So, TemplePlus exists.

Discussion in 'The Temple of Elemental Evil' started by Endarire, Feb 29, 2016.

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  1. Sitra Achara

    Sitra Achara Senior Member

    Sep 1, 2003
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    Hi, I can't replicate either of these issues. Can you send a savegame demonstrating these?
  2. sigofmugmort

    sigofmugmort Established Member Supporter

    Aug 18, 2015
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    Hi, They went away when I updated and did a De-frag
  3. datakurs

    datakurs Member

    Apr 19, 2017
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    Yes, here are the files, with two sample custom items: a blue and a red bikini.

    I put them into Shop Map Clothing Chest #1 for your convenience.

    I changed the basic, unequipped skin to nude for human male and human female.
    These items appear as bikinis on females and loincloths on males.

    Blue Bikini is a new proto entry (#6722), its .mdf and .tga files are located in data/art/meshes/armor/loincloth. When CO8 is installed but Temple+ is not, this item works perfectly: you can equip it and the PC's skin changes correctly. However when you install Temple+, Blue Bikini can still be placed in your inventory, but when equipped, the skin remains nude.

    For comparison, Red Bikini is placed in an existing proto entry (#6009), overwriting the data of Druidic Hide Armor. Files are located in data/art/meshes/armor/druidic_hide (Note that I extracted this folder from toee1.dat). I had to keep the original .mdf filenames in order to make my custom items work correctly, so you will find the paths for the custom .tgas in hide_F_human.mdf and hide_M_human.mdf.

    When Temple+ is installed, Red Bikini works correctly, but I had to sacrifice Druidic Hide Armor for it, as all my custom items change the skin only when placed on an existing proto entry. All items with entry number over 6720 are invisible.
    Last edited: Oct 14, 2018
  4. datakurs

    datakurs Member

    Apr 19, 2017
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    A different question: is there any file that customizes random encounter monster groups? I failed to find any.
  5. datakurs

    datakurs Member

    Apr 19, 2017
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    Some bugs / virtual inconsistencies for a future release:
    - creatures charmed by summoned lamia remain charmed forever; when they die, they must rot until disappeared to get rid of them (it was mentioned before in an other thread)
    - PCs charmed by hostile lamia also remain charmed after the lamia is killed (this must be tested, I just remember this way)
    - at Welkwood Crypt, there is a fur cloak on the ground, can be seen only with Tab key; I don't know if it's intentional
    - at Temple level 3, there are 2 leucrottas to the northeast; I think they should be hostile instead of peaceful
    - while Paida is in the party, all hostile monsters are just waiting instead of attacking (there is also a thread for it)
    - charmed creatures disappear from the party when you meet the rangers of the Countess Tilahi, or the knights of Prince Thrommel, or the adventurer group, when they exit the map; only blue circles remain after the charmed creatures
    - if Smigmal is charmed when the fungus goddess dies, she is removed from the party as this is consistent with her fate described in one of the ending slides; however, as the Verbobonc expansion starts, there is a blue circle in her place (I suspect this would happen with all other characters who are not supposed to survive the original endgame but you keep them charmed in your party - e.g. temple leaders)
    - pirates' alignment is neutral; evil would fit better
    - once you loot Hedrack's lackeys then wait for the corpses being disappeared, their equipment reappears to the ground again, can be picked up for a second time
    - Terjon should take "Ragged note to Terjon" as well when his pendant is delivered
    Last edited: Oct 15, 2018
  6. Sitra Achara

    Sitra Achara Senior Member

    Sep 1, 2003
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    Currently you have to edit However someone recently started work on RE customization packs, so there's a chance you'll get something like that sooner or later.
  7. 7th

    7th Member

    Oct 20, 2018
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    Hi, I came upon the same issue with my drow wizard multiclassing into cleric - the Faerie Fire ability eats up the domain slot.

    I have made a quick fix for it which will work on any new drow characters and also for existing drow characters, but in the latter case there is an extra step using the console.

    The problem appears to be that the ability get's added to the drow special_domain as a level 1 spell - if we change it to be added as a level 0 it will not conflict with the normal domain powers (and since it has no saving throw it does not matter that it's now considered a level 0 spell)

    I've attached the fixed script which can be extracted into the Temple of Elemental Evil\override folder.
    # this is the section I changed in
    def GetSpellLikeAbilities(obj = OBJ_HANDLE_NULL):
    spFaerie = PySpellStore(spell_faerie_fire, domain_special, 0)
    return {spFaerie: 1, }

    if you already have existing drow characters they will now have both a level 0 and a level 1 faerie fire, which we have to fix using this command:
    (shift+~ for console)[x].spells_memorized_forget( )
    where 'x' is the portrait position of the drow character counting from left starting from 0

    The domain slot should now be free to set to another spell, and after a rest you should only have Faerie Fire as a level 0 domain spell

    It's a good idea to use a temp save while doing this, since there appears to be no direct console command for removing a spell from a character once they've learned it.

    Attached Files:

  8. Sitra Achara

    Sitra Achara Senior Member

    Sep 1, 2003
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    Thanks for the reminder, fixed for next version :)
  9. Sitra Achara

    Sitra Achara Senior Member

    Sep 1, 2003
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    Hi, using your files I got the blue bikini working without trouble.
    Are you using a mod that overrides perhaps? (check the overrides folder)
  10. 7th

    7th Member

    Oct 20, 2018
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    I noticed that the feat "Divine Shield" feat did not appear to give the correct shield bonus when used (it was strangely off by 1 and did not increase with charisma buffs), so I started digging into the py script.

    It would seem that the return value of .stat_level_get(stat_cha_mod) does not return the correct modified value - it returns the base modifier before any race bonuses, spell mods etc are applied - is this a bug in the base code?

    I confirmed it using the console to do a[0].stat_level_get(stat_cha_mod), it returns the same as[0].stat_base_get(stat_cha_mod)

    Using fx. Eagle's Splendor to test on a drow elf charisma:

    .stat_base_get(stat_charisma) - returns 16
    .stat_level_get(stat_charisma) - returns 22 (+2 drow, +4 eagle's splendor)

    .stat_base_get(stat_cha_mod) - returns 3
    .stat_level_get(stat_cha_mod) - returns 3 (should be 6?)

    Am I missing something, or is it a bug?
  11. datakurs

    datakurs Member

    Apr 19, 2017
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    Thank you for checking it, it's confusing.
    I don't have Overrides folder, my installation is: base game from GOG, CO8 8.1.0 new content, Portraits Made Easy, Temple+ 1.0.64.
    This is an issue I cannot resolve for months but must be something trivial if it works for you. I must think about this more.

    Is your installation different?
    Last edited: Nov 2, 2018
  12. HeJason

    HeJason JK2 Deity

    Aug 28, 2006
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    I have a quick question about temple+. I have been able to edit the before using temple+ and it worked fine, and still does, except for editing the hero's shield. No matter what, it wont let me edit the armor check penalty and the spell fail fields. The Hero's shield is much lighter than the standard metal tower shield so I was trying to edit the armor check penalty to make it worth while to use compared to the masterwork tower shield. Before temple+ I was able to do this for the tower shield.
  13. Pygmy

    Pygmy Established Member Supporter

    Oct 8, 2010
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    Are you absolutely sure you were ever able to change these parameters for the Hero's Shield? There must aiways have been some sort of override for all tower shields in order to allow a Huge shield to be carried. Please note that all Tower Shields have a Max Dexterity bonus of +2 in but allow +4 dex bonus in game. Further please note that the skill penalty in game for the Hero's Shield is nonsense having tw0 +1 bonuses for masterwork item.....
  14. Sitra Achara

    Sitra Achara Senior Member

    Sep 1, 2003
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    I havent installed portraits made easy, but i don't think it should have an effect.
    I guess maybe you could try a fresh install?
    Also, can you post the temple+ logfile?

    Yeah, temple+ overrides that specific proto because it had a bug (dont remeber what exactly, but there were a bunch of items with error messages in the log which i fixed this way). I think you should be able to override the override using the data/rules/protos/<name>.tab method, as explained in the temple+ wiki.
  15. HeJason

    HeJason JK2 Deity

    Aug 28, 2006
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    Good to know, Thank You. Just got back in to ToEE and was trying to put things they way I had them in my old game.
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