Yeah, there was something obviously extra-goofy about that scenario, so stability issues associated with it are probably not terribly meaningful overall. In the big picture, I suppose that the more mobs you have involved in a combat, the more system-taxing it is, just due to normal factors like each of them needing to plot routes and consider blocked tiles and distances and all that. However, having more than 32 combatants available should in itself not complicate matters beyond that. In fact, deactivating them may be something of a failsafe. There are numerous battles already where this is the case that have no issues associated with them - the third AoH battle for instance. Correct. It calls on an inactive mob. I'm not sure how it determines which; almost all combat-related routines in ToEE are hard-coded. Don't really know ... it could be initiative-related or nearest to an enemy or something like that. It's probably similar to how ToEE will enter concealed combatants into the queue (think Welkwood Bog goblins), or enemies who were out of range but became in-range as battle progressed and terrain opened up. Maybe ... but I suspect they only try to get in once per round. Again, I'm doubtful that there are really any issues associated with it at all. NWN2 and ToEE are probably nothing alike as far as this goes, based on the 2D/3D difference. ToEE has an invisible 2D combat grid based on tiles. I'm not sure what NWN2 does but it would seem to need to be 3D.
Yes NWN2 doesn't have an actual combat area, any surface with a walk mesh is fair game for a spawn. Anywho ... just wanted to share my thoughts on the matter with you experts.
Hi, Well, there is a fast-travel spawn area at the Welcome Wench. Incidentally, there is also one at the church. I have no idea if these could be a factor for JS, or if the possibility has been discussed previously (apologies if I'm beating a dead horse here). Just my $.02.
A new instance of jerk stop for me. I just returned to Hommlet in the evening after setting up the WotGS. I used the sign post to travel to the Town Elder, and I've got jerk stop even before the war proper starts. I just installed 7.3.3. today, but I don't think that's what's doing it.
You mean you were playing 7.3.0 and only applied the 7.3.3 patch today, coincidentally at the same time you started WotGS? Did you have any JS before that?
Yes, I was using 7.3.1 until today. I saw a hint of jerkstop earlier in the day (also around the Town Elder), but it went away after I entered the building and came back out. I saved out and quit when it hit yesterday (so I could report here; I still have that alt-tab issue where the game will only display in the extreme upper left corner on returning).
I'm happy to report my first jerkstop-free play through of the WotGS (aside from that spate just before the start). After each combat, I entered a building whether I needed to or not, and then moved to the next area. I did notice that switching to 7.3.3 seemed to clean out my extra-dimensional chests, but given the WotGS working, I'm calling it worth it.
Had you had any jerkstop at all previously with this game? I mean from the start of the game until WotGS. And had you had jerkstop during the earlier game (start to WotGS) with prior versions? What I'm basically getting at is this: if you had jerkstop before in the earlier stages of the game with an earlier version of the modpack, was it now gone with v7.3.x? The 7.3.1 vs. 7.3.2 vs. 7.3.3 thing is pretty irrelevent - they are all the same as far as jerkstop measures go. What's significant is 7.3.x vs. any prior version like 7.2.x, 7.1.x, 6.1.x, etc.
Only that suprising bit before seeing the old man and Ariakas. When I reloaded, it was still there, but cleared after I entered and left a building. That's what gave me the idea to go in and out of buildings constantly. I also avoided using my extra-dimensional chests outside. This entire play through has been 7.3.x, but I don't remember having jerkstop trouble outside of the WotGS under any previous version. Lag (fire node especially) yes, jerkstop no.
Maybe this has something to do with Jerkstop. Assuming you re-implement again 'pathfinding' at Hommlet may render you some answers.
Just started my first play through with 7.5.0 Useing 5 pc setting in options. So far cleared the top floor of the moat house as expected no problems.
I'm playing 7.5.0 NC with a Lawful Good party of 3 PCs and 5 NPCs. I experienced jerkstop when running my party around Hommlet after either exiting the Church of St. Cuthbert or using the world map to travel to North Hommlet (I think that it was using the world map to travel to North Hommlet, but I'm not certain). I loaded my last game save before the jerkstop happened in order to stop my game from being permanently infected with jerkstop at Hommlet - so far, it has worked (i.e. I haven't experienced jerkstop around Hommlet since that once instance). I experienced chronic lag while exploring the southern half of The Temple of Elemental Evil dungeon level 2. This lag is as bad as I have ever experienced it on dungeon level 2 (lag up to approximately 10 seconds), but I used to experience lag that bad only in the Fire Temple room with all of the Flame Brothers and the 2 Noble Salamanders. The lag was worst while my party was running along the corridor in between the Water Temple and the Air Temple. I haven't cleared dungeon level 2 of all mobs yet (in fact, I've done the reactive Air Temple, but not the reactive Water Temple and not the reactive Fire Temple yet). I noticed that after I left dungeon level 2 and came back to dungeon level 2, I no longer experienced any lag when running around dungeon level 2 (so lag on dungeon level 2 seems to only occur the first time that the player is exploring the southern half of that map). I'll report again as soon as I have done 'The War of the Golden Skull: Defender'.
I was getting quite bad lags on ToEE level 4 just after I killed the last bad guy (twice). The game was freezing for several minutes at a time, with the system not responding to ALT-TAB and very slow to respond to CTRL-ALT-DEL. It eventually came back to life, and I have moved on.
I think the various funguses at the north end of Temple level 4 must also have some problematic particle effects that need to be dealt with as well. gazra, your report is very odd in that other people have reported much better experiences on Temple level 2 now. Also north Hommlet jerkstop is very odd (and heretofore unreported for 7.5). I'm very curious to know about your further south Hommlet experiences though - the 'traditional' location.