my dice *sigh* * are not cheap and i don't consider myself to have a lot of dice, either - not even 1 pound of dice at least i don't think so...for some reason the amount of 75 cents per each die comes to mind
*sigh* i wish i have the time (or will!) to paint such a huge load of miniatures... funny thing? i used to work painting miniatures for a hobby shop, and still i only have like 60 or 70 maybe... I'll take some pics later, don't want to miss the fun.
It's just that much more fun when playing PnP to be able to plop down a mini that exactly represents what you're dealing with. Not needed, of course, but fun. :transform Of course, the utility of the old DDM line for RPG is much decreased by the release of 4E, which "reimagines" most creatures. Just one of the many many MANY reasons I don't plan on moving to 4E until I find overwhelming proof it's oodles better. Everything I've seen says it'll be worse (according to my druthers, of course - if others are happy with it cool - all that I've seen thus far is steps back and steps sideways). :no:
Minis are plastic & pre-painted nowadays. Not that all of L-P's are, just looks like most are. I daresay he'd have to have been painting them full time since early youth to have amassed a collection that tremendous. Check the gallery:
But where's the fun in that? If I had the money I'd buy minis just to paint them. It's really rewarding.
Oh heck yeah. I hope nobody thought I was claiming to have painted all that. Nah, I'm just insane about DDM. Painting is fun, but ebay trading is a job unto itself.... and I already have one! :dizzy: BTW, lots of REpainting is possible too. Witness:
Hey L_S! Yes, most of pre-painted D&D minis are crap. If you clean the paint, they're not so bad (Redgar, the fighter from the PHB it's really cool, i still have to paint his shield) Still, you can have a system; as i've said, i used to work on that, and friend and me had to paint 20-40 minis a day. Take your conclusions mg: Of course, we painted them with plain colours, a quick lighting, and watery shadows (dunno the word), so they were pretty bad...well, not that bad, but very basic. I used to hang out in a club of modeling, those guys have HUGE collections, and they paint really fast, by selecting squads and painting every red, then every blue, then silver, then hair, etc etc...and you should see the quality! I personally take a lot of work mini by mini, and usually take the job to add details and croping/pasting stuff on them, like a different hand with a different sword, or crop a skull from a mini to add in the belt of another, etc etc, but it takes a lot of time. But i don't play tabletop or strategic games, i use them for old, classic, good pnp rpg
BLASPHEMER!!!!! :chainsaw: Seriously, I rather think the DDM line is as good as an amateur can really do in most cases, and in some far better. A good painter can do better, but it takes time, more money, and a whole lot of extra effort. And good luck building up an army of several thousand like I have. Less fun you say? I say fun of a different sort, rather. Anyway, the prepainted minis certainly have their place. Conveniently having large numbers of decently painted minis is awesome.
Hehe... Probably i would buy a box, out of curiosity, if they were available around here, but as i've seen in magazines and sites, colour they have it's a base colour, and that could be done quickly even by an amateur (really, you should try) About the can paint them just with acrilics, which are really cheap (less than 1/4 of an original citadel paint for example), and then you can giv'em a hand of...hum...varnish? gloss? dunno the word. (i have the same acrilics of 10 years ago, and still they work!!) Whatever, money it's the last worry. Yup, that's true. A box of orcs or goblins it's handy, and a good home-painted one for a hero or chief. In any case, right now i find the same fun repainting creatures and stuff in ToEE :mrhappy:
Yeah, comes down to your druthers, really. If you like painting minis, then it's irrelevant, really, whether pre-painted ones are better or worse. Paint for fun. If you don't get much out of the painting, but want to have painted minis, the painting becomes a chore, so the pre-painted option is nice to have (especially since you can always paint or modify the pre-painted ones). I personally like the color schemes of most of the minis they've put out, though I think they're getting worse rather than better the more intricate they become. The older sets are better, IMO. Quality in terms of artisanship isn't as high, but the new minis are too busy, exaggerated, too large, and/or silly 50% of the time any more. Have you seen what they're doing with angels now? Just stupid. (See attached pics - first two old angels, then two new ones; of course this is a criticism of 4E D&D, not the miniatures line, which really has to follow the party line.) Anyway, if you lack time or inclination to paint, DDM I think are actually very good, considering they have to be mass-produced.