@FDR4PREZ, two bugs were fixed mentioned by you: * Temple now spawns correctly on first entrance. There was bug indeed. * Superfluous Trade word removed from barter dialog lines in some merchants; Release is on the git.
The werewolf does not have its damage reduction applied - very easy to kill with normal weapons I looked for silver weapons in the market and i could only find silver arrows/bolts. I don't think kicking the were-beasties with the silver plated boots will do any damage Too bad I can't take some silver pieces and use them in my sling
I don't think this is a bug, but maybe just a qwerky AI in the game - In the temple, my guys walked forward a bit and I stopped here (shown below) and was waiting for the enemies to approach. I waited a couple rounds, not moving, only selecting the Ready vs Approach radial selection for my rounds. I don't recall how many rounds into the battle it was, but suddenly the lizard (circled) ran through the closed door (and it remained closed) and a couple rounds later he unbarred the lower doors and came up from behind. I am not sure how the lizard walked through the closed door in his room, but he did and then he managed to unbar and open the lower set of doors. A round later that drow did the same - but for him, he actually opened that door before he ran through it.
So we spend 38 man hours getting the monsters to properly flank and you call it a bug!?!??!?! (J/k - pathfinding bug, will address). As for the silver stuff - there should be a few silver items, at least a silver mace. Did you see the cleric who sells stuff? He is not in the market place. Thanks for testing by the way FDR, it seeems you were right about a beta 2
I am just glad that they didn't go and gather the rest of the dungeon critters to help them out. I've spoken to him in the past, but I didn't check out exactly what he's selling. I'll be sure to visit him again I'm always willing to help out the community
At Fletcher's: There are 5 magic crossbows for sale for 8 cp - is that correct? Are his magic crossbows/longbows he sells really nearly 19,000 gp each? Sounds like a lot I think we need a price check in aisle Fletcher For Otello - he has a Longbow of Flame for 8,628gp, but his Longbow of Frost for 18,617gp - why is frost so much more than fire? He is selling 3 magic crossbows (flame, frost, shock) all for 8585gp each, so it looks like is Longbow of Frost is not properly priced
Ok, I visited him again. At first I didn't see the silver mace... then i remembered that I have already cleared that dungeon, so I reloaded an older game and he does have it. Once you clear that dungeon his inventory changes, and that is removed. There is a bug with his name:
Yes, thank you! This is good catch, I will definitively take a look. I'm not sure that is the case, right @Shiningted ? The thing is that inventory are randomly filled in some specific frequency. I will take a look.
I'll have to check. Re the weapons - I will reprice those I guess. Lazy damn modders added those in the past and didn't do the hard yards of setting them up properly. (Probably me).
Re the crossbow bugs - were these the ones previously fixed that didn't get in? FDR - if you could confirm, was it crossbows of accuracy, or the troubadour's ally? On a happier note - here is a little something from Paint.net.