Sagenlicht Beta: Draconic Feats and more

Discussion in 'General Modification' started by Sagenlicht, Nov 2, 2021.

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  1. Sagenlicht

    Sagenlicht Established Member

    Apr 14, 2004
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    @Sitra Achara
    Demonstration of the possible bug:

    How to reproduce it:
    I attached a save, you simply can cast Frost Breath and Cone of Cold on the second target.
    I also attached a modified version oc Cone of Cold, that simply uses the "normal" save method instead of reflex_save_and_damage and it will all work fine.

    Attached Files:

    anatoliy likes this.
  2. _doug_

    _doug_ Established Member

    Jul 9, 2009
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    Some good features for sure. 88 is all mine then!!!
    anatoliy likes this.
  3. Sagenlicht

    Sagenlicht Established Member

    Apr 14, 2004
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    Ok, I thought I do a Christmas Update, so everyone interested in playing ToEE during the holidays can toy around with some new stuff.

    Now please keep in mind, this is a beta release and some stuff might not get merged into Temple+ soonish, though it is my goal to get everything merged at some point :)

    • Replaced Barbarian Rage with a new Python Conditions, so new PrC's can interact with Rage
    • Replaced Stunning Fist with a new Python Condition, so new Feats can interact with it
    • New Base Class Marshal
    • New PrC's: Dragon Disciple, Battle Howler of Gruumsh, Fist of the Forest, Dragonheart Mage
    • New Feats:
      • Breath Weapon Feats Extra Exhalation and Exhaled Immunity (for the Dragon Disicple and Dragon Shaman)
      • Fey Heritage Feats (all 5)
      • Draconic Heritage Feats (Arcane Grace, Armor, Breath, Power, Presence, Resistance, Skin, Toughness, Vigor)
      • Save related feats: Insightful Reflexes, Force of Personality, Steadfast Determination)
      • Bardic Feats: Epic of the Lost King
      • Ranged Feat: Zen Archery
      • Unarmed Feats: Axiomatic Strike, Fiery Fist, Fiery Ki Defense, Fists of Iron, Flying Kick, Freezing the Lifeblod, Ki Blast

    I've hidden the details behind spoiler tags to a) not generate a even larger wall of text and b) you can easily skip the parts you do not want to fiddle around with.

    I also give an expected Power Level note in each spoiler tag, so you are not disappointed if something isn't as powerful as expected :)

    The Python Conditions replace the Barbarian_Rage and Barbarian_Raged conditions. I noticed while doing the Battle Howler of Gruumsh that simply granting the Barbarian Class Feat is not enough as ToEE actually checks in the vanilla Radial if the character has the feat and barb levels, which is not automatically the case for PrC's that grant the Rage Feat. On the plus side you now can the see the charges in the radial.

    I also modified three existing conditions while replacing Rage:
    Extend Rage and Extra Rage both now work with the new Rage condition and I added more remove triggers to FatigueExhaustion, so they support class features that remove Fatigue like the Dragon Shaman or Feats like Epic of the Lost King.

    I have not tested the behavior of Greater Rage and Mighty Rage (it's on the ToDo list), but it should work.

    Known Issues: Barbarian Rage misses an anim_goal :( Yeah I looked at the ToEE function, but gave up about the anim_goal for now. Will need help with the anim_goal I guess.

    The Marshal Class uses a Workaround. As there is no way to mark a feat as a bonus feat only and class features is not implemented yet, the Marshal Class Auras need to be learned via the Radial Menu.

    Known Issue: Aura spell end is not clean. This has no effect on the playing experience.

    Expected Power Level: 1st Level high, but gets weaker every level compared to a Bard as Bards can cast spells.

    The class is not finished, Claw/Bite attack is missing and bonus spells per day are not fully working. If you do not want to have problems with the bonus spells, please limit you build in this beta to a single casting class, either a bard or a sorcerer. Bonus spell per day is skipped on first level atm.
    The Disciple has a experimental Fly ability. You cannot really fly, but you can ignore some ground effects like Grease. You cannot fly indoors. In theory, this could be expanded, Favored Soul, Dragon Shaman and Draconic Flight all would have access to fly. Please give some Feedback and ideas how this could be done.

    Expected Power Level: Due to the required Caster Splash Medium

    A personal fav of mine :) Now I can play a full Half Orc Party :)

    The Class is not fully implemented yet, War Cry is missing, and Howling Rage is not relevant atm, as ToEE allows you the use Bardic Music while raged. This might change in the future though, as I plan to redo BM and then I might block BM while raged. War Cry is scheduled to being done while I redo BM. Still the class works fine.

    Expected Power Level: Best melee Bard/Barbarian Combination as you can keep your caster levels.

    The class is pretty much finished, Untamed Strike is not fully implemented, I think the game handles incorpereal differently than D&D does. So that part is missing for now.

    Please be aware that I implemented all drawbacks from that class!!!! This means if you sleep inside a building you will eventually loose all class abilties. If you feral rage you will de-equipp gloves and boots.

    Known Issues:
    If you can Barbarian Rage and Feral Rage, please do it in that order or Feral Rage will not benefit from a longer duration atm.
    Feral Rage has no anim_goal :(
    If you wear gloves and boots while feral raging, both will be unequipped, but you will only see the boots in the inventory until you actually try to requip them (or do anything else, that triggers a inventory_update signal). They are not lost. At least not when you re-equip them after combat, I have not tried what happens when you save&quit before you do that. Simply do no use Feral Rage or do not wear Gloves and Boots like a true animal!

    Expected Power Level: High

    All the class gets is bonus feats. On 1 you get Draconic Breath and afterwards you get a bonus Draconi Feat on levels 2,4 and 8. Basically this class gives you the opportunity to play a different sorcerer that concentrates on his "draconic" side.

    Expected Power Level: Lower than a normal sorcerer as she loses two caster levels, but different!

    What's not in the beta? :(

    I ran out of time to polish the Dragon Shaman and due to this I also decided not to inclued the Draconic Auras (yeah I know no 4 Marshal auras for now).
    All Dragon Lineage Feats are missing. WiP atm
    Missing Draconic Feats: from the Complete Arcane: Claw, Flight and Legacy; from Dragon Magic: Draconic Senses; from Races of the Dragon: Persuasion
    All multiclass options are also missing:
    Dragonfire Assault (Power Attack), Dragonfire Channeling (Turn/Rebuke), Dragonfire Inspiration (Bardic Music), Dragonfire Strike (Sneak/Skirmish/Sudden Strike).

    If you want to give this a shot, please follow the link: and choose the latest Sagenlicht_Beta. And if you do, please give me some feedback :)

    I will not be very active the next weeks due to the holiday season, but if you report bugs or have questions, I will answer them.

    Thank you and enjoy your holidays :)
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2021
    anatoliy, Pygmy, _doug_ and 1 other person like this.
  4. Pygmy

    Pygmy Established Member Supporter

    Oct 8, 2010
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    Thank you for all your hard work. I am really impressed with the Battle Howler especially and have a half-orc bard ready to go.

    I have noticed something strange going on which I am sure has nothing to do with you but it might be worth bearing in mind in case it occurs again:


    Briefly, I have observed Swashbuckler characters getting neither the level related to hit or level related saving throw bonuses to which they were entitled from THAT CLASS even though neither of the Swashbuckler files was in overrides.

    I know this didn't occur with earlier versions of the BETA as I have a bit of Swashbuckler fixation.

    Incidentally, I was using 112 for the Bladesinger WIP. No sign of any error messages.

    More incidentally I have belatedly to disagree with you regarding the pre-requisites for Stormlord I am absolutely sure that when I copied obj.stat_level_get(stat_save_fortitude) < 4 for Improved Toughness it returned Base Fortitude bonus but now the function includes Constitution bonus so the pre-requisite for Stormlord is wrong
    Last edited: Dec 15, 2021
  5. Sagenlicht

    Sagenlicht Established Member

    Apr 14, 2004
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    Do you have alot of personal modifications or by chance using my non merged spell compendium spells by chance? If so, you bust a Temple+ limit at the moment (I can't use the above beta and my non merged spells together atm as well too).

    If not, I will take a look into this behaviour tomorrow and will level a swahsbuckler on my machine.
  6. Pygmy

    Pygmy Established Member Supporter

    Oct 8, 2010
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    No I am not using any of your unmerged spells - not through lack of trying but I was obviously missing something.... I do have quite a lot in my overrides file though
  7. Sagenlicht

    Sagenlicht Established Member

    Apr 14, 2004
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    Try to temporary remove a few of those and see if the swashbuckler works again, if yes it's the modifier limit. The limit starts to kick in from the bottom of the alphabet.
  8. Pygmy

    Pygmy Established Member Supporter

    Oct 8, 2010
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    Sorry I obviously wasn't clear in my first post - I removed Improved Toughness and the Bladesinger AND GOT SWASHBUCKLER TO WORK
  9. Sagenlicht

    Sagenlicht Established Member

    Apr 14, 2004
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    Yup then you did hit the current modifier limit of Temple+. I am sorry, this is nothing I can help you with easily :(

    @Sitra Achara is aware of this issue. I am not sure if Sitra already found time to look into this and there is a problem that breaks something. If not, I could raise the limit for this beta to test it.
  10. Pygmy

    Pygmy Established Member Supporter

    Oct 8, 2010
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    FYI Weapon Berserker appears to have fallen off the bottom too.
  11. Sitra Achara

    Sitra Achara Senior Member

    Sep 1, 2003
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    It's an easy change in principle, but I want to verify the impact on performance isn't substantial. I haven't had much time lately, unfortunately.
  12. Sagenlicht

    Sagenlicht Established Member

    Apr 14, 2004
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    I assume, it would just be raising that one number you pointed out (

    If you don't mind I could do that specifically for the beta I offered, so a few people could test , if they encounter performance issues.. I would run well over that limit for testing purpose for sure and I got the feeling, Pygmy easily adds quite a few conditions as well :) But I will only do that if it's ok for you.
  13. Sitra Achara

    Sitra Achara Senior Member

    Sep 1, 2003
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    IIRC that isnt actually used currently and needs to be hooked somewhere as well.
  14. Sagenlicht

    Sagenlicht Established Member

    Apr 14, 2004
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    Ok :(

    I found a major bug with my Barbarian Rage implementation. NPC's that try to rage can't, I will not have time to address this issue until Monday, so if you experience this bug, you have to a) either control those NPC's for the fight (via DM console, simply trigger their rage via the radial then) or b) don't use this beta for now.

    I am unsure why this bug occurs, if this is not changed somewhere, NPC's that try to rage simply call an ai tactics hook that triggers d20a_barbarian_rage.
  15. Sagenlicht

    Sagenlicht Established Member

    Apr 14, 2004
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    Bug is fixed, please download the latest Beta version (3261).
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2021
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