So, TemplePlus exists.

Discussion in 'The Temple of Elemental Evil' started by Endarire, Feb 29, 2016.

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  1. Aquinas

    Aquinas Member

    Feb 14, 2012
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    Thanks, I've sorted that problem but now have a runtime error so I'm downloading again to see if the Windows repair caused a problem
  2. florian1

    florian1 Established Member

    Mar 15, 2010
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    As a followup to my post about a Hill Giant PC only healing 1 HP per rest period (for being a level 1 fighter in this case), the Monster Manual 3.5 states that a creature's total hit dice (from racial and class levels) determines the natural healing rate of the creature. So the Hill Giant PC should heal one point for each Hill Giant hit die, plus one point for each class level.
  3. Sitra Achara

    Sitra Achara Senior Member

    Sep 1, 2003
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    I guess I didn't noticed that because I playtested with a Troll ;)
    sigofmugmort likes this.
  4. florian1

    florian1 Established Member

    Mar 15, 2010
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    Pretty awesome of you to have added monstrous character races.

    Are you familiar with the Savage Species D&D 3.5 book? The entire book is about using monstrous characters. Chapter Three is about advancing a monstrous character from a weaker version of the standard monster. Instead of taking class levels, the character can take monster levels for its kind. The idea is that whatever the standard monster's ECL is in the Monster Manual, that is how many levels it will need to advance in order to become the fully developed version of the monster. Example, a Minotaur has an ECL of 8, so it will need to advance its monster level 7 times to reach the full abilities that the standard monster has. The level 1 Minotaur would begin with 1d8 hit points, be medium size, have lower strength, a small natural armor bonus, etc. As the Minotaur gains "Minotaur" levels, it gains hit dice, size, speed, abilities, etc., leading to a fully developed Minotaur at level 8. The Minotaur can continue to take monster levels after level 8 if it wants to, using the standard monster advancement from the Monster Manual. In this case, that includes full BAB progression, two good saves, 2 skill points, and d8 hit points.

    If there is anyone interested in implementing something like that, it would mean monstrous PCs could essentially begin at ECL 1, and work their way up in their racial levels as well as class levels. Having a Hill Giant in the party right now is overpowered at the beginning of the game. Having a Hill Giant Youngster with 1 hit die, lower racial stat adjustments, etc, would allow the budding Hill Giant to fit into a level 1 party. The only way I could help out (having no programming skills), is to do the research of what each monstrous level-up should give the character.

    Just a suggestion.
  5. sigofmugmort

    sigofmugmort Established Member Supporter

    Aug 18, 2015
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    Yes, if start as a cleric you get the special AND a Domain slot. If you switch to Cleric from another class you get the special but NOT a domain slot
  6. sigofmugmort

    sigofmugmort Established Member Supporter

    Aug 18, 2015
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    I think 3.5 based that on the D&D Mystara world for Night Howlers(Lycanthrope characters) and broken lands(humanoid Characters)
  7. StrontiumDog

    StrontiumDog Established Member

    Mar 8, 2006
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    One of the most annoying things about ad&d 3rd edition onwards was the extra bonus feat given to humans, plus , even worse, the level progression penalty given to all non-humans. This forced me to choose at least 1 human in my pc game parties, so that I could artificially add more xp to my non-human characters in the group. The way I see it, the extra skill points already give the humans an advantage, plus most of the advantages that non-humans have are already countered by disadvantages in other stats etc.Could someone arrange it so that temple+ removes the level-progression penalty for non-humans if the player so wishes? I mean, if one is playing a fantasy game, it is deadly boring to only play as human characters, or to have to edit the stats etc. just in order to put the non-human characters on a level with their human counterparts. Thanks!
  8. florian1

    florian1 Established Member

    Mar 15, 2010
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    If you enable "Lax Rules" in the Temple+ Configuration Menu, one of the options is to do away with multi-classing penalties.
  9. StrontiumDog

    StrontiumDog Established Member

    Mar 8, 2006
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    One other thing I may not have mentioned before(?). I have created a neutral evil cleric of obad-hai and the cleric is able to turn 2 types of elementals and rebuke(or command?) the other 2 types of elementals. But, the cleric is only able to turn or destroy undead, not command them. Yet, in the rules, in the exceptions, it states that LN clerics of wee Jas still must rebuke or command undead, and are not allowed to turn or destroy them. And, most importantly, it also states that"all non-evil clerics of obad-hai turn or destroy undead. " It also states that an evil cleric of a neutral deity is forced to command undead. By all this logic, and the rules, this should mean that a neutral evil aligned cleric of Obad-Hai should only be allowed to command undead, not turn them.

    Is there any way to change this turning ability via cheat console to a command ability?

    So far, I am now forced to create fake PC characters just in order to variously craft holy/anarchic/axiomatic/unholy weapons as I prefer PC clerics with at least 1 component as neutral.Also, in order to justify using non-human characters I have to add 1 extra feat to them to put them on a par with human characters.

    Incidentally, this co8 mod is still too skewed towards Law and Good re roleplay. For example, in base TOEE, I used to slaughter both Hommlet and Nulb, leaving, bizarrely, Mother Screng as the only person left to sell to.That was fitting for a NE-aligned party, and really boosted the XP as well. Now, I find that I have to do endless do-goodery quests as a NE party before I can even kill Wilfrick or wipe out Hommlet/Nulb, as the war of the golden skull etc still has to be done. Why not have an evil-aligned party have to seek out the missing children in the what lies beneath quest so as to sacrifice them to Hextor , for example? or how about a CN-aligned party being able to betray as many of the quest-starting NPCs as possible without losing XP? etc.
  10. StrontiumDog

    StrontiumDog Established Member

    Mar 8, 2006
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    Dear oh dear, I now find that my NE-aligned cleric of Obad-Hai cannot cast either protection from good or protection from evil spells, since he's being evil-aligned, I would have thought protection from good would apply.
  11. StrontiumDog

    StrontiumDog Established Member

    Mar 8, 2006
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    Hmm, can anyone tell me roughly how many XP one can get in total if one does the whole toee and co8 mods? I would like to reach level 2o with my party without having to artificially level up, so I would like to be able to calculate how many characters to take along while still being able to reach at least level 18. Any ideas? Thanks!
  12. sigofmugmort

    sigofmugmort Established Member Supporter

    Aug 18, 2015
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    The X.P total is somewhat variable depending on quests and random encounters but i find a party of five or 6 can still hit level 12-14 in ToEE and can hit level 20 in NC fairly easily

    "oh look it's those nice young men in their clean White coats"
  13. Daryk

    Daryk Veteran Member

    Jan 14, 2012
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    I routinely hit level 20 with 6 PCs, and that number supports doing all the NC quests...
  14. StrontiumDog

    StrontiumDog Established Member

    Mar 8, 2006
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    Thanks a lot! Another problem:- I just did the CN opening of TOEe/Co8 and my party was unable to find that map in the 2nd chest. It just did not exist. A casual search of cheat codes in the relevant mes file caused errors, and the hommlet teleport cheat code provided in a co8 thread just transported my party into sheer blackness. I suppose I could choose another alignment for my party but if anyone can provide alternatives, I would be grateful, thanks!
  15. sigofmugmort

    sigofmugmort Established Member Supporter

    Aug 18, 2015
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    Odd. opening the chest should trigger a cut-scene and then take you to Hommlet (there is no actual map to remove)
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