version readily available I may be relegated to a fresh uninstall/reinstall process.

    {Edit 2}

    Okay... looks like I was reading the 'offsets' incorrectly... the 'addresses' I list above seem to be correct. I found a copy of temple.dll linked on the site, and it had the appropriate hex values at the same addresses as my file.

    Apparently I'm just typing the number "6" incorrectly :/. Most baffled I am.
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2005
  6. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    Are your PCs now properly clothed? No problems adding the 6th? It'd be nice to know that these aren't issues with the latest temple.dll, although I don't believe they've been reported before. Please post how it turned out.
  7. Marceror

    Marceror Established Member

    Apr 19, 2005
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    Well, I tried everything I could think of related to modifying temple.dll to no avail.

    Just did a fresh install and started a new game with 6 characters w/o any problems. I shoulda just done the new install like a year ago, sheesh!

    Oh well, seems okay now. I'll do some tests to make sure I can still add NPCs okay.
  8. dulcaoin

    dulcaoin Established Member Veteran

    Mar 10, 2005
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    The latest (last?) version of my PC Count patcher can now be rated as a release copy (out of beta), and can be downloaded from here:

    This allows you to specify the number of PC's and NPC's in your party, and will force a balance so the total is always 8. The followers_at_max() call is patched accordingly, so the game will not "force" extra NPCs into the party; which would cause a crash when it did.

    Note that the game can still crash on the party_pool() screen with your PC count set higher than 6, so know what you're doing before using the tool.

    -- dulcaoin
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2005
  9. Zebedee

    Zebedee Veteran Member Veteran

    Apr 2, 2005
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    Super work Dulcaoin and thanks for the warning.
  10. Altazar

    Altazar Member

    Nov 27, 2004
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    Great work, dulcaoin. Onwards to your next project. :rock:
  11. Allyx

    Allyx Master Crafter Global Moderator Supporter

    Dec 2, 2004
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    Next project? How about allowing to choose how many charmed creatures you can have in your party? The quote in the first post suggests you can set the number of charmed creatures/rebuked undead/summoned creatures as high as 9 with no repercussions, how about an option to edit that?
  12. SRADman

    SRADman Member

    Jun 24, 2005
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    I used the auto patch changed it to 6PC 2NPC, created 6 characters started a new game added all 6 players even though the 6th wasnt visible started the game and he is not there.
    If i do it after a game has started in a tavern he appears nakid and not in the party, when i try and talk to him he gives me NPC responses. Can anyone help? :rant:
  13. Darklord_Morius

    Darklord_Morius Member

    Jun 21, 2005
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    Same problem above, i had installed the pccount patcher and nothing...
  14. SRADman

    SRADman Member

    Jun 24, 2005
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    Bump for anyone who knows?
  15. Orrin Oakenshield

    Orrin Oakenshield Member

    Sep 27, 2004
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    When I set up the delightfull Livonya mod, I did a clean install with all the proper patches & all the extra modifications I wanted, including new voices, (this ol' dwarf has never sounded better) portraits, and the PC count patcher.

    This ol' dwarf knows when he made a mistake!
    Like walking into a room full of hostile bugbears & forgettin' to grab yer' axe after using the privy....

    After exploring around in here for awhile, I did another clean install (I lost count on how many that makes, yeash!) & played a little of the game between each added mod.
    The prob occured with the PC count patcher. (Arrgh!)

    I ended with everyhting but that, plus I changed the line in the DLL from a 5 to an 8. (The precedure is well documented elsewhere in these forums.)

    I am well on the way to Nulb now with my "classic" dungeoning party of 6 pc's & one npc, fully enjoying one of my all-time favorite D&D modules!

    Unless the delightfull Livonya returns with more enchanting arcane wonders to share with those that appreciate her talents, this ol' dwarf is just gonna play the game & have FUN!

    Thanks & commendations to ALL who have freely contributed their time & know-how into making what should have been a better game to begin with, into a great RPG!
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