Sagenlicht Beta: Draconic Feats and more

Discussion in 'General Modification' started by Sagenlicht, Nov 2, 2021.

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  1. Pygmy

    Pygmy Established Member Supporter

    Oct 8, 2010
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    Hi Sagenlicht thanks for the great work. Can I ask a stupid question about your lesser orb spells please?
    I have a character who was Rogue1/Diviner2 and then Rogue1/Diviner3 with Spell Casting Prodigy (Arcane) according to the Spell Compendium the lesser orb spells should do 2 dice of damage for 3rd level spell casters, but I have never seen more than a single die of normal damage.

    Could you please explain how number as in spelldamagedice.number is included in the formula to calculate damage? and shouldn't number be (spell.caster_level + 1)/2 ?

    def OnEndProjectile(spell, projectile, index_of_target):
    print "Lesser Orb of Acid OnEndProjectile"

    spell.duration = 0
    spellTarget = spell.target_list[0]
    spellDamageDice = dice_new('1d8')
    spellDamageDice.number = min((spell.caster_level/2), 5) #capped at cl 10 (5d8)
    damageType = D20DT_ACID
    spellDamageReduction = 100 #100 indicates full damage


    attackResult = spell.caster.perform_touch_attack(spellTarget.obj)

    if attackResult & D20CAF_HIT:
    game.particles("sp-Lesser Orb of Acid", spellTarget.obj)
    spellTarget.obj.spell_damage_weaponlike(spell.caster, damageType, spellDamageDice, D20DAP_UNSPECIFIED, spellDamageReduction, D20A_CAST_SPELL,, attackResult, index_of_target)
    spellTarget.obj.float_mesfile_line('mes\\spell.mes', 30007)
    game.particles('Fizzle', spellTarget.obj)


    def OnEndSpellCast(spell):
    print "Lesser Orb of Acid OnEndSpellCast"

    Sorry previously posted in wrong thread
  2. Pygmy

    Pygmy Established Member Supporter

    Oct 8, 2010
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    Hi Sagenlicht,
    Ignore second part of question, I have changed definition of spellDamageDice.number to

    spellDamageDice.number = min(((spell.caster_level +1)/2), 5) #capped at cl 9 (5d8)

    for lesser orb of acid in my overrides folder and got 2d8 at CL3 as per p151 of Spell Compendium

    Sorry previously posted in wrong thread
    Sagenlicht likes this.
  3. Sagenlicht

    Sagenlicht Established Member

    Apr 14, 2004
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    Thanks for finding this Pygmy, I simply misread the damage description of the lesser orb spells. Your version is correct, I did correct the spells in the latest beta push:
  4. Endarire

    Endarire Ronald Rynnwrathi

    Jan 7, 2004
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    My heart sings with joy to see Evard's black tentacles usable by Sor/Wiz in a D&D video game! Alleluia!

    (That also means chilling tentacles for Warlocks is largely mechanically done!)
  5. Pygmy

    Pygmy Established Member Supporter

    Oct 8, 2010
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    I am afraid this condition still applies in Beta 3335

    Lines 1160 and 6160 (pertaining to the spell Align Weapon) are missing from mes\spell_ext\spell_compendium_spell.mes
  6. Endarire

    Endarire Ronald Rynnwrathi

    Jan 7, 2004
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    Note that you said "Gapple Action."

    Hail of Stone and DR
    Based on my understanding of 3.5's damage types, hail of stones is meant to do untyped damage since damage types are marked, like fire or untyped. says this about damage reduction:

    "A creature with this special quality ignores damage from most weapons and natural attacks. Wounds heal immediately, or the weapon bounces off harmlessly (in either case, the opponent knows the attack was ineffective). The creature takes normal damage from energy attacks (even nonmagical ones), spells, spell-like abilities, and supernatural abilities. A certain kind of weapon can sometimes damage the creature normally, as noted below.

    The entry indicates the amount of damage ignored (usually 5 to 15 points) and the type of weapon that negates the ability."

    Spell Requests
    Animate dead (Cle 3, Sor/Wiz 4): The creatures created should have stats determined by what creature was animated or/and by the caster's caster level for the spell. Using a level 4 spell slot to get an Emridy Meadows skeleton for the same spell slot I could've used for improved invisibility is a waste!

    Gate (Cle 9, Sor/Wiz 9): Call a creature (Balor, etc.) or be transported to an Elemental Node, a la plane shift.

    Greater mage armor
    (Sor/Wiz 3). I sent you my files for this months ago. Worry not: I can wait!

    Planar binding series (Sor/Wiz 5, Sor/Wiz 6, Sor/Wiz 8). Let us get some permanent Elemental and Outsider minions! (Apologies if this is already in-game.)

    Telekinesis (Sor/Wiz 5). Witches be trippin'!

    Spells that reproduce other spells like shadow conjuration/shades series (Sor/Wiz 4, Sor/Wiz 6, Sor/Wiz 8, Sor/Wiz 9). Surely there's some way to populate a list for T+ of all legal spells! Maybe casting shades gives the caster a set of free action abilities to cast spells of the appropriate spell levels (1, 2, 3... 9 as prudent) so as to avoid overpopulating a radial menu.

    General: The ability to buy scrolls of these new spells from Burne or/and a new scroll vendor NPC. Maybe Burne has another apprentice who sells scrolls specifically for new spells!

    Merge ShiningTed's spells into T+ natively. He already gave permission!

    Last edited: Feb 25, 2022
  7. Sagenlicht

    Sagenlicht Established Member

    Apr 14, 2004
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    You are right Pygmy, it is on my noted ToDo list, I will fix it, when I take another look on the spell, I want to update the temporary item enchantment spells. This will happen in the next week hopefully, I do make a good progress in the merge process.

    About Grappling:
    Not sure what you tried to tell me there, could you specify?

    About Hail of Stone:
    I agree, that by RAW it is untyped, I think it D20DT_BLUDGEONING is a more appropriate and and in my opinion more consistent damage typing. There are similar spells that actually deal blunt damage. So I will not change it to RAW, but you can simply do it by yourself on your local machine. Just place the spell into your overrides folder and the the damage type to D20_MAGIC.

    About the spell requests:
    Animate Dead, I know about your wish there. I am really hesistant to change existing spells in general in the game, unless there is an obvious bug or there is a broad agreement that it should be changed. I'll agree that spell needs a rework though. @anatoliy gave me a link to his work about the protos problem and monsters. I'll really like the idea, but it is not part of T+ so far (and I do not know if he has plans to merge that part of his work to T+ or if it is easily mergeable at all) and I actually do not want to do work twice. I haven't thought this through entirly, I propably will need some time for this.

    Gate is a level 9 spell, I have not added any level 9 spells to the game at this point and this is a real low priority to me, ToEE is simply not a level 17+ game. Even with the Co8 extended content you usually do not hit this range. Exception to this is ofc, if you play with a low party count, but this is to me still an edge case. I do not say, that I will neve add such high level spells, but that's far down the road. I usuallly stop at spell level 6.

    Greater Mage Armor and Mage Armor, Mass will be done pretty soonish, they are on my list :)

    I am not sure if Planar Bindings are allready in the game, if not they have a low priority for me at this point.

    Telekinesis is doable in theory, I am not sure though if the protos does have weight stats for monsters. If not, this would be a showstopper I guess. If there is no weight problem, I will take a look into that spell.

    I have no plans to add those shadow copy spells at the moment. Never say never, but at the moment no.

    I have no plans to add the new spells as scrolls to the base game. If a modder wants include scrolls of selected spells (or all for that reason) I am pretty happy that my spells made it into her/his mod, but that's completly up to them.

    I am no content creator in that regards, I really appreciate the hard work that is behind such modules. Actually if I ever fail to a spell in a mod I would have a big smile on my face :)
  8. Endarire

    Endarire Ronald Rynnwrathi

    Jan 7, 2004
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    Thankee for your contributions!

    This is my plan for telekinesis:

    Grappling ghosts won’t normally work, but having a trip-focused Wizard just seems funny. (Remember the bonuses from Improved Trip and other sources!)

    Each round, choose which combat maneuver to use OR remotely pick up things OR violently thrust all nonflying foes who fail a Will save/SR check to be thrust upward, fall to the ground, and take d6 damage per caster level from falling then 1 more d6 total from landing on a solid surface. (Creatures lifted would probably need to be Medium or littler.)

    Telekinesis could seemingly be used to cause an ally or a set of allies to fly.

    Additionally, telekinesis could be used to remotely interact with objects - especially chests and item containers - to loot them. (Assume no remote conversations via telekinesis.) Remotely interacting with other objects like switches or rock piles may cause bugs, though being able to dimension door certain places seemingly doesn’t break/bug the game.

    I assume Earth Elementals are too heavy/dense to be lifted, as well as creatures of Huge and bigger size categories. (Air Elementals and Fire Elementals, being so light, could be affected regardless of size category.)

    As for fly and overland flight, these would grant a 'fly' status to make the creature immune to ground-based hazards listed below - and similar hazards - while still preventing the creature from going out of bounds:

    -spiked stones



    -walls of fire

    -Evard's black tentacles

    -transmute rock to mud
  9. Sagenlicht

    Sagenlicht Established Member

    Apr 14, 2004
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    Update to the beta.

    I've done a lot of work on the spell_utils again, pybind11 obj are a bit tricky with python inheritances, which means I do not have the classes the way I'd like them to have but it's getting smoother once again. I've covered now most of the spell stuff in spell_utils and the actually spells are onyl a few lines of code now :)

    Anyways, I've merged a few more spells, mostly AoE spells to test the new AoE classes properly:
    • Anarchic Storm
    • Axiomatic Storm
    • Clear Mind
    • Clutch of Orcus
    • Corona of Cold
    • Dirge
    • Draconic Might
    • Fugue (partial)*
    • Holy Storm
    • Unholy Storm
    particles are not final, Fugue does lack the fight nearest target on DC41+, I do not get that one to work yet. Please not that spell would let you choose what effect you actually like to apply (if you rolled up high enough in the chart) but that is not possible right now. For enemies of the caster the highest possible effect is applied for allies the lowest possible effect (no effect).

    This is not tested as well as my other pushes, as my kids do have school holidays right now. This will be likely the only push this week for this reason. I will do hotfix pushes, if you find any grave errrors.

    Edit: Link to the latest beta:
    Last edited: Feb 28, 2022
  10. Endarire

    Endarire Ronald Rynnwrathi

    Jan 7, 2004
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    To clarify, do your new spells also add craftable consumables - scrolls, wands, potions, etc. - to the game? Are the scrolls scribable?
  11. Sagenlicht

    Sagenlicht Established Member

    Apr 14, 2004
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    To my knowledge, atm I do not think you can craft items with any new spell.

    I recall that I did ask @Sitra Achara once about it, and if I remember correctly, he did tell me that this should be automated but it isn't at the moment. I am sorry if my memory isn't correct about this. Anyways, there is no point in adding spells to a list of craftable items, if this should be done automatically and I 100% agree that it should be automated.

    I never took a "behind the scenes" look into the crafting part of ToEE, so I admit I have no clue how it works atm, but here is how I think it should work once its reworked (again if it's needed):

    If I craft a wand or want to scribe a scroll: poll all known spells of the crafter then add them to the menu of craftable items. In the end potions are pretty similar, I do know that they would be restricted to target creature spells, but I personally would forgoe this restriction for simplicty reasons. There are just to few spells in the game that would fall under that exception clause (mostly spells that target items).

    But yeah long story short, no I do not think it is possible atm, and no, I will not change that manually. Scratch all of the above if it is already possible.

    Edit: I personally never scribed a scroll, crafted a wand or did brew a potion in ToEE. Nor do I plan to do so. So excuse my lack of knowledge in that part of the game.
  12. Sitra Achara

    Sitra Achara Senior Member

    Sep 1, 2003
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    Yeah, currently tge crafting system relies on manual definitions for protos and crafting entries for every scroll/wand/etc. This is absolutely stupid and should be automated (though it hasn't yet).
  13. Endarire

    Endarire Ronald Rynnwrathi

    Jan 7, 2004
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    I'm looking forward to the automated the item-from-spell aspect!
  14. Pygmy

    Pygmy Established Member Supporter

    Oct 8, 2010
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    Hi Sagenlicht,

    I am afraid Beta 3359 is shutting down at the Sickened condition as per the logfile I have attached. Is this the version I should be using to play Warlock and Unseen Seer please?

    I have been nosy and can confirm 3356 does work with same conditions

    Attached Files:

  15. Sagenlicht

    Sagenlicht Established Member

    Apr 14, 2004
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    My bad, will fix it asap!
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