So, TemplePlus exists.

Discussion in 'The Temple of Elemental Evil' started by Endarire, Feb 29, 2016.

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  1. Sitra Achara

    Sitra Achara Senior Member

    Sep 1, 2003
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    Thanks, it looks like I mixed it up with Greater Weapon Focus.
    I'll issue a fix this weekend, in the meantime you can use the console to add the feat:[x].feat_add(feat_weapon_specialization_<WEAPON NAME>)

    Where x is the party member's index in the portrait row (starting at 0 for the leftmost character), and <WEAPON NAME> is the weapon's name in lower case. For example[2].feat_add(feat_weapon_specialization_bastard_sword)
    To add Weap. Spec. Bastard Sword to the 3rd guy from the left.
  2. Kickaha

    Kickaha Member

    Sep 14, 2004
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    Thanks for looking into this, as I am really enjoying TOEE again after all the hard work you and all of the Co8 folks have put into making it a great CRPG. I'll wait for your update, I really don't like using the console to change things in the game. Thanks again.
  3. Sitra Achara

    Sitra Achara Senior Member

    Sep 1, 2003
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    Thanks. Currently you can also pick the feat at level 8 so if you have other feat options you can proceed thay way.
  4. WinstonShnozwick

    WinstonShnozwick Established Member

    Mar 2, 2011
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    I checked some of the files but right now it's looking largely like gibberish to me as I don't have much context for the code. Besides the d20 website, what would be a good source to learn about Psionic rules and implementation in general so I would be able to understand it better and figure out what is already in the game and what I would need to implement.
  5. Sitra Achara

    Sitra Achara Senior Member

    Sep 1, 2003
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    I'm not too familiar with Psi rules other than what I've seen in the Dark Sun game. If it's similar then I guess it should be quite similar to adding new spell effects with some custom UIs. Other than that ToEE has no trace of Psi mechanics whatsoever.

    To get things going, I can sketch out what I imagine will be needed for Psi:
    1. Need to implement a state-keeping Condition for stuff like psi-points, which will respond to queries and signals sent from Psi actions.
    2. A radial menu parent to house the various Psi actions.
    3. D20Action definitions for the new Psi actions (things like targeting modes and various flags - see the D20ADF_* flags)
    4. D20Action callback implementations - ActionCheck, ActionCost, ActionPerform, ActionFrame etc
    5. Status effect Conditions for the various Psi effects (such as mind control), if necessary.
    6. New Char Editor UI panel for selecting Psi actions. Maybe coopt the Spells UI since it's fully replaced already.
    7. New Inventory sub-UI for showing psi status/abilities.

    This is a lot to take in so don't be alarmed if you're overwhelmed. The first thing you have to get familiar with is the Dispatcher system. If you haven't already I recommend cloning the repository and setting a breakpoint in one of the Condition callbacks, such as say GlobalOnToHit, to get a feel for things.
  6. WinstonShnozwick

    WinstonShnozwick Established Member

    Mar 2, 2011
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    I was thinking it would be nice to add a little blue bar on the character portrait much like the HP bar to show Psi points.
    And from what I've read so far, psi feats will just go in feats as normal, and psi powers can just be treated like sorcerer/bard spell casting with the additional restriction of Psi points.

    What IDE do you use, visual studio? I'm noticing a lot of this is in C.
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2016
  7. WinstonShnozwick

    WinstonShnozwick Established Member

    Mar 2, 2011
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    I used paint to make the following image edits of the first UI changes I'd probably want to go after. In the case of the fourth image, there wasn't much room so I had to sacrifice character height and weight, is this an acceptable loss? Fluff is still nice, is there anywhere else you can view those stats?
    Also, I'm not even going to attempt touching Psi races until I can get the base 4 classes in (Wilder, Psionic, Psychic Warrior, Soul Knife) and working. I'll just coopt the spells tab in the character ui for powers, although it would need an extended tooltip on hover.
    Otherwise I'm currently studying the expanded psionics handbook to learn, and I downloaded the templeplus repository so I'll view it as a project and be able to step through the code.

    char creation 00.png char creation 01.png char creation 02.png char creation 03.png game ui 00.png
  8. Sitra Achara

    Sitra Achara Senior Member

    Sep 1, 2003
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    Yeah VS. Python is used as a scripting layer.
  9. Sitra Achara

    Sitra Achara Senior Member

    Sep 1, 2003
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    It's all possible. Hooking new UI is a lot of work but it gets easier once you get the pattern down. Also when DS is done with the new UI framework it might be easier to just redo some UIs "from scratch", using the originals as reference/inspiration.

    BTW, regarding coopting the Spells tab for Psi - are there any classes that gain both Spells and Psi powers?
  10. WinstonShnozwick

    WinstonShnozwick Established Member

    Mar 2, 2011
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    I haven't looked at the psi prestige classes but the 4 base classes only learn psi powers, not both. And even if you were to multiclass, it shouldn't be any different from having multiclass with separate spell lists already.
    My plan for co-opting the spell tab in the ui is to make it become the "Spells/Powers" tab instead. Also, for much ease of simplicity sake to not have to reinvent the wheel for a lot of stuff, I'm going to use the rules of Psionics-Magic Transparency. Also this helps with keeping it balanced, otherwise everything in the ToEE campaign would be super vulnerable to psionics and it would be blatantly overpowered.
  11. Allyx

    Allyx Master Crafter Global Moderator Supporter

    Dec 2, 2004
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    Yeah, I'd go that way too, Psionics should be interchangeable with magic in regards to detecting/dispelling, especially when there are no Psionic characters to counter your powers at all. As it is Psionic mind battles between a trained Psionic character and any non-psionic character are typically a one sided affair.
  12. Sitra Achara

    Sitra Achara Senior Member

    Sep 1, 2003
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    Haven't looked at prestige Psi but it's not hard to imagine such a class. You generally want to avoid having to do something over because you haven't thought about it ;) But it's also legitimate to just say "screw it, magic/psi combo classes not supported".

    Update is out now, should be fixed. Also added 2 Prestige Classes - Dwarven Defender and Duelist.
    WinstonShnozwick likes this.
  13. sirchet

    sirchet Force for Goodness Moderator Supporter

    Dec 6, 2003
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    A quick observation of the Eldritch Knight, he does not gain any new spells upon level up. He does gain spell levels and additional uses, but does not get to pick any new spells in his spell caster's class.

    He can learn new spells to fill the spots from studying scrolls found or bought though.

    I understand this is a tricky part of this prestige class, depending on how exactly we interpret the RAW on the class.

    My opinion, for what it's worth, is that each level of Eldritch Knight should bestow on the character the same new spells as the caster's class would allow to be selected and cast per day.

    As the class stands and with your emplimentation of it, I am having a blast playing it. Thanks for the new stuff.
  14. WinstonShnozwick

    WinstonShnozwick Established Member

    Mar 2, 2011
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    I checked out the Psi Prestige classes and Cerebremancer gives you levels in an arcane class and manifesting class simultaneously, but that would essentially just be adding to two other classes that you are already multiclassing in. Elocator, Psion Uncarnate, Slayer, and possibly Thrallherd look like they have many abilities that will be unimplementable or make no sense or practical purpose in the game, so I'll probably avoid those.

    @sirchet looking at d20srd, Eldritch Knight doesn't seem to be able to choose new spells, only use existing spells, that may be the intended functionality.

    @Sitra Achara Since it will eventually be something I have to deal with as well, I'm wondering how you handle prestige classes currently with regards to those that have a maximum level of 10. What happens when your character reaches level 10 of a prestige class that has that maximum level and still has levels to level up in? Do you then just gray out the prestige class from level up and prevent further levels in it? For example, a level 11 Eldritch Knight.
    Also, I just checked ingame with Temple+ to confirm, it seems like there is currently no ingame documentation in help for any of the prestige classes or associated things with them.
    Last edited: Aug 28, 2016
  15. sirchet

    sirchet Force for Goodness Moderator Supporter

    Dec 6, 2003
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    I find it strange that an Eldritch Knight can gain new levels of spells above the level he was at when he became an Eldritch Knight, i.e. ... can case 3rd level arcane spells, but as he progresses he can now cast 4th level and 5th level spells but must learn them from scrolls. Often in a case like this the SRD will give an example, but here it is left open to our own interpretation.
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