So, My "Play Disc" is not longer working.

Discussion in 'The Temple of Elemental Evil' started by maalri, Dec 3, 2010.

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  1. maalri

    maalri Immortal

    Nov 22, 2005
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    I think.

    After I installed 5.9.2 my game would not launch. It activated fine, but whe I launch the game, just spins forever. I cleaned the disk, same thing. I did a serch and read that maybe I should uninstall and re-install the whole game, which I am OK with.

    Now, I wiped everything from TOEE on my computer (including a list of TOEE ReadMes a mile long that I did not know were still hanging around). And upon reinstall, I find that when I get to the part of the Play Disc loading on Install- Nothing. Well, more spinning. It was then I relized that my 5 year old disc may have died.

    Any (useful) suggetions? I am contemplating buying anew from Amazon (insanely expensive now) or used from Ebay (worried about being sold a bad disc) or looking around for another... um ... alternative (NOt say, finding an alternative to using a CD, because that would be thinking like a CRACKhead).
    And I think that you already have to the game instlled to "NOtably use a CD fix, or think like a CRACKhead," right?

    Any input (again useful) would be greatly appreciated.
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2010
  2. wizgeorge

    wizgeorge Prophet of Wizardy

    Feb 19, 2005
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    The play disc should work with 5.9.2, unless it's like mine, shot. I've got 2 sets, but 1 never works and the other, sometimes. I sprung for the AVG fullpay edition and 5.9.3 works good. Ah, decisions. They get you coming and going.
  3. General Ghoul

    General Ghoul Established Member

    Dec 18, 2008
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    You do realize the new mod has the no-CD crack already in it. Not longer taboo around here. If you can't get it to work, PM me your address and I'll send you one of mine.
  4. Agetian

    Agetian Attorney General Administrator

    Aug 14, 2004
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    If you're going to buy a new one, just get a digital no-DRM download from, it's awesome and costs only $5.99. But anyway, version 5.9.3 or the mod (recently released) now includes the no-CD in it (in line with Atari shipping the same thing with the GOG release anyway), so you can just install 5.9.3 and it should work without a CD in the drive.

    - Agetian
  5. maalri

    maalri Immortal

    Nov 22, 2005
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    Freakin Awesome guys.

    Thanks much for the prompt and happy answers!

    Now, an update. :(

    So, I cleaned the disc with an actual disc cleaner my buddy had, and after acting like it was not going to work again for about 20 second, success!

    Then I hit a snag.

    Anyone else having an issue with the Atari Patch 2 saying something about "not a valid address" with "win32" at the end of a long error message?

    Will check back in a day or two, and thanks again guys!
  6. maalri

    maalri Immortal

    Nov 22, 2005
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    Update to my update. If anyone is having the "not a valid location" message on Atari Patch 2 download. It works fine from CNET- same size file, and it is CNET so I am sure it is legit.

    Sorcerer's Place may have a error.
  7. Ank

    Ank Established Member

    Aug 29, 2010
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    Just install 5.9.3 it has the no-cd thingie' included and as such u will bypass the cd check (tho if u are trying to install from the cd and can't read it, u are out of luck :-(
  8. maalri

    maalri Immortal

    Nov 22, 2005
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    Dowloaded 5.9.3 again, 3rd time, this time it does not have the "not a valid location" error. Perhaps I had a space at the end of the name or something the first two times.

    So, 5.9.3 is supposed to run WITHOUT the Play Disc, right? Is this automatic?

    What happens if I leave the Play Disc in while I am playing, any harm? Will it source from the disc, or the program?
  9. Ank

    Ank Established Member

    Aug 29, 2010
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    It will source' from yr HDD (letting the cd in will do nothing except to keep the disc at above room temperature' :evil_laug )
    ...this is new 5.9.3 only (some policy change) and it basicaly replaces the ToEE executable with a no cd patch executable (that was recomended in the past but no links were given bcause....) thus bypassing a s*load of problems related to the existence of diferent exe versions some of witch aparently also had included a .dll file that was hevyly modified by co8...
    Hope this helps and also hope i'm stil coherent enogh at this hour.
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