FYI!~ female ranger in the constabulary: ".. she states after several dialogue, ".... you'll be charged dues now for being in the watch, payable to me each time you enter the city [she smiles boldly.] Consider it a privilege tax." I started noticing this when I kept hearing the ching-ching sound of coins dropping everytime I exit a building in Verbobonc. I left Verbobonc and re-entered Verbobonc, and heard the ching-ching sound of coins dropping when I appeared at the Circle V sign near the signpost. I enter Jylee's Inn and I exit the inn, I heard the ching-ching sound of coins dropping everytime I exit a building. The party is getting charged 200gp entering the city and being charged 200 gp exiting each and every building that my party enters in Verbobonc.
Thanks for the heads-up - that's actually only supposed to occur when you enter town from the worldmap, but I see why it's always happening. Silly me, sorry.
just to dredge up an old bug.... this is still occurring. Every time I exit the constabulary/jail building I get charged another 200.