Rufus leaves my party

Discussion in 'The Temple of Elemental Evil' started by hentaikamen, Sep 4, 2022.

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  1. hentaikamen

    hentaikamen Member

    Aug 2, 2022
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    Rufus said that he needed to go to Verbobonc at certain point (I think when his level is level 8). I returned to Hommlet and he's still in his tower so I tried to recruit him again. He said the same thing and left my party again when I went out of his tower. Is it possible to get him back permanently? Do I have to wait till Verbobonc is accessible (post Z)?
  2. Endarire

    Endarire Ronald Rynnwrathi

    Jan 7, 2004
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    From my experience, Burne and Rufus are recruited once and if they leave for plot reasons, they don't return to party.
  3. hentaikamen

    hentaikamen Member

    Aug 2, 2022
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    In the vanilla game, Rufus and Burne are not recruitable after they leave but I've installed Co8 mod with new contents so I thought Rufus are playable post Z. I also replaced Burne's dlg file from another thread that enable recruiting him after destroying the Orb.

    I got the Orb of the Golden Death but my party (average party level is 7) is not strong enough to kill Z. So I decided to check if Rufus and Burne are playable in post Z contents. I destroyed the Orb and rested in Hommlet inn till Z was banished. Go outside of the inn and see the ending then got teleported to Verbobonc. I returned to Hommlet and when I entered Burne's tower, Z was banished, the ending played again and got teleported back to Verbobonc again.

    I returned to Hommlet again and this time the ending didn't play again so I recruited both Rufus and Burne. They left when I changed map, Rufus said that he wanted to go to Verbobonc as usual and Burne said that he wanted to research the Orb even though the Orb had been destroyed. Actually the Orb was in Pishella's inventory, she has the orb if I removed her from the party before asking her to destroy it. How do I keep Burne in my party (with patched Burne dlg file) after destroying the Orb?

    I got the Burne's dlg file from this thread.
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