Rebinding Camera Scroll Keys

Discussion in 'General Modification' started by michaell7, Nov 14, 2003.

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  1. michaell7

    michaell7 Member

    Oct 10, 2003
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    Hi guys,

    Firstly, thanks to all those concerned for all the great mod work done here - it is a real value-add for anyone playing the game.

    I have a quick request - can someone please tell me how/if there is any mod/technique that will let me rebind the default keys for camera scrolling? The default is obviously the "arrow" keys (or using the mouse, which is undesirable to me!), but this is crazy for anyone used to the standard "wasd" keyboard config often seen in first-person-shooters.

    Why on earth Troika didn't add a key rebinding option to the in-game menu is beyond me - that sort of design decision is so old school, I never thought I'd see that lack of flexibility ever again :)

    Hoping you guys can help - to me, this will add a lot to the game's playability.


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