Smashing chests

Discussion in 'General Modification' started by Sokaijin, Jul 19, 2006.

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  1. Shiningted

    Shiningted The Thunder of Justice Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    Thats one of the rare ways we could actually do it... [Edit: I mean have Fruella smack it opn - 3 simultaneous posts, dagnabit!] we can far more easily script things for NPCs (if u booted her out of the party momentarily) than for PCs. I think the smash option is a good one, but it should definitely have a risk of damaging the stuff inside: check for breaking of potion bottles according to the DMG rules, and if a single potion gets broken, then any scrolls in there get ruined too. That would hopefully give people pause to use this method.

    Ok, i did a little testing: san_use script on a chest only fires when u OPEN it, if u fiddle with it and the floating 'locked' text comes up, the script doesn't fire. Thats a pain.

    Also, my suggestion to use the breakfree animation isn't going to work because (as I found breaking out of my first web last night - why didn't someone tell me that option was in there :rant: ) there is no animation when PCs do it. I can't see exactly what the 'Elixir of Breakfree' does that causes the NPCs to use an animation, but I am not sure we can replicate it.

    My suggestion is the hoary old fallback chestnut, we use an item - a crowbar. This could be equipped by a hulking great fighter in his belt slot (or somewhere), accessed through the radial menu, use the wand animation, could be scripted to only work on targets with obj_f_container (or whatever it is) and would be quite easy to do basically. It has the added benefit, from my perspective, of meaning players would NOT use their weapons to do this: because they WOULDN'T. When u live in a world where your sword stands between you and gruesome death 5 times a day, you do NOT use that sword to smash open locks or lever open jammed stuff or anything else. You use ABSOLUTELY ANYTHING AT ALL BUT YOUR SWORD. What happened to the good old days when characters carried iron spikes? Thump iron spike under edge of lid using mallet u keep in the bottom of your pack for any vampires in the cellars of the village houses, then lever lid of with iron spike, piece of cake.

    Anyway, thats my take on it. Hope you get there Sokaijin!
    Last edited: Jul 21, 2006
  2. Sokaijin

    Sokaijin Established Member

    Apr 27, 2006
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    Absolutely do not use your sword, unless your very desperate to get inside the chest ( or just found a better magical sword and don't give crap about the mundane blade your father gave you on his deathbed). Sledgehammers, or any hammer in fact works quite well, maces are a good choice, too. Crowbarring the lock is probably the best option since they are generally weaker than a sturdy chest, and with a little leverage can be easily broken.
    The bad news is that I won't be working on this till the weekend, as co-worker got in a legal jam and I will be taking on his workload for now. :poop: If I seemed annoyed in my last post, this is why. Two days doesn't seem that long, but it feels like an eternity to me right now. I should be on it now, but needed to see the boards. My wife says I'm addicted, and now the modding. I've got Ted's tutorial all over the place. :evil_laug
    BTW, she says thanx for that Ted. 94 pages, and I printed one sided (I use the other for notes). Anyway, if I can sneak in any time in the next couple days(nights) I'll put it into my project and let everyone what I have sometime this weekend.
  3. Shiningted

    Shiningted The Thunder of Justice Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    Well u can thank Krunch for putting it into pdf form (hey Krunch, say hi to Sokaijin's wife! Ahhh never mind ;) ).

    As for actually breaking the thing to pieces, yes a heavy mace, warhammer or club would be great - but anything other than coins and weapons / armour would have a good chance of being ruined. Potions smashed, ointments and oils mashed into the scrolls, even wands and amulets would have a good chance of being shattered if the chest is any sort of decently sturdy device (which, for hiding anything of interest, it would be).

    Kalshane, magical wands and stuff are still breakable i take it?
  4. Kalshane

    Kalshane Local Rules Geek

    Aug 6, 2004
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    Yup. All objects in 3.x have hardness and HP to determine how breakable they are. You can also attempt to break an item your opponent is holding with a Sunder attack (which provokes an AOO unless you have the Improved Sunder feat.)
  5. Shiningted

    Shiningted The Thunder of Justice Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    Hmmm... scrolls and potions have their own categories, wands should be picked up by a combination of the generic object category and uses wand animation flag, so scripting the 'chance to break things in the chest' (if Sokaijin goes that way) would be reasonably straightforward.

    Out of curiosity, what do people think of introducing a crowbar? Or should it just be something attached to bludgeoning weapons?
  6. Sokaijin

    Sokaijin Established Member

    Apr 27, 2006
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    I've got two hours till I gotta check on some disorderly drunks night crew, after that I start wrestling with the crowbar idea (and maybe a few of my own). Till then, a little light diversion. No, dark subversion would be better. oh, that was bad, even for me. My apologies for any harm caused to anyones funnybones by trying to make that stretch.
    Back on topic, I'm going to make the crowbar work on breaking the locks for now. Might go for the chest itself later, also with bludgeoning weapons, too, on that one. This should be a simpler approach, wait till I'm more comfortable with what I'm doing before going for the tuff stuff. [whine] I am not a wimp, and stop calling me that. You know I'm sensitive.Mommy, mo-o-omme-e-e[/whine]
  7. Sokaijin

    Sokaijin Established Member

    Apr 27, 2006
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    Dammit, I created the crowbar this morning, took a break to check the forums, went back to discover I forgot to save the damn thing.:censored: So, I created it again.:yawn:
    I Still need to create an icon for it, I'm using some wand or something now. Before that I have to figure out how to make it work correctly. I'm giving it a +2 bonus to a STR. checks made for opening locks, but can't get it quite right. is there a file or something I'm not seeing that controls ability checks? Or perhaps it's the 'open locks' that's crossing me up? Oh well, miniscule progress is better than no progress at all.
  8. Sokaijin

    Sokaijin Established Member

    Apr 27, 2006
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    OMG, has it really been five days since I even looked at this? I'm stuck, no time to really try anything new, or work out the kinks in what I've already done. I' sure no one really cares, but I could use a little push this weekend as I have loads of time to devote now.
    Allyx, please, one last suggestion before you go.
  9. Allyx

    Allyx Master Crafter Global Moderator Supporter

    Dec 2, 2004
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    Umm, I'm a little short on idea's right now, I have read the thread more thoroughly now, and I like the crowbar idea, I also think blugeoning weapons having a similar effect is a good idea...

    It's a shame adding radial menu options is so hard to do, because in an ideal world I would add "Break Lock" to the combat menu in the radial menu, and code it to play the attack animations, calculate damage (including hardness and hit points) then unlock the chest wheen it reaches zero possibly even working out damage to potions, scrolls and other items inside the chest as well and destroying broken items inside the chest as appropriate.

    I still think the chest critter idea is the way to go, for now at least.
  10. Sokaijin

    Sokaijin Established Member

    Apr 27, 2006
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    Thanx chummer. I've been way too busy at work lately to even think about modding (co-worker still in the hands of the law). I did a little work on it a few nights ago, was sleep deprived, so the end result f'ed the whole thing up (praise to the almighty back-up). I will have free time this weekend to try again, if it bears any fruit I'll put it in the basket. If not, I'll keep that to myself. If it actually grows... erm, nuts, I'll zip it and ship it for inspection.
  11. krunch

    krunch moving on in life

    Aug 9, 2005
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    If someone would mod a new chest type, kind of like a monster with variable hit points that could not be opened by means of lockpicking or by spell [for the new chest to be added to mods], that would give a reason to have smashing chests being added to the game.
  12. Sokaijin

    Sokaijin Established Member

    Apr 27, 2006
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    I've already given a reason, your rogue is out of commission or unable to pick the lock. Maybe your party doesn't have a rogue (silly, but could happen). Or, maybe you just want to have the option available. Even though in ToEE you can just come back later and nothing has changed regarding chests, for real-feel D&D any party could come along after you and take the loot you fought for but could not get because of one of the these reasons.
    your idea of the critter-chest is an option, but it would still be "pickable". In other words, it is a normal chest. I'm just trying to give another means to access it, if ,say, your pally doesn't like any rogue types.
  13. ShadowDeth

    ShadowDeth Save Versus : Stupid

    Apr 17, 2006
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    I'm currently soloing a cleric and I can think up a number of reasons why I would want to break a chest. :eyebrow:
  14. Shiningted

    Shiningted The Thunder of Justice Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    "What? Damn you chest, you're not a sincere convert - you're just mimicking! Take that!" <pow!> <biff!> <wham!>
  15. ShadowDeth

    ShadowDeth Save Versus : Stupid

    Apr 17, 2006
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    I'm sure I can find some scripture somewhere backing up my claim that the state of being a chest is somehow godless.

    Especially since it's a cuthbert cleric.

    "Heathen, repent! I've justified slaying you with ambiguous morality!"

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