Rannos lives twice over

Discussion in 'The Temple of Elemental Evil' started by cezmail, Sep 24, 2010.

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  1. cezmail

    cezmail Gorboth's Rider

    Dec 28, 2007
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    In my current game I when to confront Rannos and Gremag after the assassin shows up and gave battle. I wanted to try something to see it would happen as it did it an earlier version of the Mod Pack. I let Gremag escape and I killed Rannos. I looted his body and then raised him. I then fled the battle.

    Flash forward to the ambush at the house in Nulb and who should show up, Rannos and Gremag, with all their gear. After a hard fight I kill off the thugs and get all of Rannos Gear again. I then go back to Hommlet and try once more to enter the trading post. There seemingly back from the dead is Rannos, all alone and with no gear.

    I understand that this is just a quirk of the scripts and should not be exploited this way, but was funny how Rannos is rising from the marsh depths where I dumped his body and still is parading around the Trading Post in his tighty whities.
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