Question about Slavers quest

Discussion in 'The Temple of Elemental Evil' started by Legless, Nov 28, 2012.

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  1. Pygmy

    Pygmy Established Member Supporter

    Oct 8, 2010
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    I don't think an intelligence check comes into it - what Gaear has introduced is relativity in role-playing games. You remember Schrodinger's cat? The point is that talking to the slavers converts them from a "Not Slaver" state into a "Slaver" state and you can perform as many intelligence checks as you like before talking to them but THEY STILL WON'T BE SLAVERS
  2. sirchet

    sirchet Force for Goodness Moderator Supporter

    Dec 6, 2003
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    In keeping with that same train of thought.

    The slavers aren't slavers until we perform an intelligence check to tell if they are.

    Personally, I believe the slavers never actually change factions or such, but if you attack without first entering a dialog your party gets flagged as criminals.

    I'm just wondering if a skill or stat check could be inserted before the flag is applied.
  3. Pygmy

    Pygmy Established Member Supporter

    Oct 8, 2010
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    Until you TALK to them they ARE the rescue party
  4. Legless

    Legless Established Member

    Nov 14, 2012
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    as it stands, yes. But should it be? Rangers, Druids, Rogues maybe even barbars should in theory be able to get close enough to scope them out, confirm the id and prep an ambush. Its straight forward common sense... We even got their indentisketches for something to work off. I know it was just for background info/stocking filling, but the point is, in keeping up with the idea of role playing, making that role true to the parameters, in this case ad&d 3.5, as possible. Ok, I can see Gaear's point as well, that even mid level parties can be heavily enhanced by legal means and fitted with Übergear and weapons, but they also have all the latest gear straight out of the evil ne'er do well catalogue, as well as some pretty advanced gangbangers. And its a bit of a cop out to suggest that guys who designed and scripted the quest, did not take into account that with crafting, even at midlevel, some pretty über items can be created. They baddies could have that too. Maybe no one had thought of doing a recce to confirm that they were the guilty party b4, but I doubt it. Lets face it, there are probably a thousand years of pnp d&d worth of experience between all the dedicated Co8 staff and regular players. I'm not suggesting that you Gaear are as old as Gandalf, but you and the rest of cabal have certainly worked some pretty impressive magic with ToEE.
  5. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    There are probably not many scripted sequences like the Slavers, but again, the main reason is to stop you getting undue advantages. Also the quest is fundamentally different than, say, fighting regular monsters that are obviously enemies and for whom nobody gives a damn. For example, the Temple is clearly populated with bad guys, and you may go in there and just slaughter them. But you don't also just go in and kill Wonnilon, Princess Talahi and Sir Juffer, and various prisoners. With the Slavers, they are asking you to track down and kill specific persons - humans (or other races) with all the rights and standing that go along with being such. You can't reasonably just apply a scorched earth policy for something like that. Not without consequences anyway. :)

    Okay, but the hovertext names are also just an internal engine function (although at that point they should just say 'Sorceror,' 'Barbarian,' etc.). Seeing that is not legitimately finding out an identity. Basically there is no legitimate way to find out who they are without talking to them. As they should have told you back in Verbobonc, all you really observed were a group of people with a bunch of children. Turns out they were those childrens' rescuers. :shrug:

    This is also an exploit in that you shouldn't be able to take any actions during buffing sequences. If you time it right you generally can, but that's an engine failure. It's technically 'unfair' and hence also illegitimate, strictly speaking.

    That would actually be hilarious - Wilfrick sets up his projector, or maybe whips out his iPad and starts playing videos. ;)

    As for sketches, if you had received those you would generally either be told "here are some sketches of these guys," or you would receive an item (like the various notes in ToEE). So no, you're not really receiving sketches either.

    The usual CRPG limitations are at play here. Our DM is much dumber than most.

    This discussion appears to address both technical and practical issues.

    As for the technical, the way it works is that a global flag is indeed set at some point during dialogue that tells the game "these are the Slavers." Until that happens, they are assumed not to be. That's why not talking to them results in you murdering the rescuers instead. Again, this is for the purpose of preventing you from carrying out an unjustified ambush and still reaping all the rewards. It's 'unfair' gameplay-wise because you've already got tremendous advantages being a real person, and it's reckless within the game world because you can't just go around killing people without consequences.

    In practical terms, I don't think any skill would magically allow you to know their identities ... (except maybe true-seeing or detect evil, now that I think of it). Being intelligent would not make you know they were the Slavers. As for lore, there is no lore mechanic in ToEE and I'm doubtful it would make you know who they were anyway. Tracking is supposed to be just that, not identifying, and it's poorly implemented in ToEE anyway except for its use in avoiding random encounters.

    That said, I do intend to modify the kill-a-character routine to utilize the same mind control thing that Zuggtmoy and Iuz use. That seems more fair - if you resist Tarah, she fails in killing somebody and you go to combat, and if you don't, she kills someone you go to combat. That will incidentally though remove your ability to avoid the discussion altogether.

    The principal idea behind that whole routine is to show you just what you're really up against and take you rather harshly and decisively out of your comfort zone right from the get-go. Does anybody really want another yawner instead?

    For all practical purposes, yes, though in a perfect world (in-game) you would never really have to think that overtly if you just went up to them and talked. e.g. if you show up and talk to them and find out they are the Slavers, they were ostensibly always the Slavers.
  6. Legless

    Legless Established Member

    Nov 14, 2012
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    I still don't buy it, yes I understand the limitations of crpg progamming and a clever pnp DM is far superior, but if these guys are supposed to be rescuing those children, why are they dragging them around with chains through their earlobes?
    I not being argumentative for the hell of it, I'm trying to look at ways to improve further still on a vastly improved gaming experience. Knocking new ideas around is good. Coding in such ideas is probably my worst nightmare
  7. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    No worries - I have no problem with honest discussion.

    As to earlobes, that would indeed be suspicious imo, but enough to conclude they are the ones? Not so much. In a PnP game I imagine that I would have a PC (rogue or ranger) observe their activities for some time to see what the interaction was like. If they mistreated the children and sat around the campfire saying "we are evil to the core!" then okay. Sadly this is not that game.
  8. sirchet

    sirchet Force for Goodness Moderator Supporter

    Dec 6, 2003
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    I still think it's highly unlikely that a party of say, level 11 adventurers are going to be caught by surprise by a group with a dozen children in tow.

    I believe the party would catch wind of the other group and send a scout.

    I guess my question is; Is it to difficult to add the option of legally scouting and confirming their ID's, or does it fall into something that your judgement says it would be generally detrimental to the TOEE experience?

    Mind you, your judgement in these type of matters has been remarkably sound so far Gaear.
  9. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    I don't know that anyone is really surprising anyone else. You just walk up to them and it's like the dialogue says - "What are you doing with these kids" etc.

    Well it would be introducing a new element that I suspect players would expect to have across the board from then on. As to the experience, I think it would be detrimental because players would just verify and attack all the time, and in so doing would skip all the interaction that is supposed to enrich the experience and give these characters some identity and make you hate them and really want to kill them.
  10. sirchet

    sirchet Force for Goodness Moderator Supporter

    Dec 6, 2003
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    I would have to agree with you on that, it's a pebble I don't want to start rolling down the hill. ;)
  11. HeJason

    HeJason JK2 Deity

    Aug 28, 2006
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    They cant arrest me for killing them, They are all alive and part of my crew :thumbsup:

    Attached Files:

  12. gazra_1971

    gazra_1971 Knights of Legend

    Aug 3, 2010
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    lol!!! HeJason, that is SUCH a cool feat that you managed to pull off there! I don't know how your PC managed to dominate the slave trader priest and sorceress - I would have thought that they would both have pretty damn high Will save bonuses. Thanks for posting that screenshot, HeJason. :thumbsup:

    Priceless! :thumbsup: sirchet, have you ever thought of becoming a comedian? (because you should). Some of you long-time Co8 forum members are pretty darn funny! I remember GuardianAngel82, General Ghoul, Gaear and Shiningted being very funny on occasion too.

    That will make the encounter for first-time players as mind-blowing and scary as possible. I'm glad that this is how the encounter will be in future releases of the Co8 modpack NC. My only gripes with the Slave Trader scenario as it stands are:

    1. I don't know why my party needs to be whisked away from Emridy Meadows after winning the combat against the Slave Traders (unless it is because the player can't escort the surviving children back otherwise) because it is annoying to leave all of the slave traders' awesome loot behind on their corpses, and to have to make the trip back to Emridy Meadows in order to loot their corpses.

    2. I wish that the slave traders were repositioned slightly to the southwest of their current positions in order to prevent a game exploit where the player is currently able to move each of his/her characters along the bottom of the map around behind the slave traders in order to get into an unfair position at the start of the encounter with the slave traders (i.e. behind the slave traders so that the player's characters are protecting the children and start the combat right next to the slave trader archer).
  13. HeJason

    HeJason JK2 Deity

    Aug 28, 2006
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    I got lucky with the priest, he rolled a 1 on his saving throw. I dont remember exactly, but I think that was the only possible way for me to dominate him.
  14. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    Yeah, you can't actually add all the kids to your party so leaving them there would be weird.

    We'll see about that.
  15. Nightcanon

    Nightcanon Garrulous Halfling

    May 7, 2012
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    Is optimum positioning before initiating dialogue with the slavers really an exploit? Rule one in a hostage rescue is to secure the hostages, surely? Lawful stupid might lead with "I say! You there with the weapons and the tied up children..." but pretty much anyone else with the capability would look to tip the balance in their favour. I'm not quibbling the rescue party ruse because I appreciate that the intention is to set the fight up in a particular way (with the PCs on the back foot and a man down), but limiting the potential counter-measures against the slavers killing the children ultimately means there are fewer ways to succeed. I have a pretty effective counter-measure that's worked well in the past with a magic-focussed party, but my current set-up is very stealth-orientated and sneaking a few protectors in seems to me to be just what they should be doing.
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