Which File? ToEE3.dat\mes\long_description.mes mention about descriptions, but so does ToEE3.dat\mes\item_effect.mes and unfortunately, so does ToEE.dat\mes\gamedesc.mes
item_effects.mes seems to be not working ( tried to put modified string for staff of striking there and nothing was displayed) gamedesc.mes - not sure where to place it long_description.mes - it seems like best place, BUT it requires script/game code calling function "object_long_description( [in] obj, [in] viewer, [out] desc )" and i think that right this function is never called anywhere. so the only option left is description.mes
But aren't you really editing the Identified NAME of the item? and not really the description? If that's the case, then I have a 400 row file of descriptions extracted from the proto.tab.... It's not great... (uses proto language... as "weapon_enancement_bonus 3") but should be acceptabe for an alpha version.
Hmmm,you're right,it's name. But what else do you want to edit ? There's no separate description shown anywhere else except that small window at the bottom of screen. And all text there is just name + some info built at runtime (AC, max dex mod, etc)
Yeah... Thats why I was looking for where that little text_box is built.. I was able to change the name of MAX DEX BONUS to MAX DEXY BONUS... But fell flat on my face when looking for more.. That text_Box has what looks like scroll bars.....in it....
I tested it right now and it seems like the only place that matters is "description.mes". I put strings in each desc files (item_efects, gamedesc,.... ) and only string from description.mes was displayed. Yes, that textbox has scrollbar BUT if you put in a looong name, it will not scroll but overflow.
We should add a library of item information into the in-game help. They don't have to be linked to the items themselves, though it would be a plus if they appeared as links in the 20-sided die right after you identify them. In any case, it'd be pretty cool to add a library of 'arcane artifacts' and 'magical craft' into the library for quick reference. I don't think that's too hard to do.
If someone could give me a complete list of all the items in question (I haven't looked at deciphering it myself yet), I'd be happy to add it to the in-game help. I think I now understand completely how the in-game help file works, and I'm actually planning on starting work on an "easy to use" editor when I get home tonight.
This is what we need - more nice editing tools If you get the help file editor, brokenblade gets a dialogue editor, I'm actually getting really close to a full-featured protos.tab editor, and we all release them WITH SOURCE that'd be _very_ useful for everyone in the group...
Heh,I wanted to start work on proto editor tomorrow, but unfortunately i'm quite busy with real-life work so it is great you're making one
I've been very spoiled recently using C#, so I think I might write it in C#. This means people running older OS's than XP would have to download the .NET runtimes, but they're available from M$. If that's a big deal, I suppose I could write it in Java (would look crappier) or C++ (would take a little longer to develop I think).. In any event, I have no problems making it open source. Have you guys thought about creating a sourceforge project yet?
{4057}{Dagger +2 ~|~ To Hit Bonus +2; Damage Bonus +2} AARGH!! This doesn;t work as expected. This is the name of the item.... It can't also be the description! By overloading it like this, we've done away with the need for the identify spell all together. Either that or I did something wrong in the format of the file... File is attached.