Rudy's Item Mod

Discussion in 'General Modification' started by Rudy, Mar 12, 2015.

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  1. Mathalor

    Mathalor Member

    Dec 19, 2013
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    Could you add composite strength requiring shortbows?
  2. zugschef

    zugschef Established Member

    Nov 4, 2012
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    The pricing of magic items in dnd 3.X is way off, though. The ring of regeneration wouldn't even be worth getting if it cost 9000 gp. I really wouldn't take the pnp rules as guidance. Honestly, as soon as pnp casters hit level 11 gold becomes obsolete (planar binding: efreet). I'd really balance the cost of items in toee with only toee in mind.

    (Also, have you ever thought about what 15000, let alone 90000, gold pieces weigh? 50 gp weigh one pound, 90000 gold pieces weigh a whopping 1800 pounds.)
  3. sirchet

    sirchet Force for Goodness Moderator Supporter

    Dec 6, 2003
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    Ten gold = 1 platinum. ;)
  4. g0ld0

    g0ld0 Member

    Jun 1, 2013
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    Hey Rudy,
    In your googledoc, you mention this:
    "Spells listed at 800 and 801 in spell.mes: “Dispel Magic Target” and “Dispel Magic Area”, seem to do nothing I’m not 100% sure what these were intended to do, but searches and testing indicates that they are not implemented. They have no associated .py or .txt files, and do nothing when called."
    Probably were supposed to refer to the 2 functions associated with Dispel Magic spells. Currently, only the area dispel can be activated whereas the PnP allows for a specific target to be selected instead of having all your meatshield buddies caught in the area with the baddies.
  5. marc1967

    marc1967 Established Member

    Jan 19, 2014
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    You can actually do both, although I'm not sure if spell 800 and 801 have anything to do with it.

    When you are targeting with the spell, if the little hand pointer is not focused on a particular creature, it will do an area dispel. However, if you hover the hand directly over one particular creature, that creature will be made the target (and identified by the number "1") and all spells on them will be rolled to dispel.
  6. g0ld0

    g0ld0 Member

    Jun 1, 2013
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    Ahhhhhhh... Thank you for that clarification. Always thought that DM was area only. Never figured that by pinpointing target "1" all the other targets would become irrelevant to the spell. Oh well.... still learning stuff about the game after nearly 10 years of play.
  7. Mathalor

    Mathalor Member

    Dec 19, 2013
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    I'm using Shiningted's mod, which includes this mod. I can't get great shout to do anything. I don't know if the problem is here, with shiningted's inclusion, or with temple plus, but casting great shout gives me the cone targeting image, then checks for resistance, then nothing. No saves, no damage, no effect.
  8. Shiningted

    Shiningted The Thunder of Justice Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    ^^^ Did anyone get this working with Rudy's Mod? I didn't test any of his stuff, just threw it in.
  9. CarlosC77

    CarlosC77 Member

    Oct 7, 2007
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    I think I got Great Shout working. It deals 10d6 Sonic damage, deafens for 4d6 rounds, and stuns for 1 round on a failed save. Half damage, half duration, and NO stunning on a successful save.
    I also changed the damage type of Shout to Sonic.

    If anyone would care to test it, here are the files.

    You'll have to replace the following line in /data/mes/spell.mes if you want the proper short description to show in the spell selection and memorization screens.

    {5797}Great Shout{[Evocation] Deafens and stuns all within cone and deals 10d6 sonic damage. Fortitude save halves damage and duration of deafness and negates stunning.}

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Aug 8, 2017
  10. Shiningted

    Shiningted The Thunder of Justice Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    Just saw this Carlos, thanks.
  11. Allyx

    Allyx Master Crafter Global Moderator Supporter

    Dec 2, 2004
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    I was tempted briefly to roll up an 8.1.1 patch as an addon, but I really don't know where to begin, the various fixes released since 8.1.0 are all over the place :(
  12. kylan271

    kylan271 Established Member

    Jan 29, 2009
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    Several weapons are missing any 'masterwork' equivalent. The Great Mace is one and tstsubo..? another.

    Armour wise..I have no idea why there is no standardised sytem,just chaotic bonuses and penalties. To be fair should it not be as example:
    AC & Max Dex,with variance due to material-weight and dex penalties. The system seems uneven.
    1/8 padded
    2/7 leather
    3/6 studded
    4/5 chain mail
    5/4 breastplate
    6/3 splint/banded
    7/2 half plate
    8/1 full plate

    The Stone crossbows are also glitched...'thrown items' lol. My Holy+3 blunt xbow is a thrown weapon..yikes..not a standard issue,I added in inventory..files.

    And if you can:CL for craftingshould be total caster levels,as at present a 10 Cleric/10 Wizard is only level 10! Semi casters should be 1/2 lvl.,any way to repair?

    Cleric weapons: As a player from old D&D judges guild days,and chainmail,the cleric weapons concept was created due to christian centric belief of not shedding blood for clergy,but in AD&D dieties are different. We need to adjust weapons use to reflect diety types,and increase the weapon pool for 2 h types. A cleric cant use a great flail or hammer or mace,let alone warhammer or flail??? Confusing.

    Appreciate your work!
  13. ConjurerDragon

    ConjurerDragon Established Member Supporter

    Jan 21, 2013
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    Doesn’t choosing the War domain grant the Martial Weapon proficiency with the cleric’s gods favoured weapon?
  14. Allyx

    Allyx Master Crafter Global Moderator Supporter

    Dec 2, 2004
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    It does, though each religion has a preferred weapon type listed for it's worshippers, only those with the war domain actually get a weapon proficiency to reflect it.
  15. ithildur

    ithildur Established Member

    Sep 10, 2005
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    The armor system is already standardized more or less per 3.5e DnD rules (at least the core ruleset armors. A bunch of non core armor has been added to Co8 mods over the years which vary in consistency, but those are probably minor issues especially since the vanilla game features some non 3.5e core armor).

    TOEE is supposed to be designed based on the 3.5e ruleset, so this makes sense completely, vs introducing homebrewed (however logical/sensible or not) armor system.

    (unrelated rant: for the sake of all that's good, people on these forums have to stop using dandwiki as if it were a reliable core source; a lot of the content there is homebrewed without being clearly advertised as such, and ends up getting people confused)

    As far as caster level for crafting, per 3.5e rules a wiz10/cleric10 is supposed to have a caster lvl of 10 unless they have special feats or prestige classes that increase this. That's how multiclassing rules work in 3.x edition; it's an extremely un-optimal choice to multi-class casters unless you have specific Prestige Classes/feats available to work around this (i.e. a Mystic Theurge in the case of a cleric/wizard concept).

    This is one of the reasons why Temple Plus is an exciting development, with it's offering of Prestige Classes and feats like Practiced Spellcaster; using these options you can expand a cleric/mage's caster level effectively to match a pure lvl 20 singleclass caster, though I don't think they've yet fully implemented these options to calculate caster lvls specifically for crafting (at least Practiced Spellcaster didn't work for scribing scrolls as of their latest release).
    Last edited: Feb 20, 2018
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